
Resource Naming Strategy for Doctrine ORM

0.1.4 2020-09-30 21:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:09:46 UTC


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Resource Naming Strategy for Doctrine ORM

Why Resource?

This naming strategy following the natural way of thinking about entities and resources. Imagine that you have one Flower. It's single entity. You want to store some data about flowers e.g. in your database. It's resource.

Simple? I know resource named flower sounds easier but sometimes it's more confusing. In the end, you have a lot of flowers, not one.

This strategy is similar to the Laravel naming convention (See mapping section).


This package uses icanboogie/inflector and it requires a mbstring php extension.


Install via composer

Add dependecy to your composer.json file and run composer update.

"require": {
    "szykra/resource-naming-strategy": "~0.1"


Usage with Doctrine

$namingStrategy = new \Szykra\NamingStrategy\ResourceNamingStrategy();

Usage with Symfony

You have a two ways to use this naming strategy

Register bundle in AppKernel.php

Just open your AppKernel.php file and register new symfony bundle which contains a service definition.

$bundles = array(
    new Szykra\NamingStrategy\ResourceNamingBundle\ResourceNamingBundle()

Now you can configure Doctrine in config.yml to use new naming strategy.

        naming_strategy: szykra.naming_strategy.resource_naming_strategy

Define your own service

If you don't want to register additional bundles you can create own service definiton in services.yml:

        class: Szykra\NamingStrategy\ResourceNamingStrategy

And don't forget to configure Doctrine to use this service.


Entity to table name

Lowercase and plural

Entity Table
User users
Category categories
TaskActivity task_activities

Property to column name

Lowercase letters and words separated by the underscore

Property Column
firstName first_name
LastName last_name
secondRememberToken second_remember_token

Embedded field to column name

Lowercase letters and words separated by the underscore

Property from embedded Address Column
street address_street
postcode address_postcode
addressLineOne address_address_line_one

Join column name

Lowercase letters and words separated by the underscore with _id suffix

Property Column
reporter reporter_id
task_activity task_activity_id

Join table name

Two singular lowercase entity names in ascending order with words separated by the underscore

Entity 1 Entity 2 Table
User Task task_user
Comment Post comment_post
Work TimeLog time_log_work


The MIT License. Copyright © 2015 - 2020 Szymon Krajewski.