
Booting manager for creating PHP applications.

1.0.5 2024-04-26 17:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 19:31:26 UTC


Booting for any PHP applications.

Table of Contents

Getting started

Add the latest version of the booting service project running this command.

composer require tobento/service-booting


  • PHP 8.0 or greater


  • Framework-agnostic, will work with any project
  • Decoupled design



Create Booter

use Tobento\Service\Booting\Booter;
use Tobento\Service\Booting\BooterInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Booting\AutowiringBootFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Container\Container;

// Any PSR-11 container
$container = new Container();

$booter = new Booter(
    bootFactory: new AutowiringBootFactory($container),
    name: 'app',
    bootMethods: ['register', 'boot'],
    terminateMethods: ['terminate'],

var_dump($booter instanceof BooterInterface);
// bool(true)

Parameters explanation

Parameter Description
bootFactory The boot factory.
name The name of the booter.
bootMethods The boot methods the booter calls if exists, in the order defined.
terminateMethods The terminate methods the booter calls if exists, in the order defined.

Register Boots

Each boot class is registered once. If you register the same class again it will just overwrite it.

$booter->register(new ConfigBoot());

// You may set a priority for the boot:
$booter->register(DebugBoot::class, priority: 2000);



// calls the boot methods:

// calls the terminate methods

You may call the booting methods as many times as you want. By default the boot methods gets called once, except declared otherwise with the constant REBOOTABLE in the boot classes. See Rebooting.



$booter->register(DebugBoot::class, priority: 2000);



boot: DebugBoot::class
boot: ConfigBoot::class
boot: HttpBoot::class
boot: RoutingBoot::class
terminate: RoutingBoot::class
terminate: HttpBoot::class
terminate: ConfigBoot::class
terminate: DebugBoot::class



Returns the specified boot registry if exist, otherwise NULL.

use Tobento\Service\Booting\BootRegistry;

$boot = $booter->get(MyBoot::class);

var_dump($boot instanceof BootRegistry);
// bool(true)


Returns the specified boot if exist, otherwise NULL.

use Tobento\Service\Booting\BootInterface;

$boot = $booter->getBoot(MyBoot::class);

var_dump($boot instanceof BootInterface);
// bool(true)


Returns the registered boots.

use Tobento\Service\Booting\BootRegistry;

$boots = $booter->getBoots();

foreach($boots as $boot) {
    var_dump($boot instanceof BootRegistry);
    // bool(true)


For debugging purposes, you might want to get boots booted.

$booted = $booter->getBooted();


Create Boot

You can create a Boot by simply exenting Tobento\Service\Booting\Boot:

use Tobento\Service\Booting\Boot;

class MyBoot extends Boot

Currently, your Boot doesn't do anything. Depending on the booter boot and terminate methods defined, you can now define these methods in your Boot class which support method injection (autowiring).

use Tobento\Service\Booting\Boot;

class MyBoot extends Boot
    public function boot(): void
        // Do something
    public function terminate(): void
        // Do something

Dependent Boot

If your Boot depends on another Boot you may ensure that the Boot has always been initiated before by using the constant BOOT.

use Tobento\Service\Booting\Boot;

class MyBoot extends Boot
    public const BOOT = [
    public function boot(AnotherBoot $boot): void
        // Do something

Boot Priority

You may declare a boot priority by using the constant PRIORITY. The default priority is 1000.

use Tobento\Service\Booting\Boot;

class MyBoot extends Boot
    public const PRIORITY = 2000;


By default, when the booter calls the Booting methods muliple times, the boot method gets call once only. You may define methods as rebootable by using the constant REBOOTABLE.

use Tobento\Service\Booting\Boot;

class MyBoot extends Boot
    public const REBOOTABLE = ['terminate'];

Boot Info

You may add some info for your boot methods by using the constant INFO.

use Tobento\Service\Booting\Boot;

class MyBoot extends Boot
    public const INFO = [
        'boot' => 'Some description what the boot method does.',
        'terminate' => 'Some description what the terminate method does.',
