
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the treffynnon/command-wrap package instead.

Wraps command line access into a builder and provides argument escaping

v1.0.0 2016-03-14 03:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 12:56:25 UTC


A PHP library to wrap the command line/terminal/shell. It provides a clean builder that escapes arguments and commands - you can extract a command string to run as you please or pass the builder to a runner.


composer require treffynnon/command-wrap


$bld = new Builder();
$bld->addEnvVar('JAVA_BIN', '/usr/bin/java')
    ->addEnvVar('TMP_DIR', '/tmp')
    ->addFlag('t', 'xml')
    ->addArgument('results-log', '/tmp/results.log')
    ->addRaw('> /dev/null 2>&1');
$sp = new SymfonyProcess();
$response = $sp->run($bld);
// JAVA_BIN='/usr/bin/java' TMP_DIR='/tmp' foo -f -t='xml' src/ --verbose --results-log='/tmp/results.log' > /dev/null 2>&1

Using a callback to process output

Each line of the command's output can be processed by a callback/anonymous/lambda function. You can of course pass in a closure too!

$bld = new Builder();
$bld->addEnvVar('JAVA_BIN', '/usr/bin/java')
    ->addEnvVar('TMP_DIR', '/tmp')
    ->addFlag('t', 'xml')
    ->addArgument('results-log', '/tmp/results.log')
    ->addRaw('> /dev/null 2>&1');
$sp = new SymfonyProcess();
$response = $sp->run($bld, function ($line) {
    return str_replace("\t", '    ', $line);
// JAVA_BIN='/usr/bin/java' TMP_DIR='/tmp' foo -f -t='xml' src/ --verbose --results-log='/tmp/results.log' > /dev/null 2>&1

This would replace all tabs with four (4) spaces in each line of output from the command. Note that the new value must be returned from your lambda.

You can then get the output in the usual way by calling $response->getOutput().

If you want to have updates in real time from long running command then you need to use the SymfonyProcess runner and log/echo from your custom callback function.

$response = $sp->run($bld, function ($line) use ($logger) {
    $logger->push("New line added: $line");
    return str_replace("\t", '    ', $line);

Getting a command as a string

$bld = new Builder();
$bld->addEnvVar('JAVA_BIN', '/usr/bin/java')
    ->addEnvVar('TMP_DIR', '/tmp')
    ->addFlag('t', 'xml')
    ->addArgument('results-log', '/tmp/results.log')
    ->addRaw('> /dev/null 2>&1');
$cmd = $bld->getCommandAssembler()
// JAVA_BIN='/usr/bin/java' TMP_DIR='/tmp' foo -f -t='xml' src/ --verbose --results-log='/tmp/results.log' > /dev/null 2>&1

Available command line types

Type Builder method Example final output
Command addCommand('ls'); ls
Flag addFlag('-t'); -t
Flag addFlag('-t', '/tmp'); -t='/tmp'
Argument addArgument('results'); --results
Argument addArgument('results', '/tmp/results.log'); --results='/tmp/results.log'
Parameter addParameter('parameter'); 'parameter'
EnvVar addEnvVar('MY_ENV_VAR', 'value'); MY_ENV_VAR='value'
Raw addRaw('> /dev/null 2>&1') > /dev/null 2>&1

Note: As the name implies Raw does not perform any escaping - use with appropriate caution.

Available runners

  • Symfony Process (Treffynnon\CommandWrap\Runners\SymfonyProcess) recommended
  • exec() (Treffynnon\CommandWrap\Runners\Exec)
  • passthru() (Treffynnon\CommandWrap\Runners\Passthru)
  • system() (Treffynnon\CommandWrap\Runners\System)

By implementing Treffynnon\CommandWrap\Runners\RunnerInterface you can also provide your own custom runner.

When a command is executed via a runner it will return an instance of \Treffynnon\CommandWrap\Response containing the response from STDOUT and STDERR if available.

Command combinators

POSIX commands can be combined with a few characters such as:

  • && (Treffynnon\CommandWrap\Combinators\AndAnd)
  • | (Treffynnon\CommandWrap\Combinators\Pipe)
  • ; (Treffynnon\CommandWrap\Combinators\Semicolon)

These have been wrapped up into objects that you can use to combine commands/builders. You can also combine combinators too!

$combinator = new AndAnd(
$combinator2 = new Semicolon(

These can then be passed to a runner just like any builder can be:

$Exec = new Exec();

Command assemblers

When a command is being converted into a string an assembler will be used by default it will use the ChronoAssembler, but you can also use OrderedAssembler or even provide your own by implementing AssemblerInterface.

ChronoAssembler compiles a command in the order it was added to the builder (chronologically). OrderedAssembler combines into a specified order - see the class for details.

To specify the assembler to use you provide an instance of it to the Builder object.

$bld = new Builder(new OrderedAssembler());
$bld->addEnvVar('JAVA_BIN', '/usr/bin/java')
    ->addFlag('t', 'xml')
    ->addArgument('results-log', '/tmp/results.log');

Custom command collection

It is also possible to provide your own command collection class as the second parameter to your Builder instance.

$bld = new Builder(new ChronoAssembler(), new MyCommandCollection());
$bld->addEnvVar('JAVA_BIN', '/usr/bin/java')
    ->addFlag('t', 'xml')
    ->addArgument('results-log', '/tmp/results.log');

Again implement the CommandCollectionInterface.


Unit testing is completed with phpspec, integration testing with phpunit and the code is also linted with php -l, phpcs and phpcpd. To run the tests you can use the following composer command:

composer test


BSD 3 clause licence - see