
incorporate simple datatables, using twig and stimulus

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1.5.211 2024-04-27 22:44 UTC


Integrate the Simple Datatables library from as a stimulus component.

composer req survos/simple-datatables-bundle

Add the stimulus controller

To change any html table into a datatable, simple add the stimulus controller to the tag

     <table class="table" {{ stimulus_controller('@survos/simple-datatables-bundle/table', {perPage: 5, sortable: true}) }}>

Complete Project

Cut and paste to create an new Symfony project with a dynamic, searchable datatable, without writing a single line of Javascript! No webpack or build step either.

symfony new simple-datatables-demo --webapp --version=next --php=8.2 && cd simple-datatables-demo
rm .git -rf
composer config extra.symfony.allow-contrib true
composer req symfony/asset-mapper:^6.4 symfony/stimulus-bundle:^2.x-dev
composer req survos/simple-datatables-bundle survos/bootstrap-bundle
echo "import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'" >> assets/app.js

bin/console make:controller Simple -i
cat > templates/simple.html.twig <<END
{% extends 'base.html.twig' %}

{% block body %}
     <table class="table" {{ stimulus_controller('@survos/simple-datatables-bundle/table', {perPage: 5, sortable: true}) }}>
        {% for j in 1..12 %}
                <td>{{ j |date('2023-' ~ j ~ '-01') |date('M') }}</td>
                <td>{{ j |date('2023-' ~ j ~ '-01') |date('F') }}</td>
                <td>{{ j }}</td>
        {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
symfony server:start -d
symfony open:local --path=/simple