
[FORK] Generates beautiful with links to PRs, versions and users grouped in Added/Changed/Fixed/Removed categories.


Build Status Downloads

Turn your from a machine readable text to a rich text that makes every programmer happy.


composer require symplify/changelog-linker --dev


Create changelog-linker.yml with configuration:

    # this is detected from "git origin", but you can change it
    repository_url: ''

The config is autodiscovered in the root directory or by --config option.

A. Dump Merges

vendor/bin/changelog-linker dump-merges

Write or Dry-run?

The --dry-run option prints the result to the output. Without that, I looks for <!-- changelog-linker --> in the to replace with the content.

It finds the last #ID in the, than looks on Github via API and dumps all the merged PRs since the last #ID in nice format. In case you want to specify minimal PR id yourself, use this:

vendor/bin/changelog-linker dump-merges --since-id 125

But that is a mash-up of everything. Not very nice:

## Unreleased

- [#868] [ChangelogLinker] Add ChangeTree to manage merge messages
- [#867] [ChangelogLinker] Change Worker registration from implicit to explicit
- [#865] Improve Code Complexity
- [#864] [MonorepoBuilder] improve coverage

What if we'd have Added, Changed... all the standard categories?

vendor/bin/changelog-linker dump-merges --in-categories

## Unreleased

### Added

- [#828] [ChangelogLinker] Add Unreleased to last tagged version feature
- [#840] [ChangelogLinker] Add LinkifyWorker

Nice, now everything is nicely grouped.

(Do you want to know how we detect the category? Follow me)

What about packages - can we have group them as well? Sure:

vendor/bin/changelog-linker dump-merges --in-packages

## Unreleased

### CodingStandard

- [#851] Add _ support to PropertyNameMatchingTypeFixer
- [#860] Add test case for #855, Thanks to @OndraM

(Technical secret: it reacts to [Package] in PR title.)

Let's take it one step further!

vendor/bin/changelog-linker dump-merges --in-packages --in-categories

## Unreleased

### CodingStandard

#### Added

- [#851] Add _ support to PropertyNameMatchingTypeFixer
- [#860] Add test case for #855, Thanks to @OndraM

Do you prefer categories first? Just switch the order:

vendor/bin/changelog-linker dump-merges --in-categories --in-packages

## Unreleased

### Added

#### EasyCodingStandard

- [#851] Add _ support to PropertyNameMatchingTypeFixer
- [#860] Add test case for #855, Thanks to @OndraM

Github API Overload?

In case you cross the API rate limit and get denied, create new Github Token and run it via GITHUB_TOKEN ENV variable.

GITHUB_TOKEN super-secret-token vendor/bin/changelog-linker dump-merges

B. Decorate

vendor/bin/changelog-linker link

1. Link PR and Issues

 ### Added

-- #123 Cool new without detailed description wanting me to see PR, [closes #234]
+- [#123] Cool new without detailed description wanting me to see PR, [closes [#234]]

2. Link Versions to Diffs

-## v2.0.0 - 2017-12-31
+## [v2.0.0] - 2017-12-31

 - ...

 ## v1.5.0 - 2017-06-30

3. Can I Thank My Contributors?

Of course! Give your contributors credit they deserve:

 ### [v2.0.0] - 2017-12-31

-- ... thanks @SpacePossum for help
+- ... thanks [@SpacePossum] for help

You can exclude core maintainers, to give external contributors more credit:

# changelog-linker.yml
    authors_to_ignore: ['TomasVotruba']

4. How to Link Specific Words?

In Symplify, I need that every EasyCodingStandard word leads to

# changelog-linker.yml
        EasyCodingStandard: ''
 ## Unreleased

 ### Added

-#### EasyCodingStandard
+#### [EasyCodingStandard]

5. Can I Write Shorter PR Titles?


Just add alias to config:

# changelog-linker.yml
        CS: 'CodingStandard'

...and it will be resolved to CodingStandard package.