
WordPress content management for CodeIgniter 4

v1.0.1 2020-10-28 13:59 UTC


WordPress content management for CodeIgniter 4

Quick Start

  1. Install with Composer: > composer require tatter/wordpress
  2. Add a new database connection:
	public $wordpress = [
		'DBDriver' => 'Tatter\WordPress\Database',
		'WPConfig' => '/path/to/wp-config.php',


Tatter\WordPress provides a way for you to connect your CodeIgniter 4 instance to an existing WordPress installation.


This library comes with the Reader class, a parser designed to read configuration values from WordPress' wp-config.php file. By extracting database information and installation path, Tatter\WordPress can connect to the same database and modify information using the supplied models.


In order to use the database you need to define a new database group that uses the connection details provided by Reader. Add a property to app/Config/Database.php with the driver and the path to your wp-config.php file, like this:

class Database extends BaseConfig
	public $wordpress = [
		'DBDriver' => 'Tatter\WordPress\Database',
		'WPConfig' => '/path/to/wp-config.php',

Models and Entities

This library defines Models and Entities that correspond to WordPress's database tables. You may use them like ordinary CodeIgniter 4 Models, but pay attention to WordPress's particular database structure. "Meta" tables are handled via a special Entity extension MetaHandler, which allows read/write access to individual meta rows as class properties:

// Get a particular Post
$post = model('Tatter\WordPress\Models\PostModel')->find($postId);

// Access post metadata
echo $post->meta->_wp_page_template; // 'default'

// Update post metadata
$post->meta->_wp_page_template = 'mobile';


There are a few commands to make it easier to interact with your configuration - these are also a great way to make sure your WordPress database is set up correctly.

  • posts:list - Lists all Posts in a table format
  • posts:show [postId] - Displays details for a single Post
  • posts:delete [postId]... - Deletes one or more Posts by their ID