
Symfony bundle for user-defined configuration values

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v0.7.1 2024-01-26 10:00 UTC


This bundle is built to allow users to define configuration options, useful in admin panels. Get rid of the business logic variables in your ENV or parameters.yml file !

Available features:

  • Define multiple configuration entries available for the users
  • Retrieve configuration values anywhere in your code for business logic
  • Use or create custom parameter types for a better user experience

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The best way to install this bundle is to rely on Composer:

$ composer require sherlockode/configuration-bundle


Enable the bundle in the kernel

// config/bundles.php

return [
    // ...
    Sherlockode\ConfigurationBundle\SherlockodeConfigurationBundle::class => ['all' => true],

You will need a Parameter entity in order to store the configuration values in the database.


namespace App\Entity;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Sherlockode\ConfigurationBundle\Model\Parameter as BaseParameter;

#[ORM\Table(name: 'parameter')]
class Parameter extends BaseParameter
    #[ORM\Column(name: 'id', type: 'integer')]
    #[ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy: 'AUTO')]
    protected int $id;

    #[ORM\Column(name: 'path', type: 'string')]
    protected string $path;

    #[ORM\Column(name: 'value', type: 'text', nullable: true)]
    protected ?string $value = null;


The entity class you just created must be set in the bundle's configuration:

# config/packages/sherlockode_configuration.yaml
        parameter: App\Entity\Parameter

Now you are free to define any configuration entry you'd like by using the parameters key:

# config/packages/sherlockode_configuration.yaml
        parameter: App\Entity\Parameter
            label: My customer service contact email
            type: simple # the "simple" type renders by default as a TextType form element
            label: Max login attemps before account blocking
            type: simple
                # it is possible to customize the form type to use for a "simple" parameter type
                subtype: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\IntegerType
            label: Sales start date
            type: datetime
                required: false


By default parameters labels are not translated in the form provided by the bundle. If you want to use translations you can define a translation_domain key globally and/or for each parameter and use your translation key as the label.

# config/packages/sherlockode_configuration.yaml
    translation_domain: my_app_domain # default domain is false (no translation)
            label: customer.contact_email
            type: simple
            translation_domain: my_param_domain # overrides the global domain
            # no translation domain, fallback to my_app_domain
            label: sales.start_date
            type: datetime


Each type of field may accept a various range of options that can be defined under the options key.

Every field may have a required option to define if the input field will be required (it defaults to true). The other options are up to the field and its needs. For instance, the choice field allow to define multiple and choices options in order to customize the form.

# config/packages/sherlockode_configuration.yaml
            label: Allow guest access
            type: choice
                required: true
                multiple: true
                    yes: 1
                    no: 0

Every field may also have a constraints option to define validation constraints. You can use Symfony built-in constraints or add your own:

# config/packages/sherlockode_configuration.yaml
            label: Website title
            type: simple
                required: true
                    - NotBlank: ~
                    - Length:
                        min: 8
                        max: 255
                        minMessage: 'This field must be at least {{ limit }} characters long'
                        maxMessage: 'This field must be at least {{ limit }} characters long'
                    - App\Validator\ContainsAlphanumeric:
                        message: "The website title can only contains alphanumeric characters" 


Default controller

All configured parameters can be edited with the provided controller. You may import the routing file in order to access it, the listing will be available at URI /parameters.

# config/routing.yaml
    resource: "@SherlockodeConfigurationBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml"

You can also modify the default template used by this controller with the templates configuration entry point:

# config/packages/sherlockode_configuration.yaml
        edit_form: 'Parameter/my_parameter_list.html.twig'

Custom code for the Form

If you have more specific usages, you can build your own form using the ParametersType, a FormType dedicated to editing the parameters. The model data for the form is an associative array of the paths and existing values. You can get the existing parameters from the DB using the service sherlockode_configuration.parameter_manager:

use Sherlockode\ConfigurationBundle\Form\Type\ParametersType;
use Sherlockode\ConfigurationBundle\Manager\ParameterManagerInterface;

// $parameterManager has been injected
/** @var ParameterManagerInterface $parameterManager */
$data = $parameterManager->getAll();
// or using an associative array:
// $data = ['contact_email' => '', 'max_user_login_attempts' => 5];

$form = $this->createForm(ParametersType::class, $data);
// handle form submission
if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
    $params = $form->getData();
    foreach ($params as $path => $value) {
        $parameterManager->set($path, $value);

Access configuration values

You are now able to retrieve any configuration value by using the get method from the parameter manager. It is possible to provide a default value to return if the entry has not been set yet.

$email = $parameterManager->get('contact_email');
$maxAttempts = $parameterManager->get('max_user_login_attempts', 5);

Import / export from the browser

You can export or import parameters in a yaml file. You have two routes for these operations:

  • sherlockode_configuration.export
  • sherlockode_configuration.import

You also can customize the import form template by defining your own in the configuration:

# config/packages/sherlockode_configuration.yaml
        import_form: 'Parameter/my_import_form.html.twig'

Import / export from CLI

You can export or import your parameters with these two Symfony commands:

  • sherlockode:configuration:export
  • sherlockode:configuration:import

These commands rely on the Symfony secrets mechanism. So be sure to generate your credentials with the following command:

$ php bin/console secrets:generate-keys


When parameters are saved in database, multiple events are dispatched

  • Sherlockode\ConfigurationBundle\Event\PreSaveEvent is dispatch before saving parameters;
  • Sherlockode\ConfigurationBundle\Event\SaveEvent is dispatch just after saving new parameters values in database;
  • Sherlockode\ConfigurationBundle\Event\PostSaveEvent is dispatch just after the SaveEvent. It can be useful for customizing redirection or adding flash message for example;

Field types

Default types

Here are the field types provided in the bundle, located in the namespace Sherlockode\ConfigurationBundle\FieldType :

  • simple
  • checkbox
  • choice
  • datetime
  • entity
  • image
  • password

Custom Field types

In order to add custom field types, you should create a service implementing the FieldTypeInterface interface and tag it with sherlockode_configuration.field (or use autoconfiguration).

The getName() return value is the alias of the field type to use in the configuration (like simple or choice).

Using transformers

Due to the format of the Parameter entity in the database (the value is stored as a string, whatever the parameter type), complex values cannot be stored directly. For instance, we can serialize an array to fit the string type, or we may store the ID of a database entity. The process may vary depending on your needs and the value to store, but the application needs to be aware of the process to transform the PHP data into a string and the opposite process. This is done through transformers.

A transformer is an object implementing the Sherlockode\ConfigurationBundle\Transformer\TransformerInterface. The interface has two methods transform and reverseTransform, similarly to the transformers used by Symfony in the Form Component.

The transform method takes the string representation and returns the PHP value, when the reverseTransform takes your PHP value and returns back the corresponding scalar value.

In order to be used, an instance of the transformer should be returned by the getModelTransformer method of the corresponding field type. If this method returns null, the bundle considers that no transformation is needed.

The bundle also provides a CallbackTransformer that can be used for faster implementations. For instance handling an array can be done like this :

public function getModelTransformer(ParameterDefinition $definition): ?TransformerInterface
    return new CallbackTransformer(
        function ($data) {
            if (!$data) {
                return null;
            if (false !== ($unserialized = @unserialize($data))) {
                return $unserialized;
            return $data;
        function ($data) {
            if (is_array($data)) {
                return serialize($data);
            return $data;


This bundle is under the MIT license. Check the details in the dedicated file