
The League Event bridge for Spiral Framework

1.0.1 2022-09-14 08:02 UTC


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Make sure that your server is configured with following PHP version and extensions:

  • PHP 8.1+
  • Spiral framework 3.0+


You can install the package via composer:

composer require spiral-packages/league-event

After package install you need to register bootloader from the package.

protected const LOAD = [
    // ...

Note If you are using spiral-packages/discoverer, you don't need to register bootloader by yourself.



An event can be represented by a simple class:

namespace Spiral\Router\Event;

use Spiral\Router\RouteInterface;

final class RouteFound
    public function __construct(
        public readonly RouteInterface $route
    ) {

Dispatching an event:

$this->container->get(EventDispatcherInterface::class)->dispatch(new RouteNotFound($request));


A listener can be represented by a simple class with a method that will be called to handle the event. The method name can be configured in the Listener attribute parameter or in the configuration file ( __invoke by default):

namespace App\Listener;

use Spiral\Events\Attribute\Listener;
use Spiral\Router\Event\RouteFound;

class RouteListener
    public function __invoke(RouteFound $event): void
        // ...

Registering a listener via a config file:

// file app/config/events.php

use App\Listener\RouteListener;
use Spiral\Events\Config\EventListener;
use Spiral\Router\Event\RouteFound;

return [
    'listeners' => [
        // without any options
        RouteFound::class => [

        // OR

        // with additional options
        RouteFound::class => [
            new EventListener(
                listener: RouteListener::class,
                method: 'onRouteFound',
                priority: 1

Registering a listener via an attribute:

The attribute can be used without additional parameters. Then the method name __invoke and the event from the type of the method parameter will be used:

namespace App\Listener;

use Spiral\Events\Attribute\Listener;
use Spiral\Router\Event\RouteFound;

class RouteListener
    public function __invoke(RouteFound $event): void
        // ...

All available options:

namespace App\Listener;

use Spiral\Events\Attribute\Listener;
use Spiral\Router\Event\RouteFound;

#[Listener(event: RouteFound::class, method: 'onRouteFound', priority: 1)]
class RouteListener
    public function onRouteFound(RouteFound $event): void
        // ...

The attribute can be used directly on the method, then the method name can be omitted:

namespace App\Listener;

use Spiral\Events\Attribute\Listener;
use Spiral\Router\Event\RouteFound;

class RouteListener
    #[Listener(priority: 1)]
    public function onRouteFound(RouteFound $event): void
        // ...


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.