
Exact Online base client

v1.0.0 2023-11-13 12:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-14 19:19:50 UTC


This package provides a wrapper for the Exact Online API.


The basic configuration looks like this:

use TimothyDC\ExactOnline\BaseClient\ExactOnlineClient;
use TimothyDC\ExactOnline\BaseClient\ClientConfiguration;
use TimothyDC\ExactOnline\BaseClient\Authentication\TokenVault;
use Psr\Log\LogLevel;

$clientConfiguration = new ClientConfiguration(
    'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx', // client ID
    'yyyy', // client secret
    'zzzz',  // webhook secret
    'your-public-callback-url', // redirect URL - should be _exactly_ the same as the URL defined in the EOL app center
    'https://start.exactonline.be' // API base URL. Note the ".be" for Belgium

$tokenVault = new TokenVault();

$client = new ExactOnlineClient($clientConfiguration, $tokenVault);
$client->setLogger($this->logger); // optional logging
$client->setDefaultLogLevel(LogLevel::ERROR); // optional log level


If you want to start a new authentication process, then call:


During the authentication process, EOL will redirect you to your callback URL. There you will need to do:


Now your $eolClient-object is ready to make API requests:

use Picqer\Financials\Exact\Item;

$items = (new Item($client->getConnection()))->get();


If you want to disconnect and delete the access tokens, call the disconnection function on your client.



If you want to retrieve the language dependent fields in a different language (e.g. Item description and Item long description), call the connection with a language parameter.

use Picqer\Financials\Exact\Item;

$items = (new Item($client->getConnection('FR-BE')))->get();

See also the Support\ExactLocale.php file. For more information, see https://start.exactonline.nl/docs/HlpRestAPIResourcesDetails.aspx?name=LogisticsItems#goodToKnow


Storage driver

Tokens will be saved, by default, in a json file on the local disk.

To make a custom driver, create a custom Vault class which extends the TokenVaultInterface-interface.

use TimothyDC\ExactOnline\BaseClient\Interfaces\AccessTokenInterface;
use TimothyDC\ExactOnline\BaseClient\Interfaces\TokenVaultInterface;

class TokenVault implements TokenVaultInterface
    public function makeToken(?string $accesToken, ?string $refreshToken, int $expiresAt): AccessTokenInterface
    public function store(AccessTokenInterface $accessToken): void
    public function retrieve(): AccessTokenInterface
    public function clear(): void

And also a custom Token class which extends the AccessTokenInterface-interface.

use TimothyDC\ExactOnline\BaseClient\Interfaces\AccessTokenInterface;

class Token implements AccessTokenInterface
    public function getAccessToken(): ?string
    public function getRefreshToken(): ?string
    public function getExpiresAt(): int