
Manage Docker containers programmatically, simplifying the creation, running, and interaction with containers.

1.2.1 2025-01-07 02:16 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-07 02:36:15 UTC




The DockerContainer library provides an interface and implementations to manage Docker containers programmatically. It simplifies the creation, execution, and interaction with containers, such as adding network configurations, mapping ports, setting environment variables, and executing commands inside containers. Designed specifically to support unit tests and integration tests, the library enables developers to simulate and manage containerized environments with minimal effort, ensuring a seamless testing workflow.


composer require tiny-blocks/docker-container

How to use

Creating a container

Creates a container from a specified image and optionally a name. The from method can be used to initialize a new container instance with an image and an optional name for identification.

$container = GenericDockerContainer::from(image: 'php:8.3-fpm', name: 'my-container');

Running a container

The run method starts a container. Optionally, it allows you to execute commands within the container after it has started and define a condition to wait for using a ContainerWaitAfterStarted instance.

Example with no commands or conditions:


Example with commands only:

$container->run(commands: ['ls', '-la']);

Example with commands and a wait condition:

$container->run(commands: ['ls', '-la'], waitAfterStarted: ContainerWaitForTime::forSeconds(seconds: 5));

Running a container if it doesn't exist

The runIfNotExists method starts a container only if it doesn't already exist. Optionally, it allows you to execute commands within the container after it has started and define a condition to wait for using a ContainerWaitAfterStarted instance.


Example with commands only:

$container->runIfNotExists(commands: ['ls', '-la']);

Example with commands and a wait condition:

$container->runIfNotExists(commands: ['ls', '-la'], waitAfterStarted: ContainerWaitForTime::forSeconds(seconds: 5));

Setting network

The withNetwork method connects the container to a specified Docker network by name, allowing you to define the network configuration the container will use.

$container->withNetwork(name: 'my-network');

Setting port mappings

Maps ports between the host and the container. The withPortMapping method maps a port from the host to a port inside the container.

$container->withPortMapping(portOnHost: 9000, portOnContainer: 9000);

Setting volumes mappings

Maps a volume from the host to the container. The withVolumeMapping method allows you to link a directory from the host to the container.

$container->withVolumeMapping(pathOnHost: '/path/on/host', pathOnContainer: '/path/in/container');

Setting environment variables

Sets environment variables inside the container. The withEnvironmentVariable method allows you to configure environment variables within the container.

$container->withEnvironmentVariable(key: 'XPTO', value: '123');

Disabling auto-remove

Prevents the container from being automatically removed when stopped. By default, Docker removes containers after they stop. The withoutAutoRemove method disables this feature, keeping the container around even after it finishes its execution.


Copying files to a container

Copies files or directories from the host machine to the container. The copyToContainer method allows you to transfer files from the host system into the container’s file system.

$container->copyToContainer(pathOnHost: '/path/to/files', pathOnContainer: '/path/in/container');

Waiting for a condition

The withWaitBeforeRun method allows the container to pause its execution until a specified condition is met before starting.

$container->withWaitBeforeRun(wait: ContainerWaitForDependency::untilReady(condition: MySQLReady::from(container: $container)));

Usage examples

  • When running the containers from the library on a host (your local machine), you need to map the volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock. This ensures that the container has access to the Docker daemon on the host machine, allowing Docker commands to be executed within the container.

  • In some cases, it may be necessary to add the docker-cli dependency to your PHP image. This enables the container to interact with Docker from within the container environment.

MySQL and Generic Containers

Before configuring and starting the MySQL container, a PHP container is set up to execute the tests and manage the integration process.

This container runs within a Docker network and uses a volume for the database migrations. The following commands are used to prepare the environment:

  1. Create the Docker network:

    docker network create tiny-blocks
  2. Create the volume for migrations:

    docker volume create test-adm-migrations
  3. Run the PHP container:

    docker run -u root --rm -it --network=tiny-blocks --name test-lib \
        -v ${PWD}:/app \
        -v ${PWD}/tests/Integration/Database/Migrations:/test-adm-migrations \
        -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
        -w /app gustavofreze/php:8.3 bash -c "composer tests"

The MySQL container is configured and started:

$mySQLContainer = MySQLDockerContainer::from(image: 'mysql:8.1', name: 'test-database')
    ->withNetwork(name: 'tiny-blocks')
    ->withTimezone(timezone: 'America/Sao_Paulo')
    ->withUsername(user: 'xpto')
    ->withPassword(password: '123')
    ->withDatabase(database: 'test_adm')
    ->withPortMapping(portOnHost: 3306, portOnContainer: 3306)
    ->withRootPassword(rootPassword: 'root')
    ->withVolumeMapping(pathOnHost: '/var/lib/mysql', pathOnContainer: '/var/lib/mysql')

With the MySQL container started, it is possible to retrieve data, such as the address and JDBC connection URL:

$environmentVariables = $mySQLContainer->getEnvironmentVariables();
$jdbcUrl = $mySQLContainer->getJdbcUrl();
$database = $environmentVariables->getValueBy(key: 'MYSQL_DATABASE');
$username = $environmentVariables->getValueBy(key: 'MYSQL_USER');
$password = $environmentVariables->getValueBy(key: 'MYSQL_PASSWORD');

The Flyway container is configured and only starts and executes migrations after the MySQL container is ready:

$flywayContainer = GenericDockerContainer::from(image: 'flyway/flyway:11.0.0')
    ->withNetwork(name: 'tiny-blocks')
    ->copyToContainer(pathOnHost: '/test-adm-migrations', pathOnContainer: '/flyway/sql')
    ->withVolumeMapping(pathOnHost: '/test-adm-migrations', pathOnContainer: '/flyway/sql')
        wait: ContainerWaitForDependency::untilReady(
            condition: MySQLReady::from(
                container: $mySQLContainer
    ->withEnvironmentVariable(key: 'FLYWAY_URL', value: $jdbcUrl)
    ->withEnvironmentVariable(key: 'FLYWAY_USER', value: $username)
    ->withEnvironmentVariable(key: 'FLYWAY_TABLE', value: 'schema_history')
    ->withEnvironmentVariable(key: 'FLYWAY_SCHEMAS', value: $database)
    ->withEnvironmentVariable(key: 'FLYWAY_EDITION', value: 'community')
    ->withEnvironmentVariable(key: 'FLYWAY_PASSWORD', value: $password)
    ->withEnvironmentVariable(key: 'FLYWAY_LOCATIONS', value: 'filesystem:/flyway/sql')
    ->withEnvironmentVariable(key: 'FLYWAY_CLEAN_DISABLED', value: 'false')
    ->withEnvironmentVariable(key: 'FLYWAY_VALIDATE_MIGRATION_NAMING', value: 'true')
        commands: ['-connectRetries=15', 'clean', 'migrate'],
        waitAfterStarted: ContainerWaitForTime::forSeconds(seconds: 5)


Docker container is licensed under MIT.


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