
Extend CodeIgniter for ease of use

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4.1.9 2023-09-15 08:23 UTC


You can use extended core classes (controllers, models, views) and utility classes in this package.
Click here to see the change log.

There is a sample application in sample.
Please use it as a reference for your development.


  • PHP 7.3.0 or later
  • Composer
  • php-gd
  • php-mbstring
  • php-xml
  • php-imagick
    The method to extract the first frame from a GIF ("extractFirstFrameOfGif") in the "\X\Util\ImageHelper" class requires ImageMagick.
    To use this method, install ImageMagick and php-imagick.
    The following command is an example installation on my Amazon Linux2 OS.
    sudo yum -y install ImageMagick php-imagick

Getting Started

  1. Create project.
    composer create-project takuya-motoshima/codeIgniter-extension myapp
  2. Grant write permission to logs, cache, session to WEB server.
    sudo chmod -R 755 public/upload application/{logs,cache,session}
    sudo chown -R nginx:nginx public/upload application/{logs,cache,session}
  3. Set up a web server (nginx).
    If you are using Nginx, copy nginx.sample.conf to "/etc/nginx/conf.d/sample.conf".
    Restart Nginx.
    sudo systemctl restart nginx
  4. Build a DB for create-db.sql (MySQL or MariaDB).
  5. The skeleton uses webpack for front module bundling.
    The front module is located in ". /client".
    How to build the front module:
    cd client
    npm run build
  6. Open "http://{public IP of the server}:3000/" in a browser and the following screen will appear.
    NOTE: You can log in with the username "robin@example.com" and password "password".

    sign-in.png list-of-users.png

    update-user.png personal-settings.png



See https://codeigniter.com/userguide3/ for basic usage.

  • About config (application/config/config.php).

    Name Before After
    base_url if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) $config['base_url'] = '//' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . str_replace(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
    enable_hooks FALSE TRUE
    permitted_uri_chars a-z 0-9~%.:_\- a-z 0-9~%.:_\-,
    sess_save_path NULL APPPATH . 'session';
    cookie_httponly FALSE TRUE
    composer_autoload FALSE realpath(APPPATH . '../vendor/autoload.php');
    index_page index.php
  • Control of accessible URLs.

    1. Define a controller to be executed when the root URL is accessed.
      In the example below, the login page is set to open when the root URL is accessed.


      $route['default_controller'] = 'users/login';
    2. Define login session name.

      const SESSION_NAME = 'session';
    3. Create control over which URLs can be accessed depending on the user's login status.
      At the same time, add env loading and error handling in "pre_system".


      use \X\Annotation\AnnotationReader;
      use \X\Util\Logger;
      $hook['post_controller_constructor'] = function() {
        if (is_cli())
        $CI =& get_instance();
        $meta = AnnotationReader::getAccessibility($CI->router->class, $CI->router->method);
        $isLogin = !empty($_SESSION[SESSION_NAME]);
        $currentPath = lcfirst($CI->router->directory ?? '') . lcfirst($CI->router->class) . '/' . $CI->router->method;
        $defaultPath = '/users/index';
        $allowRoles = !empty($meta->allow_role) ? array_map('trim', explode(',', $meta->allow_role)) : null;
        if (!$meta->allow_http)
          throw new \RuntimeException('HTTP access is not allowed');
        else if ($isLogin && !$meta->allow_login)
        else if (!$isLogin && !$meta->allow_logoff)
        else if ($isLogin && !empty($allowRoles)) {
          $role = $_SESSION[SESSION_NAME]['role'] ?? '';
          if (!in_array($role, $allowRoles) && $defaultPath !== $currentPath)
      $hook['pre_system'] = function () {
        $dotenv = Dotenv\Dotenv::createImmutable(ENV_DIR);
        set_exception_handler(function ($e) {
          show_error($e->getMessage(), 500);
    4. After this, you will need to create controllers, models, and views, see the sample for details.

  • About Twig Template Engine.
    This extension package uses the Twig template.
    See here for how to use Twig.

    In addition, the session of the logged-in user is automatically set in the template variable.
    This is useful, for example, when displaying the login username on the screen.


    $_SESSION['user'] = ['name' => 'John Smith'];


    {% if session.user is not empty %}
      Hello {{session.user.name}}!
    {% endif %}
      Who is it?
    {% else %}
  • To extend form validation.
    You can create a new validation rule by creating "application/libraries/AppForm_validation.php" as follows and adding a validation method.

    use X\Library\FormValidation;
    class AppForm_validation extends FormValidation {
      public function is_numeric(string $input): bool {
        if (!is_numeric($input)) {
          $this->set_message('is_numeric', 'Please enter a numerical value');
          return false;
        return true;

    The following extended validations are available in the CodeIgniter extension from the start.

    Rule Parameter Description Example
    datetime Yes If the value is other than a date, FALSE is returned.. datetime[Y-m-d H:i:s]
    hostname No If the value is other than the host name, FALSE is returned.
    ipaddress No If the value is other than an IP address, FALSE is returned.
    hostname_or_ipaddress No If the value is other than a host name or IP address, FALSE is returned.
    unix_username No If the value is other than a Unix username, FALSE is returned.
    port No If the value is other than a port number, FALSE is returned.
    email No If the value is other than the email suggested in HTML5, FALSE will be returned.

Unit testing

The unit test consists of the following files.

  • tests/*.php: Test Case.
  • phpunit.xml: Test setting fill.
  • phpunit-printer.yml: Test result output format.

Run a test.

composer test


Takuya Motoshima
