
0.3.5 2024-02-20 13:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-20 14:13:15 UTC


composer require supercharge/supercharge

You can now set your Supercharge URL by setting the SUPERCHARGE_URL environment variable in your .env file:

SUPERCHARGE_URL=https://... # Set your Supercharge URL here

Remember that Supercharge is useful in production, not in development. You probably want to set SUPERCHARGE_URL in the .env file of your production server.

Advanced configuration

You can configure all the options by publishing the package config file in your project:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Supercharge\\ServiceProvider"

This will create a config/supercharge.php that you can customize.


Given you display images in your Blade templates:

<img src="/img/cats.jpg">
{{-- or an image URL stored in a model: --}}
<img src="{{ $user->avatar }}">

Wrap the image URLs with the supercharge() helper:

<img src="{{ supercharge('/img/cats.jpg') }}">
<img src="{{ supercharge($user->avatar) }}">

That's it!


You can easily display resized images using Supercharge. You don't have to change the original images, Supercharge will automatically generate resized and optimized images on the fly.

  • Width:
<img src="{{ supercharge('/img/cats.jpg')->width(250) }}">
  • Height:
<img src="{{ supercharge('/img/cats.jpg')->height(250) }}">
  • Both parameters can be combined:
<img src="{{ supercharge('/img/cats.jpg')->width(250)->height(400) }}">

The way the image is resized to fit in the dimension can be customized via the fit option:

<img src="{{ supercharge('/img/cats.jpg')->width(250)->fit('crop') }}">

Possible values are:

  • contain (default): Scale the image to fit within the target dimensions, without cropping or stretching.
  • max: Same as contain, except the image will not be scaled up.
  • stretch: Stretches the image to fit the target dimensions exactly.
  • crop: Crop the image to fill the target dimensions.

Device pixel ratio

To easily support retina displays (for example on mobile), you can set a device pixel ratio higher than 1 (the default). You must specify a size (width or height) with this parameter. The maximum value is 8.

<img src="{{ supercharge('/img/cats.jpg')->width(250)->pixelRatio(2) }}">

This will generate an image with a width of 500 pixels.


You can flip the image on the horizontal and vertical axes:

<img src="{{ supercharge('/img/cats.jpg')->flipHorizontal() }}">
<img src="{{ supercharge('/img/cats.jpg')->flipVertical() }}">
<img src="{{ supercharge('/img/cats.jpg')->flipBoth() }}">