
This is my package laravel-automatic-tests

1.0.5 2023-03-22 14:44 UTC


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A package to quickly and automatically test all static, internal links in your Laravel app. Working with PHPUnit or PEST. 🎉

There are a many options, but the most simple test is:

    public function testAllStaticPages()
        // Crawls all pages reachable from the root of your application
        // Makes sure, that all links return a response code < 400


composer require simonvomeyser/laravel-automatic-tests

There are no configs to be published since all configuration can be made via fluid methods.


Without any configuration, you can use this package...

with the PEST framework

// tests/StaticPagesTest.php
use SimonVomEyser\LaravelAutomaticTests\StaticPagesTester;

it('tests all pages reachable from the frontpage', function () {

with PHPUnit

// tests/feature/StaticPagesTest.php

namespace Tests\Feature;

use SimonVomEyser\LaravelAutomaticTests\StaticPagesTester;
use Tests\TestCase;

class StaticPagesTest extends TestCase
    public function testAllInternalPagesReachableOnFrontpage()


There are quite some ways to configure the default behaviour, all fluid methods can also be used together.

Ignoring query params and anchor links

Since some websites use a lot of query links ( or a lot of links to pages with page anchors ( it is possible to ignore these variations and check the path (in this example only once.

    // ...
    // ...

Starting from a different page

You can of course start the crawling from a different page, the default is /, what might be the frontpage on most websites.

    // ...
    // ...

Skipping the default assertion, access found uris + responses

To keep the api as lean as possible, the default assertion checks, that no 4xx or 5xx errors are returned from any given url.

To disable this behavior, you can skip the assertion and handle all uris and responses as you like.

    // ...
    $spt = StaticPagesTester::create()
    // access all uris that were found
    // ['/', '/about', ...]
    // access all uris with their testresponses
    // ['/' => $response, '/about' => $response, ...]
    // Make own assertions
    // ...

Adding custom assertions

While doing all custom assertions after finding all URIs is possible, you may skip the fuzz and add your custom assertions via addAssertion right away.

    // ...
            ->addAssertion(function($response) {
                // Example: allow anything except for 5xx errors for all uris
                assertTrue($response->status() < 500);
            ->addAssertion(function($response, $uri) {
                // Example: check for redirects only when accessing admin area
                if(str_contains($uri, '/admin')) {
    // ...

Defining a maximum of pages and crawls

Since automatic crawling can munch a lot of memory, you may define a maximum of pages/uris or a maximum crawl depth (1 meaning only the url you start from and the pages found there will be handled)

    // ...
    // ...

A note on passing the testcase

This package needs the current testcase to start it's crawling - you actually would need to pass the Test itself to new up the StaticPagesTester like so:

// This is NOT necessary, but it's happening under the hood
$staticPagesTester = new StaticPagesTester($this);

Since this is no pretty API, the package tries some magic with the create() method to find the calling testcase.

Keep that in mind if you want to use the StaticPagesTester elsewhere, not from a test.


I have a lot of ideas for that package, but we all have little time, and I wrote this mostly for myself with only basic features. If somebody is interested let me know, we could discuss a few ideas like

  • Making this work efficiently in Laravel Dusk to render JavaScript
  • Making this work with files: If you linked to /downloads/something.pdf we can't check the existence of the linked file atm
  • Making this work with DataProviders to have a much better output (one test per found uri)
  • Add a way to also check for more things like broken external links, thus making this package deserving the title "LaravelAutomaticTests" 😀


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


To test this testing package, run the following test command (#testception)

composer test