
A powerful Livewire data table package. A great choice for projects that require a data table solution.


A powerful Livewire data table package. A great choice for projects that require a data table solution.

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For a complete demonstration see the Electric Grid Demo repository.


  1. Easy Installation: Use a simple command for installation and package updates.

  2. Columns: Add columns to your grid with various options including sortable, styleable, exportable and visible.

  3. Filters: Supports text, number, select, multiselect, boolean, timepicker, datepicker, and datetimepicker.

  4. Mass Actions: Provides the capability to execute operations on multiple rows of data simultaneously.

  5. Table Exports: Tables can be exported in various formats including xlsx, csv, pdf, and html out of the box.

  6. Search Input: You can enable search functionality by specifying the columns you wish to search.

  7. Letter Search: This feature allows you to search data based on specific letters in the specified columns.

  8. Toggleable Columns: Hide or show columns useful for focusing on the most relevant data.

  9. Themes: Uses a single blade template under 230 lines of html making it super easy to theme.

  10. Testing: Provides a command for running tests to ensure everything works as expected.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require tomshaw/electricgrid

Run the installation command.

php artisan electricgrid:install

Run the update command for package updates:

php artisan electricgrid:update

Make sure to add the styles and scripts directives to your layout.

@vite(['resources/css/app.css', 'resources/js/app.js'])


Add the component to your blade template where you plan to use it.

Here the namespace is App\Livewire\Tables and the component name is OrdersTable.

<livewire:tables.orders-table />


The Builder Method.

Populating your table is done by using the builder method.

The builder method must return an instance of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use TomShaw\ElectricGrid\Component;
use App\Models\Order;

class OrdersTable extends Component
    public array $computedColumns = ['posts_count'];
    public function builder(): Builder
        return User::with(['roles', 'profile'])->withCount('posts');

Adding Columns.

Use Columns to present data in your grid.

use TomShaw\ElectricGrid\{Component, Column};
use NumberFormatter;

class OrdersTable extends Component
    public function columns(): array
        $numberFormat = new NumberFormatter('en_US', NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);

        return [
            Column::add('id', 'ID')
                ->stylable('text-center w-20')

            Column::add('name', 'Customer')
                ->callback(function (Model $model) {
                    return view('livewire.tables.users-customer', ['model' => $model]);

            Column::add('status', 'Status')
                ->callback(function (Order $order) {
                    return OrderStatus::from($order->status)->name();

            Column::add('total', 'Total')
                ->callback(fn (Order $order) => $numberFormat->formatCurrency($order->total, 'USD'))

            Column::add('invoiced', 'Invoiced')
                ->callback(fn (Order $order) => $order->invoiced ? 'Yes' : 'No')

            Column::add('created_at', 'Created At')
                ->callback(fn (Order $order) => Carbon::parse($order->created_at)->format('F j, Y, g:i a'))

            Column::add('updated_at', 'Updated At')
                ->callback(fn (Order $order) => Carbon::parse($order->updated_at)->format('F j, Y, g:i a'))


Column Filters.

Filters allow you to filter data displayed in the grid.

Data attributes can be added to filters using the addDataAttribute method.

use TomShaw\ElectricGrid\{Component, Column, Filter};
use App\Enums\OrderStatus;

class OrdersTable extends Component
    public function filters(): array
        return [
            Filter::number('id')->placeholders('Min', 'Max'),
            Filter::number('total')->placeholders('Min Total', 'Max Total'),
            Filter::boolean('invoiced')->labels('Yes', 'No'),
            Filter::datepicker('created_at')->addDataAttribute('format', 'H:i'),


This creates a number filter for the 'id' field.

  • placeholders('Min', 'Max'): Sets the placeholder text for the minimum and maximum input fields.


This creates a text filter for the 'name' field.

  • placeholder('Customer'): Sets the placeholder text for the input field.


This creates a select filter for the 'status' field.

  • options(OrderStatus::toOptions()): Sets the options for the select field using the toOptions method of the OrderStatus class.


This creates a number filter for the 'total' field.

  • placeholders('Min Total', 'Max Total'): Sets the placeholder text for the minimum and maximum input fields.


This creates a boolean filter for the 'invoiced' field.

  • labels('Yes', 'No'): Sets the labels for the true and false values.


This creates a date picker filter for the 'created_at' field.

  • addDataAttribute('format', 'H:i'): Sets a data attribute for the date picker. In this case, it's used to set the date format.


This creates a datetime picker filter for the 'updated_at' field. The datetime picker uses the user's local date and time format.

Filter Column Types

Filters should be used with the appropriate database column types.

  • text: VARCHAR or TEXT
  • number: INT, FLOAT, DOUBLE, or DECIMAL
  • select: Any type, as long as the value is a set of options
  • multiselect: Any type, as long as the value is a set of options
  • boolean: TINYINT(1), where 0 is false and 1 is true
  • timepicker: TIME
  • datepicker: DATE
  • datetimepicker: DATETIME

Mass Actions.

Mass or bulk actions provide the capability to execute operations on multiple rows of data simultaneously.

You can group actions together using the group and groupBy helper methods.

use TomShaw\ElectricGrid\{Component, Column, Filter, Action};
use App\Enums\OrderStatus;

class OrdersTable extends Component
    public bool $showCheckbox = true;

    public function actions(): array
        return [
            Action::make('approved', 'Mark Approved')
                ->group('Status Options')
                ->callback(fn ($status, $selected) => $this->updateStatusHandler($status, $selected)),

            Action::make('completed', 'Mark Completed')
                ->group('Status Options')
                ->callback(fn ($status, $selected) => $this->updateStatusHandler($status, $selected)),

            Action::make('cancelled', 'Mark Canceled')
                ->group('Status Options')
                ->callback(fn ($status, $selected) => $this->updateStatusHandler($status, $selected)),

    public function updateStatusHandler(string $status, array $selectedItems)
        $status = OrderStatus::fromName($status);

        foreach ($selectedItems as $index => $orderId) {
            event(new OrderStatusEvent($status->value, $orderId));

Table Exports.

Tables can be exported in the following formats xlsx, csv, pdf, html. The type of export is decided by Extension-based format determination. If you supply a file name of SalesOrders.xlsx an Excel spreadsheet will be generated.

use TomShaw\ElectricGrid\{Component, Column, Filter, Action};
use App\Enums\OrderStatus;

class OrdersTable extends Component
    public bool $showCheckbox = true;

    public function actions(): array
        return [
            Action::groupBy('Export Options', function () {
                return [
                    Action::make('csv', 'Export CSV')->export('SalesOrders.csv'),
                    Action::make('pdf', 'Export PDF')->export('SalesOrders.pdf'),
                    Action::make('html', 'Export HTML')->export('SalesOrders.html'),
                    Action::make('xlsx', 'Export XLSX')->export('SalesOrders.xlsx'),

Custom Excel Exports

Excel exports can be customized with specific styles and column widths.

Uses the styles and columnWidths methods to apply custom styles and column widths to the Excel file.

The styles method returns an array of cell styles. The array keys are cell references and the values are arrays of style definitions. For example, '1' => ['font' => ['bold' => true]] applies a bold font style to all cells in row 1, and 'B2' => ['font' => ['italic' => true]] applies an italic font style to the cell at column B, row 2.

The columnWidths method returns an array of column widths. The array keys are column letters and the values are the widths of the columns. For example, 'A' => 20 sets the width of column A to 20.

Here's an example of how to define custom styles and column widths for Excel exports:

    public function actions(): array
        return [
            Action::groupBy('Export Options', function () {
                return [
                    Action::make('xlsx', 'Export XLSX')

    public function getExportStylesProperty()
        return [
            '1'  => ['font' => ['bold' => true]],
            'B2' => ['font' => ['italic' => true]],
            'C'  => ['font' => ['size' => 16]],

    public function getExportWidthsProperty()
        return [
            'A' => 20,
            'B' => 30,

Search Input

Enable by adding the following property filled with the columns names you wish to search.

public array $searchTermColumns = ['title', 'description'];

Letter Search

Enable by adding the following property filled with the columns names you wish to search.

public array $letterSearchColumns = ['name'];


The package is compatible with Laravel 11+ and PHP 8.2 and 8.3.


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


The MIT License (MIT). See License File for more information.