
A lightweight yet powerful framework for building multi-agent workflows inspired by the OpenAi Agents SDK

0.2.1 2025-03-25 10:08 UTC


A lightweight yet powerful framework for building multi-agent workflows in PHP, inspired by the OpenAI Agents SDK.

PHP from Packagist Latest Version on Packagist Software License Buy us a tree Build Status Made by SWIS


Agents SDK provides an elegant abstraction for creating AI agent systems in PHP, allowing you to:

  • Build specialized agents for different tasks
  • Connect agents using a handoff mechanism
  • Define and use custom tools for external operations
  • Stream LLM responses for real-time interactions
  • Monitor agent behavior with observers and traces

The SDK is designed to be flexible, extensible, and easy to use while providing a robust foundation for building complex multi-agent based systems.


composer require swisnl/agents-sdk

Basic Usage

Here's a simple example of creating and running an Agent that can use a Tool for retrieving weather information:

use Swis\Agents\Agent;
use Swis\Agents\Orchestrator;
use Swis\Agents\Tool;
use Swis\Agents\Tool\Required;
use Swis\Agents\Tool\ToolParameter;

// Define a custom tool
class WeatherTool extends Tool
    #[ToolParameter('The name of the city.'), Required]
    public string $city;

    protected ?string $toolDescription = 'Gets the current weather by city.';

    public function __invoke(): ?string
        // Implementation to fetch weather data
        return "Current weather in {$this->city}: Sunny, 22°C";

// Create an agent with the tool
$agent = new Agent(
    name: 'Weather Assistant',
    description: 'Provides weather information',
    instruction: 'You help users with weather-related questions. Use the WeatherTool to get accurate data.',
    tools: [new WeatherTool()]

// Set up the orchestrator
$orchestrator = new Orchestrator();

// Process a user message
$orchestrator->withUserInstruction('What\'s the weather like in Amsterdam?');

// Run the agent and get the response
$response = $orchestrator->run($agent);
echo $response;

// Or use streaming for real-time responses
$orchestrator->runStreamed($agent, function ($token) {
    echo $token;

Creating Agents

Agents are the core components of the SDK. They encapsulate a specific role or capability and can use tools to perform actions.

$agent = new Agent(
    name: 'Agent Name',             // Required: Unique identifier for the agent
    description: 'Description',     // Optional: Brief description of the agent's capabilities
    instruction: 'System prompt',   // Optional: Detailed instructions for the agent
    tools: [$tool1, $tool2],        // Optional: Array of tools the agent can use
    handoffs: [$otherAgent]         // Optional: Other agents this agent can hand off to

Defining Tools

Tools are capabilities that agents can use to perform actions. To create a custom tool:

  1. Extend the Tool class
  2. Define parameters using attributes
  3. Implement the __invoke method with your tool's logic
class SearchTool extends Tool
    #[ToolParameter('The search query.'), Required]
    public string $query;
    #[ToolParameter('The number of results to return.')]
    public int $limit = 5;

    protected ?string $toolDescription = 'Searches for information.';

    public function __invoke(): ?string
        // Implementation logic here
        return json_encode([
            'results' => [/* search results */]

Multi-Agent Systems

The SDK supports creating systems of specialized agents that can hand off tasks to each other:

// Create specialized agents
$weatherAgent = new Agent(
    name: 'Weather Agent',
    // ... configuration

$travelAgent = new Agent(
    name: 'Travel Agent',
    // ... configuration
    handoffs: [$weatherAgent]  // Travel agent can hand off to Weather agent

// Main triage agent
$triageAgent = new Agent(
    name: 'Triage Agent',
    description: 'Routes user requests to the appropriate specialized agent',
    handoffs: [$weatherAgent, $travelAgent]


The Orchestrator class manages the conversation flow and agent execution:

$orchestrator = new Orchestrator();

// Add a user message
$orchestrator->withUserInstruction("I need help with planning a trip to Amsterdam");

// Run with a specific agent
$response = $orchestrator->run($triageAgent);

// Or stream the response
$orchestrator->runStreamed($triageAgent, function ($token) {
    echo $token;


The SDK provides an observer pattern to monitor agent behavior:

$orchestrator->withAgentObserver(new class extends AgentObserver {
    public function beforeHandoff(AgentInterface $agent, AgentInterface $handoffToAgent, RunContext $context): void
        echo "Handing off from {$agent->name()} to {$handoffToAgent->name()}\n";

    public function onToolCall(AgentInterface $agent, Tool $tool, ToolCall $toolCall, RunContext $context): void
        echo "Agent {$agent->name()} called tool: {$toolCall->tool}\n";


The SDK includes built-in tracing support using OpenAI Tracing format by default. This helps with debugging and monitoring agent execution.

Disabling Tracing

You can disable tracing in two ways:

  1. On a per-orchestrator basis:
$orchestrator = new Orchestrator();
  1. Globally via environment variable:

Disabling tracing can be useful in production environments or when you don't need the debugging information.

Example Implementations

The repository includes examples for common use cases:

  • CustomerServiceAgent: A multi-agent system for customer service with handoffs
  • WeatherAgent: A simple agent that fetches weather information

Run the examples using:

php examples/play.php

Conversation Serialization

The SDK provides a way to serialize and deserialize conversation state, allowing you to continue conversations at a later time:

use Swis\Agents\Helpers\ConversationSerializer;

// After running some conversation with an orchestrator
$data = ConversationSerializer::serializeFromOrchestrator($orchestrator);
saveToStorage($data); // Your storage implementation

// Later, when you want to continue the conversation
$data = retrieveFromStorage(); // Your retrieval implementation

// Create a new orchestrator with the serialized conversation
$orchestrator = new Orchestrator();

$agent = new Agent(/* Create your agent */);

// Continue the conversation
$orchestrator->withUserInstruction('New message');
$response = $orchestrator->run($agent);


  • PHP 8.2 or higher
  • OpenAI API key for LLM access (or other OpenAI compatible API)
  • Composer for dependency management


The SDK includes a test suite built with PHPUnit. To run the tests:

# Install dependencies
composer install

# Run the tests
composer run test

Test Structure

  • Unit Tests: Test individual components in isolation
  • Integration Tests: Test the full agent workflow with actual API calls (skipped by default)


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

This package is Treeware. If you use it in production, then we ask that you buy the world a tree to thank us for our work. By contributing to the Treeware forest you’ll be creating employment for local families and restoring wildlife habitats.

SWIS ❤️ Open Source

SWIS is a web agency from Leiden, the Netherlands. We love working with open source software.