
Telegram bot for ensuring group access is limited to e.g. Twitch subscribers and/or Patreon supporters.

v0.1.3 2019-09-05 00:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 16:24:20 UTC


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Telegram bot for ensuring group access is limited to e.g. Twitch subscribers and/or Patreon supporters.

Using the Bot to Protect Your Groups

The bot operated by Soatok (@HeadlessLounge_Bot) is only available if you're one of Soatok's patrons at the Dhole's Delight ($3/month) tier or higher.

Setup is straightforward:

  1. Talk to @HeadlessLounge_Bot. Make sure to link your own third-party accounts. (Twitch, Patreon, etc.)
  2. Invite @HeadlessLounge_Bot to your group. (Make sure you're an admin.)
  3. Type /enforce [service] [minimum]
    • /enforce Twitch for Tier 1+ Twitch subs.
    • /enforce Twitch 2 for Tier 2+ Twitch subs.
    • /enforce Patreon 5 for $5/mo. or more pledge.
    • /enforce Patreon 10 for $10/mo. or more pledge.

Anyone who joins the group will be auto-kicked unless...

  1. They have linked their own third-party accounts by talking to the bot directly.
  2. They have met your enforcement requirements.

Administrators can allow exceptions to this rule on a case-by-case basis by typing /permit @Telegram_Username.

Note: If you choose to add multiple enforcements (i.e. Twitch and Patreon), satisfying any of the requirements will avoid being auto-kicked. (Logically: It's an OR not an AND operation.)

Setting up and Deploying Your own Bot

After cloning this repository and setting up your webserver with HTTPS, get an API key from BotFather. Stick that in local/telegram-token.php like so:

return 'your-token-here';

Do the same with your bot's Telegram username (local/telegram-username.php) and User ID (local/telegram-user-id.php).

You can also configure your own local settings inside local/settings.php (see src/settings.php for more details).

Once your configuration is complete, make sure you run composer install in the project's root directory.

Next, run bin/keygen.php and bin/setup-webhook.php.

Finally, run the .sql files inside the sql/ directory to setup the database tables.