

v0.1.028 2021-11-29 20:30 UTC


Quick Demo

Want to see a demo? Start by doing this:

curl -LJO  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TallAndSassy/TallAndSassy/main/bin/INSTALL.php


Quick Install with optional Demo

  1. Install Laravel

    1. You can do you normal laravel install, or use this quick helper. Please the Install Script for details on how, precisely the Laravel install needs to look.

    curl -H 'Authorization: token INSERTACCESSTOKENHERE' -H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.raw' -O -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TallAndSassy/TallAndSassy/v0.1.020wip-InstallStuff/bin/demo/INSTALL_1_Laravel.php

    php INSTALL_1_Laravel.php --DB_USERNAME=root --DB_PASSWORD=ofallevil --APP_NAME=MyTassyTest

  2. require the tallandsassy/tallandsassy package

    1. Note: Instructions printed by the above install script will be considered 'true'. This is just a guide to get you oriented.

    cd MyTassyTest

    composer require tallandsassy/tallandsassy

  3. tweak your installation to work nicely with tall and sassy.

    1. This script takes the TASSY_TENANCY_HQSUBDOMAIN and update your .env appropriately. The TASSY_TENANCY_HQSUBDOMAIN is a short field of your choosing for the superadmins

    php vendor/tallandsassy/tallandsassy/bin/INSTALL_2_Tassy.php --TASSY_TENANCY_HQSUBDOMAIN=hq --TASSY_TENANCY_ADMINEMAIL=bob@gmail.com

  4. Apply the demo script.

    1. Note: Instructions printed by the abovescript will be considered 'true'. This is just a guide to get you oriented.

    php vendor/tallandsassy/tallandsassy/bin/demo/INSTALL_3_Demo.php

  5. Read the user guide

    1. The user guide gives some directions to get you started.