
Symfony Bundle for the confirmation process of a user registration

v0.4.3 2022-08-31 15:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-29 05:33:36 UTC


The SherlockodeUserConfirmationBundle provides a way to create a user account that will stay disabled until the user visits a confirmation link sent by email and sets a password.


This version of the bundle requires Symfony 3.* or 4.* and FOSUserBundle


Step 1: Install SherlockodeUserConfirmationBundle

Install with Composer:

$ composer require sherlockode/user-confirmation-bundle

Enable the bundle in the Symfony kernel:

// config/bundles.php
return [
    // ...
    Sherlockode\UserConfirmationBundle\SherlockodeUserConfirmationBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Step 2: Configure the bundle

Import the routing in config/routes.yaml

    resource: "@SherlockodeUserConfirmationBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml"

Then create the configuration in config/packages/sherlockode_user_confirmation.yaml

    from_email:                # From email address
    from_name: John Doe                             # Name of the expeditor
    email_subject: Please confirm your account      # The subject for the confirmation email (optional)
    redirect_after_confirmation: admin_dashboard    # The route name to redirect the user after confirmation


Extend the confirmation form template

To extend the confirmation form template, just update your sherlockode_user_confirmation.yaml

        confirmation_form: 'Registration/confirmation.html.twig'

Then in your template, add a placeholder for the block sherlockode_user_confirmation_form

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <h1>My awesome app !</h1>
        {# The form will be render here #}
        {% block sherlockode_user_confirmation_form %}{% endblock %}

Extend the confirmation email

If you want to extend the confirmation email template, you should add the path in your config.yml

        confirmation_email: 'Email/registration.html.twig'

In this template, you have access to the user object, and to a variable named confirmationUrl which contains the url to access the confirmation form.

Send confirmation email

If you want to send the confirmation again for an existing user, use the following link :

<a href="{{ path('sherlockode_user_confirmation_send_confirmation', {id: userId}) }}">
    Send confirmation email