
Implements a decorator pattern to access and customize typed access to an entity's properties and methods

v1.0.0-beta 2024-01-22 21:34 UTC


Implements a decorator pattern to access and customize an entity's properties and methods, with the option to strongly type return values.


composer require strakez/drupal-entity-decorator


  • PHP 8.1+
  • Drupal 10+


Provides a simple means to retrieve and display entity data, and solves some of the challenges experienced when working with entities. This implementation of the decorator pattern wraps the entity and provides customized methods for interacting with the entity.

Please note, this only exposes classes for use in other modules and does not provide any Drupal functionality on its own. There will not be anything to display via the UI unless specifically implemented.


$id = 1;
$node = NodeDecorator::load($id); // Collection

$node->id(); // 1
$node->get('title'); // 'My First Node'
$node->get('sticky'); // false

For information on using and extending decorators, see the Decorator documentation.

For tips and best practices, see the Tips & Best Practices section.

Working with Collections

When loading multiple decorators at a time, the data will be representated in a collection. This provides an advantage over simple arrays, as this data can be easily sorted, mutated, counted, and indexed.

$set = NodeDecorator::loadByOwned($user); // Collection

For more information, see the Collection documentation.

Final Words

Please have fun using this API, and feel free to submit your comments and/or improvements if you find any. Thanks!