
A mirgation manager for any PHP application.

1.1.2 2024-08-13 14:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-13 15:03:20 UTC


The Migration Service provides a flexible way for handling migrations for PHP applications.

Table of Contents

Getting started

Add the latest version of the Migration service project running this command.

composer require tobento/service-migration


  • PHP 8.0 or greater


  • Framework-agnostic, will work with any project
  • Decoupled design

Simple Example

Create a migration

namespace App\Blog;

use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigrationInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\ActionsInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\Actions;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\Action\FilesCopy;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\Action\FilesDelete;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\Action\DirCopy;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\Action\DirDelete;

 * BlogMigration
class BlogMigration implements MigrationInterface
     * Return a description of the migration.
     * @return string
    public function description(): string
        return 'Blog migration.';
     * Return the actions to be processed on install.
     * @return ActionsInterface
    public function install(): ActionsInterface
        return new Actions(
            new FilesCopy(
                files: [
                    'dir/to/store/config/' => [
                description: 'Blog configuration files installed.',
            new DirCopy(
                dir: 'dir/blog/views/',
                destDir: 'dir/to/store/views/blog/',
                description: 'Blog view files installed.',

     * Return the actions to be processed on uninstall.
     * @return ActionsInterface
    public function uninstall(): ActionsInterface
        return new Actions(
            new FilesDelete(
                files: [
                    'dir/to/store/config/' => [
                description: 'Blog configuration files uninstalled.',
            new DirDelete(
                dir: 'dir/to/store/views/blog/',
                description: 'Blog view files uninstalled.',

Install / Uninstall migration

use Tobento\Service\Migration\Migrator;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\AutowiringMigrationFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigrationJsonFileRepository;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigrationInstallException;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigrationUninstallException;
use Tobento\Service\Container\Container;

// Any PSR-11 container
$container = new Container();

// Create migrator.
$migrator = new Migrator(
    new AutowiringMigrationFactory($container),
    new MigrationJsonFileRepository(__DIR__.'/migrations/'),

// Install a migration.
try {
    $result = $migrator->install(\App\Blog\BlogMigration::class);
} catch (MigrationInstallException $e) {
    // Handle exception.

// Uninstall a migration.
if ($migrator->isInstalled(\App\Blog\BlogMigration::class))
    try {
        $result = $migrator->uninstall(\App\Blog\BlogMigration::class);
    } catch (MigrationUninstallException $e) {
        // Handle exception.



Create Migration

Your migration class must implement the MigrationInterface:

use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigrationInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\ActionsInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\Actions;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\Action\FilesCopy;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\Action\FilesDelete;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\Action\DirCopy;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\Action\DirDelete;

 * BlogMigration
class BlogMigration implements MigrationInterface
     * Return a description of the migration.
     * @return string
    public function description(): string
        return 'Blog migration.';
     * Return the actions to be processed on install.
     * @return ActionsInterface
    public function install(): ActionsInterface
        return new Actions(
            new FilesCopy(
                files: [
                    'dir/to/store/config/' => [
                description: 'Blog configuration files installed.',
            new DirCopy(
                dir: 'dir/blog/views/',
                destDir: 'dir/to/store/views/blog/',
                description: 'Blog view files installed.',

     * Return the actions to be processed on uninstall.
     * @return ActionsInterface
    public function uninstall(): ActionsInterface
        return new Actions(
            new FilesDelete(
                files: [
                    'dir/to/store/config/' => [
                description: 'Blog configuration files uninstalled.',
            new DirDelete(
                dir: 'dir/to/store/views/blog/',
                description: 'Blog view files uninstalled.',



The CallableAction::class calls the specified callable on process.

use Tobento\Service\Migration\Action\CallableAction;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\ActionFailedException;

$action = new CallableAction(
    callable: function ($name) {
        // do something on process
    // you may set parameters passed to the callable:
    parameters: ['name' => 'value'],
    name: 'A unique name', // or null
    description: 'Some description.', // (optional)
    type: 'keyword', // (optional)

// Get the callable:
// bool(true)

// Get the parameters:
// array(1) { ["name"]=> string(5) "value" }

// string(17) "Some description."

// string(7) "keyword"

Dir Copy

Use the DirCopy::class action to copy a directory to another destination.

use Tobento\Service\Migration\Action\DirCopy;

$action = new DirCopy(
    dir: 'dir/blog/views/',
    destDir: 'dir/to/store/views/blog/',
    overwrite: true, // if to overwrite existing dir (default true)
    name: 'A unique name', // or null
    description: 'Blog view files installed.',
    type: 'keyword', // (optional)

// string(15) "dir/blog/views/"

// string(24) "dir/to/store/views/blog/"

// string(26) "Blog view files installed."

// string(7) "keyword"

Dir Delete

Use the DirDelete::class action to delete a directory.

use Tobento\Service\Migration\Action\DirDelete;

$action = new DirDelete(
    dir: 'dir/to/store/views/blog/',
    name: 'A unique name', // or null
    description: 'Blog view files uninstalled.',
    type: 'keyword', // (optional)

// string(24) "dir/to/store/views/blog/"

// string(28) "Blog view files uninstalled."

// string(7) "keyword"


The Fail::class does always fail on action process, throwing a ActionFailedException::class, which might be useful in some cases.

use Tobento\Service\Migration\Action\Fail;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\ActionFailedException;

$action = new Fail(
    failMessage: 'message',
    name: 'A unique name', // or null
    description: 'Some description.', // (optional)
    type: 'keyword', // (optional)

// throws ActionFailedException with the specified fail message.

Files Copy

Use the FilesCopy::class action to copy files to another directory.

use Tobento\Service\Migration\Action\FilesCopy;

$action = new FilesCopy(
    files: [
        'dir/to/store/config/' => [
    overwrite: true, // if to overwrite existing files (default true)
    name: 'A unique name', // or null
    description: 'Blog configuration files installed.',
    type: 'keyword', // (optional)

// array(1) { ["dir/to/store/config/"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(24) "dir/blog/config/blog.php" } }

// only available after processing the action.
// array(0) { }

// only available after processing the action.
// array(0) { }

// string(35) "Blog configuration files installed."

// string(7) "keyword"

Files Delete

Use the FilesDelete::class action to delete files.

use Tobento\Service\Migration\Action\FilesDelete;

$action = new FilesDelete(
    files: [
        'dir/to/store/config/' => [
    name: 'A unique name', // or null
    description: 'Blog configuration files uninstalled.',
    type: 'keyword', // (optional)
// array(1) { ["dir/to/store/config/"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "blog.php" } }

// only available after processing the action.
// array(0) { }

// string(37) "Blog configuration files uninstalled."

// string(7) "keyword"

File String Replacer

Use the FileStringReplacer::class to replace strings from a file.

use Tobento\Service\Migration\Action\FileStringReplacer;

$action = new FileStringReplacer(
    file: 'dir/config/http.php',
    replace: [
        '{key1}' => 'value1',
        '{key2}' => 'value2',
    name: 'A unique name', // or null
    description: 'Strings replaced.',
    type: 'keyword', // (optional)
// string(19) "dir/config/http.php"

// array(2) { ["{key1}"]=> string(6) "value1" ["{key2}"]=> string(6) "value2" }

// string(17) "Strings replaced."

// string(7) "keyword"


The NullAction::class does nothing at all, which might be useful in some cases.

use Tobento\Service\Migration\Action\NullAction;

$action = new NullAction(
    name: 'A unique name', // or null
    description: 'Some description.', // (optional)
    type: 'keyword', // (optional)

PDO Exec

Use the PdoExec::class to execute pdo statements.

use Tobento\Service\Migration\Action\PdoExec;

$action = new PdoExec(
    pdo: $pdo,
    statements: [
            id bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
            active tinyint(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
            PRIMARY KEY (id)
        ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=0",        
    name: 'A unique name', // or null
    description: 'Blog database tables installed.',
    type: 'keyword', // (optional)
// array

// string(31) "Blog database tables installed."

// string(7) "keyword"

Custom Actions

Below is an example of writing a custom action.

use Tobento\Service\Migration\ActionInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\ActionFailedException;

class CustomAction implements ActionInterface
     * Process the action.
     * @return void
     * @throws ActionFailedException
    public function process(): void
        // process the action
     * Returns a name of the action.
     * @return string
    public function name(): string
        return $this::class;

     * Returns a description of the action.
     * @return string
    public function description(): string
        return 'Action Description';
     * Returns the type of the action.
     * @return string
    public function type(): string
        return 'keyword';
     * Returns the processed data information.
     * @return array<array-key, string>
    public function processedDataInfo(): array
        return [];

Process Actions

You might process an action without using the migrator.

use Tobento\Service\Migration\Action\DirCopy;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\ActionFailedException;

$action = new DirCopy(
    dir: 'dir/blog/views/',
    destDir: 'dir/to/store/views/blog/',
    description: 'Blog view files installed.',

try {
} catch (ActionFailedException $e) {
    // Handle exception.


Create Migrator

use Tobento\Service\Migration\Migrator;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigratorInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\AutowiringMigrationFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigrationJsonFileRepository;
use Tobento\Service\Container\Container;

// Any PSR-11 container
$container = new Container();

// Create migrator.
$migrator = new Migrator(
    new AutowiringMigrationFactory($container),
    new MigrationJsonFileRepository('private/dir/migrations/'),

var_dump($migrator instanceof MigratorInterface);
// bool(true)

Install Migration

use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigrationResultInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigrationInstallException;

try {
    $result = $migrator->install(AnyMigration::class);
    var_dump($result instanceof MigrationResultInterface);
    // bool(true)
} catch (MigrationInstallException $e) {
    // Handle exception.

You might want to uninstall if the install has failed.

use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigrationResultInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigrationInstallException;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigrationUninstallException;

try {
    $result = $migrator->install(AnyMigration::class);        
} catch (MigrationInstallException $e) {
    try {
        $result = $migrator->uninstall(AnyMigration::class);
    } catch (MigrationUninstallException $e) {
        // Handle exception.

Uninstall Migration

use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigrationResultInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigrationUninstallException;

try {
    $result = $migrator->uninstall(AnyMigration::class);

    var_dump($result instanceof MigrationResultInterface);
    // bool(true)

} catch (MigrationUninstallException $e) {
    // Handle exception.

You might want to uninstall only if the migration has been installed before.

use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigrationResultInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigrationUninstallException;

if ($migrator->isInstalled(\App\Blog\AnyMigration::class))
    try {
        $result = $migrator->uninstall(AnyMigration::class);
    } catch (MigrationUninstallException $e) {
        // Handle exception.

Get Installed Migrations

$migrations = $migrator->getInstalled();

// get only from specific.
$migrations = $migrator->getInstalled(namespace: 'App\Blog\');

Migration Result

The migrator install and uninstall method returns the migration result object on success:

use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigrationResultInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigrationInterface;

$result = $migrator->install(AnyMigration::class);
var_dump($result instanceof MigrationResultInterface);
// bool(true)

$result = $migrator->uninstall(AnyMigration::class);
var_dump($result instanceof MigrationResultInterface);
// bool(true)

Get the migration processed

use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigrationInterface;

// Get the migration processed:
var_dump($result->migration() instanceof MigrationInterface);
// bool(true)

Get the migration actions processed

use Tobento\Service\Migration\ActionsInterface;

// Get the migration actions processed:
var_dump($result->actions() instanceof ActionsInterface);
// bool(true)

// You might want to iterate over the actions.
foreach($result->actions() as $action)
    $description = $action->description();

Migration Results

You might want to store your results as to get it later to show the migrations processed.

use Tobento\Service\Migration\Migrator;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigratorInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\AutowiringMigrationFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigrationJsonFileRepository;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigrationInstallException;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigrationResults;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigrationResultsInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigrationResults;
use Tobento\Service\Container\Container;

// Any PSR-11 container
$container = new Container();

// Create migrator.
$migrator = new Migrator(
    new AutowiringMigrationFactory($container),
    new MigrationJsonFileRepository('private/dir/migrations/'),

// MigrationResults implementation.
$container->set(MigrationResultsInterface::class, function() {
    return new MigrationResults();

try {
    $result = $migrator->install(AnyMigration::class);
    // Add result.

} catch (MigrationInstallException $e) {
    // Handle exception.

// Somewhere later, do something with the results.
$results = $container->get(MigrationResultsInterface::class)->all();
