
API to get all countries and all cities in a country.

3.1.3 2021-09-08 17:31 UTC


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Geodata API to get the list of countries and cities in the world. This can be plugged in country and city picker drop-downs in forms. You can find a select2 implementation here. Code for this implementation is in example directory.


⚡ Installing the CountryCity API

  • Make sure you have PHP 7.4 or newer.
$ php -v
  • Download this API using composer using the command below.
composer global require shivammathur/countrycity "dev-main"
  • Then install the API by executing the command below.
composer create-project shivammathur/countrycity countrycity "dev-main" --prefer-dist
  • You are all set, you can use this API.

#️⃣ API Endpoints

All API responses are in json format.

  • Get all countries

# Without URL Rewriting
  • Get all countries containing a search keyword

# Without URL Rewriting
  • Get all cities in a country

# Without URL Rewriting
  • Get all cities in a country containing a search keyword

# Without URL Rewriting

✨ Rest API Features

  • Built using Slim micro framework.
  • Caching enabled with following headers
    • ETag
    • Expires
    • Last-Modified
  • Fast and lightweight API
  • PSR 7 Complaint
  • CORS Middleware

☁️ Hosting configuration

Here are the Configuration Instructions if you want to host this on your server.

🔧 Error Format

If there is an error in the API, you will get an error in json format as response

{"error":"true", "message": "error message here"}

🚨 Testing

$ vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml.dist

📜 License

The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License. This project has multiple dependencies and their licenses can be found in their respective repositories.

👍 Contributions

Contributions are welcome! See Contributor's Guide.

💖 Support this project

  • Please star the project and share it with the community.
  • Support the project by sponsoring my work on GitHub sponsors.