
A PHP Wrapper for The Internet Movie Database API

1.12 2021-08-20 14:17 UTC


Latest Stable Version Build Status Code Coverage Scrutinizer Code Quality License

Packagist PHP Version Support Tested on PHP 7.1 to 8.0

Tmdb is a PHP wrapper for The Movie Database API V3.

Table of contents

  1. Features
  2. Installation
  3. Basic usage
  4. Usage
    1. Getting a TMDB instance
    2. Movie
    3. TV Show
    4. Collection
    5. People
    6. Company
    7. Find by an external ID
    8. Authentication
    9. Media Helper
  5. Unit tests
  6. About


Features actualy supported :

  • Search
    • Movie
    • TV Show
    • Collection
    • Company
  • Getting informations
    • Movie
    • TV Show
    • Collection
    • Company
    • Genres
    • TV Network
  • Account
    • Authentification
    • Movies / TV Shows rating
    • Movies / TV Shows favorites
    • Movies / TV Shows watchlist
  • Media
  • Genres
  • Jobs
  • Find
    • IMDb
    • TheTVDb
    • TVRage
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Instagram



  • Tmdb works with PHP 7.1 and higher
  • TheMovieDatabase API key


Install the lastest version with

$ composer require vfalies/tmdb

Basic Usage


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use VfacTmdb\Factory;
use VfacTmdb\Search;
use VfacTmdb\Item;

// Initialize Wrapper
$tmdb = Factory::create()->getTmdb('your_api_key');

// Search a movie
$search    = new Search($tmdb);
$responses = $search->movie('star wars');

// Get all results
foreach ($responses as $response)
    echo $response->getTitle();

// Get movie information
$item  = new Item($tmdb);
$infos = $item->getMovie(11, array('language' => 'fr-FR'));

echo $infos->getTitle();


Getting a TMDB instance

TMDB is the main class of the library. It has two dependencies :

Using the Factory

It is the easiest way to load TMDB

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use VfacTmdb\Factory;

$tmdb = Factory::create()->getTmdb('your_api_key');

In a Slim application

If your application is built with Slim, you can add TMDB in your dependencies and inject Slim's Monolog instance into it. Just add this in dependencies.php

$container['tmdb'] = function ($c) {
    $api_key = $c->get('settings')['tmdb']['api_key'];
    $tmdb = new \vfalies\tmdb\Tmdb($api_key, $c->logger);

In this example, API key is declared in settings.php

return [
    'settings' = [
        'tmdb' = [
            'api_key' = 'your_api_key';

Do it yourself

Convenient if you need too inject your own dependencies. In the example below, we inject Monolog configured to write logs on standards output.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use VfacTmdb\Tmdb;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;

$logger = new Logger('default', [new StreamHandler('php://stdout')])

$tmdb = Tmdb('your_api_key', $logger);


Search a movie

$search    = new Search($tmdb);
$responses = $search->movie('star wars');

The search returns Generator object of Result\Movie object.

See demo

Get a movie

$item  = new Item($tmdb);
$movie = $item->getMovie($movie_id);

echo $movie->getTitle();

The getter returns a Movie object.

See demo

TV Show

Search a TV Show

$search    = new Search($tmdb);
$responses = $search->tvshow('game of thrones');

The search returns Generator object of Result\TVShow object.

See demo

Get a TV Show

$item   = new Item($tmdb);
$tvshow = $item->getTVShow($tvshow_id);

echo $tvshow->getTitle();

The getter returns a TVShow object.

See demo

Get a TV Season

$item     = new Item($tmdb);
$tvseason = $item->getTVSeason($tvshow_id, $season_number);

echo $tvseason->getName();

The getter returns a TVSeason object.

Get a TV Episode

$item      = new Item($tmdb);
$tvepisode = $item->getTVEpisode($tvshow_id, $season_number, $episode_number);

echo $tvepisode->getName();

The getter returns a TVEpisode object.


Search a Collection

$search    = new Search($tmdb);
$responses = $search->collection('alien');

The search returns Generator object of Result\Collection object.

See demo

Get a Collection

$item       = new Item($tmdb);
$collection = $item->getCollection($collection_id);

echo $collection->getName();

The getter returns a Collection object.

See demo


Search a People

$search    = new Search($tmdb);
$responses = $search->people('alec baldwin');

The search returns Generator object of Result\People object.

See demo

Get a People

$item   = new Item($tmdb);
$people = $item->getPeople($people_id);

echo $people->getName();

The getter returns a People object.

See demo


Search a company

$search    = new Search($tmdb);
$responses = $search->company('lucasfilms');

The search returns Generator object of Result\Company object.

See demo

Get a Company

$item   = new Item($tmdb);
$company = $item->getCompany($company_id);

echo $company->getName();

The getter returns a Company object.

See demo

Find by an external ID

$find = new Find($tmdb);
$responses = $find->imdb('tt0076759');

The find method makes it easy to search for objects in TMDb database by an external id.

Each sources has his proper methods: imdb, tvdb, tvrage, facebook, twitter, instagram.

The find returns a Result\Find object. Each types of objects can be getted by a specific method. The returns is a Generator object of Result\[expected type] object.

$movies = $responses->getMovies();
$title  = $movies->current()->getTitle();

The supported external sources for each object are as follows.


The connection to your account is in 3 steps:

  • Getting a request token
  • Connection to TMDb website
  • Create a session

Getting a request token

$tmdb = Factory::create()->getTmdb('your_api_key');

$Auth = new Auth($tmdb);
echo $Auth->getRequestToken();

Connect to TMDb website

$tmdb = Factory::create()->getTmdb('your_api_key');

$Auth = new Auth($tmdb);

This call redirect the page to TMDb website login page for identification and authorisations. By default, after the connection, the user stay on TMDb website. To redirect to your website after the connection, use the following code:

$tmdb = Factory::create()->getTmdb('your_api_key');

$Auth = new Auth($tmdb);
$Auth->connect($_POST['request_token'], 'http://your_url');

Create a session

To use all account methods, we must use a valid session.

$tmdb = Factory::create()->getTmdb('62dfe9839b8937e595e325a4144702ad');

$Auth = new Auth($tmdb);
echo $Auth->createSession($_POST['request_token']);

Media Helper

All media informations delivered by the library are relative pathfile.

To get a valid media URL, use the Media class to generate the URL and check the media size

$media = new Media($tmdb);
$url = $media->getPosterUrl('/AbJBXaVPrdXROwb8KmgWUPU2XJX.jpg');

The following type of media are supported :

  • Backdrop
  • Poster
  • Logo
  • Profile
  • Still

Unit Testing

You can run the unit test suites using the following command in the library's source directory:

$ make test


Submitting bugs and feature requests

Bugs and feature request are tracked on GitHub


Vincent Faliès - vincent@vfac.fr


VfacTmdb is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details