
Laravel Package For SMS Sending

v1.3.5 2022-08-16 14:00 UTC

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Last update: 2025-01-17 16:10:12 UTC


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This is a Laravel Package for SMS Gateway Integration. Now Sending SMS is easy.

List of supported gateways:


Via Composer

composer require shabayek/laravel-sms


  • Publish the config file
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Shabayek\Sms\SmsServiceProvider"
  • Choose what gateway you would like to use for your application. Then make that as default driver so that you don't have to specify that everywhere. But, you can also use multiple gateways in a project.
'default' => 'smseg',
  • Then fill the credentials for that gateway in the drivers array.
  • Send normal sms message
use Shabayek\Sms\Facades\Sms;
$sms = Sms::send('0120000000', 'Hello world');
  • Send otp sms message

if you set sms service normal it's will send via sms message if you set sms service otp it's will send via sms message

use Shabayek\Sms\Facades\Sms;

$sms = Sms::sendOtp('0120000000');
  • Verify phone number
use Shabayek\Sms\Facades\Sms;

$phone = '09121234567'; // phone number
$otp = '123456'; // otp that you sent to phone
$actualOtp = '123456'; // this is the actual otp that you sent to the user

$verify = Sms::verify($phone, $otp, $actualOtp); // third params is optional with service otp
  • You can set language for the OTP sms message.

en: For English ar: For Arabic

use Shabayek\Sms\Facades\Sms;

$sms = Sms::setLanguage('ar');

Adding Custom Cache Drivers

  • Writing The Driver

To create our custom sms driver, we first need to implement the Shabayek\Sms\Contracts\SmsGatewayContract contract. So, a new SMS gateway implementation might look something like this:

namespace Shabayek\Sms\Contracts;

class CustomSms implements SmsGatewayContract
    public function send($phone, $message): array;

    public function sendOtp($phone, $message = null);

    public function verify(string $phone, int $otp, $actualOtp = null): bool;

    public function balance() { }

Then, we need to add a new config for our custom sms driver. in sms config within connections key

'connections' => [
    'custom' => [
        'driver' => 'custom',
        'username' => 'username',
        'password' => 'password',
        'sender_id' => 'sender',
        'service' => 'normal',

we can finish our custom driver registration by calling the Sms facade's extend method:

Sms::extend('custom', function ($app) {
    return new CustomSms(config());


composer test

Security Vulnerabilities

If you've found a bug regarding security please mail instead of using the issue tracker.


The Laravel SMS Gateway package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.