
v1.1.7-alpha 2024-10-12 14:17 UTC


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The is the package that unifies all strukt-strukt components under the framework.

Rarely should anyone use this on its own.

Getting started

echo {"minimum-stability":"dev"} > composer.json
composer require "strukt/framework:1.1.7-alpha" --prefer-dist

Setup, Cache, Configuration & Environment


Always remember to clear and reload the cache when necessary

./xcli cache:clear 
./xcli cache:make cli
./xcli cache:make idx


Drop into shell

./xcli shell:exec

Setting Application Type

config("app.type", "App:Idx")// for index.php, alternative App:Cli for console



Environment Setup

This class is defaultly found in strukt-commons

Strukt\Env::withFile();//default .env file in your root folder
env("root_dir", getcwd());//setter custom environment variable

Setup Packages Registry

File location ./cfg/repo.ini

repos(); //list all repositories
repos("published");//list all published strukt packages
repos("installed");//list all installed strukt packages


Default Package

package("core", "App:Idx")->get("settings"); //returns array of middlewares, commands and providers
//below mode:App:Cli is default
package("core")->get("is:published");//true by default
package("core")->get("requirements");//null or array

The above methods are in abstract class Strukt\Package\Pkg you can use them to create your package.

Building Packages

Your first step in developing your package will require you to install strukt-framework and execute composer exec strukt-cfg command that will create your folder structure. You'll need to create src and package folders.

See structure of package below.

├── bootstrap.php
├── cfg
├── console
├── index.php
├── lib
├── tpl
├── vendor
├── composer.json
├── package #Place all your packages files here
└── src
    └── Strukt
        └── Package
            └── Pkg{{Package Name}}.php #Identify your package resources here

Your package class in src/Strukt/Package/Pkg<Package Name>.php will have methods listed in the Default Package section that is it should implement the interface Strukt\Contract\Package

Package Autoloading

You may require to autoload libraries both from your root directory and package resources.

$loader = require "vendor/autoload.php";
$loader->addPsr4("App\\", [


return $loader;


For packages that require installation into your app/src/{{AppName}} folder, there are a few tricks you could use while building your package. The publish:package command takes argument package for publishing packages that are currently in development, since your source will be in the root folder in a subfolder called package.

This will require you to enter into your cfg/repo.php (See Setup Packages Registry) and indicate your currently in-development package with the key/keyword package which will allow the publisher to install files in the your app source folder app/src.



class User extends \Strukt\Contract\Form{

	* @IsNotEmpty()
	* @IsAlpha()
	public string $username;

	* @IsNotEmpty()
	public string $password;

Validator Annotations

* @IsNotEmpty()
* @IsAlpha()
* @IsAlphaNum()
* @IsNumeric()
* @IsEmail()
* @IsDate(Y-m-d)
* @IsIn(a,b,c)
* @EqualTo(xyz)
* @IsLen(10)

Adding Validators

New validators can be added is in your lib/App/Validator.php There you can find an example App\Validator::isLenGt

* @IsLenGt(10)