
Borica 3DS payments gateway

3.0.0 2025-02-14 15:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 12:42:23 UTC



  • PHP >= 5.6 (including 8.2)
  • ext-mbstring
  • ext-openssl
  • ext-curl
  • ext-json


version Supported signing schemas Default signing schema
composer require veneliniliev/borica-3ds

For more methods, read api documentation.


Generate private key

# Production key
openssl genrsa -out production.key -aes256 2048
# Development key
openssl genrsa -out development.key -aes256 2048

Generate CSR

IMPORTANT: in Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) enter your terminal ID and in Common Name (eg, fully qualified host name) enter your domain name.

# Production csr
openssl req -new -key production.key -out VNNNNNNN_YYYYMMDD_P.csr
# Development csr
openssl req -new -key development.key -out VNNNNNNN_YYYYMMDD_D.csr

Имената на файловете се създават по следната конвенция: VNNNNNNN_YYYYMMDD_T, където:

  • VNNNNNNN – TID на терминала, предоставен от Финансовата Институция
  • YYYYMMDD – дата на заявка
  • T – тип на искания сертификат, значения – D – за development среда, Р – за продукционна среда


IMPORTANT: Switch signing schema MAC_EXTENDED / MAC_ADVANCED / MAC_GENERAL with methods:

$saleRequest->setSigningSchemaMacGeneral(); // use MAC_GENERAL
$saleRequest->setSigningSchemaMacExtended(); // use MAC_EXTENDED
$saleRequest->setSigningSchemaMacAdvanced(); // use MAC_ADVANCED

Default signing schema is MAC_GENERAL!

Sale request

use VenelinIliev\Borica3ds\SaleRequest;
// ...
$saleRequest = (new SaleRequest())
    ->setMerchantUrl('') // optional
    ->setTerminalID('<TID - V*******>')
    ->setMerchantId('<MID - 15 chars>')
    ->setPrivateKey('\<path to certificate.key>', '<password / or use method from bottom>')
    ->setMInfo(array( // Mandatory cardholderName and ( email or MobilePhone )
        'cardholderName'=>'CARDHOLDER NAME', // Max 45 chars
        'mobilePhone'=> array( 
            'cc'=>'359', // Country code
            'subscriber'=>'8939999888', // Subscriber number
        'threeDSRequestorChallengeInd'=>'04', //  Optional for Additional Authentication
    //->setSigningSchemaMacGeneral(); // use MAC_GENERAL
    //->setSigningSchemaMacExtended(); // use MAC_EXTENDED
    //->setSigningSchemaMacAdvanced(); // use MAC_ADVANCED

$formHtml = $saleRequest->generateForm(); // only generate hidden html form with filled inputs 
// OR
$saleRequest->send(); // generate and send form with js 

Sale response

Catch response from borica on BACKREF url

use VenelinIliev\Borica3ds\SaleResponse;
// ....
$isSuccessfulPayment = (new SaleResponse())
            ->setPublicKey('<path to public certificate.cer>')
            ->setResponseData($_POST) //Set POST data from borica response
            //->setSigningSchemaMacGeneral(); // use MAC_GENERAL
            //->setSigningSchemaMacExtended(); // use MAC_EXTENDED
            //->setSigningSchemaMacAdvanced(); // use MAC_ADVANCED

Get response code

use VenelinIliev\Borica3ds\SaleResponse;
// ...
$saleResponse= (new SaleResponse())
               ->setPublicKey('<path to public certificate.cer>')
               //->setSigningSchemaMacGeneral(); // use MAC_GENERAL
               //->setSigningSchemaMacExtended(); // use MAC_EXTENDED
               //->setSigningSchemaMacAdvanced(); // use MAC_ADVANCED

// ...
// automatic fill data from $_POST or can be set by ->setResponseData(<array>)
// ...

$saleResponse->getResponseCode(); // return RC from response
$saleResponse->getVerifiedData('<key from post request ex: RC>'); // return verified data from post by key
$saleResponse->isSuccessful(); // RC === 00 and data is verified

Response codes table

00 Sucessfull
=> Timeout
"01" Refer to card issuer
"04" Pick Up
"05" Do not Honour
"13" Invalid amount
"30" Format error
"65" Soft Decline
"91" Issuer or switch is inoperative
"96" System Malfunction

Transaction status check

 use VenelinIliev\Borica3ds\Enums\TransactionType;
 use VenelinIliev\Borica3ds\StatusCheckRequest;
 // ...
 $statusCheckRequest = (new StatusCheckRequest())
    ->setPrivateKey('\<path to certificate.key>', '<password / or use method from bottom>')
    ->setPublicKey('<path to public certificate.cer>')
    ->setTerminalID('<TID - V*******>')
    ->setOriginalTransactionType(TransactionType::SALE()) // transaction type
    //->setSigningSchemaMacGeneral(); // use MAC_GENERAL
    //->setSigningSchemaMacExtended(); // use MAC_EXTENDED
    //->setSigningSchemaMacAdvanced(); // use MAC_ADVANCED

//send to borica
$statusCheckResponse = $statusCheckRequest->send();
// get data from borica response
$verifiedResponseData = $statusCheckResponse->getResponseData();

// get field from borica response
$statusCheckResponse->getVerifiedData('<field from response. ex: ACTION');

Reversal request

 use VenelinIliev\Borica3ds\ReversalRequest;
 // ...
 $reversalRequest = (new ReversalRequest())
        ->setPrivateKey('\<path to certificate.key>', '<password / or use method from bottom>')
        ->setPublicKey('<path to public certificate.cer>')
        ->setTerminalID('<TID - V*******>')
        ->setDescription('test reversal')
        ->setMerchantId('<MID - 15 chars>')
        ->setRrn('<RRN - Original transaction reference (From the sale response data)>')
        ->setIntRef('<INT_REF - Internal reference (From the sale response data)>')
        //->setSigningSchemaMacGeneral(); // use MAC_GENERAL
        //->setSigningSchemaMacExtended(); // use MAC_EXTENDED
        //->setSigningSchemaMacAdvanced(); // use MAC_ADVANCED
//send reversal request to borica
$reversalRequestResponse = $reversalRequest->send();

// get data from borica reversal response
$verifiedResponseData = $reversalRequestResponse->getResponseData();

// get field from borica reversal response


You can also send pre-authorisation requests like this

use VenelinIliev\Borica3ds\PreAuthorisationRequest;
// ...
$preAuthorisationRequest = (new PreAuthorisationRequest())
    ->setMerchantUrl('') // optional
    ->setTerminalID('<TID - V*******>')
    ->setMerchantId('<MID - 15 chars>')
    ->setPrivateKey('\<path to certificate.key>', '<password / or use method from bottom>')
    ->setMInfo(array( // Mandatory cardholderName and ( email or MobilePhone )
        'cardholderName'=>'CARDHOLDER NAME', // Max 45 chars
        'mobilePhone'=> array( 
            'cc'=>'359', // Country code
            'subscriber'=>'8939999888', // Subscriber number
        'threeDSRequestorChallengeInd'=>'04', //  Optional for Additional Authentication
    //->setSigningSchemaMacGeneral(); // use MAC_GENERAL
    //->setSigningSchemaMacExtended(); // use MAC_EXTENDED
    //->setSigningSchemaMacAdvanced(); // use MAC_ADVANCED

$formHtml = $preAuthorisationRequest->generateForm(); // only generate hidden html form with filled inputs 
// OR
$preAuthorisationRequest->send(); // generate and send form with js 

Pre-authorisation completion

After successful pre-authorisation in 30 days you can make only successful/failed completion.

 $response = (new PreAuthorisationCompletionRequest())
    ->setPrivateKey('\<path to certificate.key>', '<password / or use method from bottom>')
    ->setPublicKey('<path to public certificate.cer>')
    ->setTerminalID('<TID - V*******>')
    ->setDescription('test reversal')
    ->setMerchantId('<MID - 15 chars>')
    ->setRrn('<RRN - Original transaction reference (From the sale response data)>')
    ->setIntRef('<INT_REF - Internal reference (From the sale response data)>')
    //->setSigningSchemaMacGeneral(); // use MAC_GENERAL
    //->setSigningSchemaMacExtended(); // use MAC_EXTENDED
    //->setSigningSchemaMacAdvanced(); // use MAC_ADVANCED

$isSuccessful = $response->getVerifiedData('ACTION') === Action::SUCCESS &&

Pre-authorisation reversal

The pre-authorisation reversal request is almost the same as completion request. But this request require the amount to be the same as the amount of the pre-authorisation.

$response = (new PreAuthorisationReversalRequest())
    ->setPrivateKey('\<path to certificate.key>', '<password / or use method from bottom>')
    ->setPublicKey('<path to public certificate.cer>')
    ->setTerminalID('<TID - V*******>')
    ->setDescription('test reversal')
    ->setMerchantId('<MID - 15 chars>')
    ->setRrn('<RRN - Original transaction reference (From the sale response data)>')
    ->setIntRef('<INT_REF - Internal reference (From the sale response data)>')
    //->setSigningSchemaMacGeneral(); // use MAC_GENERAL
    //->setSigningSchemaMacExtended(); // use MAC_EXTENDED
    //->setSigningSchemaMacAdvanced(); // use MAC_ADVANCED

$isSuccessful = $response->getVerifiedData('ACTION') === Action::SUCCESS &&

Determine the response

You can use the determineResponse() get the instance of correct response class. If you do not provide an array with data it will take the data from $_POST.

$boricaResponse = (Response::determineResponse())


Set environments

Default environment is production!

$saleRequest->setEnvironment(true); // set to production
$saleRequest->setEnvironment(false); // set to development
$saleRequest->inDevelopment(); // set to development
$saleRequest->inProduction(); // set to production

$saleRequest->isProduction(); // check is production environment?
$saleRequest->isDevelopment(); // check is development environment?

Configure language

The library supports setting the language for the user payment form. Use the setLang method to set a specific language based on the enum VenelinIliev\Borica3ds\Enums\Language. Supported languages are Bulgarian (BG) and English (EN).

use VenelinIliev\Borica3ds\SaleRequest;
use VenelinIliev\Borica3ds\Enums\Language;

$saleRequest = (new SaleRequest())
    ->setAmount(100.50) // Transaction amount.
    ->setOrder('123456') // Unique order number.
    ->setDescription('Test product purchase') // Order description.
    ->setTerminalID('<TID - V*******>') // Terminal ID.
    ->setMerchantId('<MID - 15 chars>') // Merchant ID.
    ->setPrivateKey('<path to private key>', '<password>')
    ->setLang(Language::EN()); // Set transaction language to English.

// Alternatively, set the language to Bulgarian.

If an invalid language code is provided, the library will throw a ParameterValidationException.

Example with an invalid language code:

$saleRequest->setLang('DE'); // Throws exception because 'DE' is not supported.

Using setLang ensures that users are presented with a language-specific payment form, delivering a more user-friendly experience.

Credit cards for testing


Тип на карта Номер на карта (PAN) Реакция на APGW / Reponse code Response Code Описание Изисква тестов ACS
Mastecard 5100770000000022 Response code = 00 Successfully completed Не
Mastecard 5555000000070019 Response code = 04 Pick Up Не
Mastecard 5555000000070027 Системата се забавя 30 сек. за авторизация, Response code = 13 Invalid amount Не
Mastecard 5555000000070035 Timeout, Response code = 91 Issuer or switch is inoperative Не
Visa 4341792000000044 Response code = 00 Това е пълен тест с автентификация от тестов Visa ACS и авторизация. Successfully Completed Да, паролата е 111111

Карти, за които се получава съответен резултат при транзакция според сумата

Тип на карта Номер на карта (PAN) Реакция на APGW / RC Изисква тестов ACS
Visa 4010119999999897 Зависи от сумата. Виж таблицата по-долу. Не
Mastecard 5100789999999895 Да, паролата е 111111
Сума от Сума до Реакция на APGW / Reponse code RC Описание Коментар
1.00 1.99 01 Refer to card issuer
2.00 2.99 04 Pick Up
3.00 3.99 05 Do not Honour
4.00 4.99 13 Invalid amount Response after 30 sec
5.00 5.99 30 Format error
6.00 6.99 91 Issuer or switch is inoperative
7.00 7.99 96 System Malfunction
8.00 8.99 Timeout
30.00 40.00 01 Refer to card issuer
50.00 70.00 04 Pick Up
80.00 90.00 05 Do not Honour
100.00 110.00 13 Invalid amount Response after 30 sec
120.00 130.00 30 Format error
140.00 150.00 91 Issuer or switch is inoperative
160.00 170.00 96 System Malfunction
180.00 190.00 Timeout


  • laravel integration