
Customer Panel SDK for service

1.1.2 2024-01-17 21:23 UTC


This package contains complexcustomer panel application including PHP code, GraphQL queries, Twig templates and CSS/JS assets. Whole application is based on Silex micro-framework

Layout is powered by Bootstrap and like whole application is Apache licenced.


  • PHP 7.4 or higher

development/deploy requirements

  • composer (to install PHP dependencies)
  • node 10.x or higher and NPM (to build assets)

Word about versioning

This is special package. Because it contains complex application we can't provide long term backward compatibility.

There is high risk of implementing breaking changes once new features will be added. So when you're building own application, with custom modifications of templates, assets, logic please specify explicite version in your composer.json i.e.: "1.0.0". If you installing it as-is, and no modification will be made, you can include major version (1.*), to get upgrades.



Typical files layout

You shold create basic directory and files tree.

|  /public/.htaccess
|  /public/index.php

public must be root of your webserver. In this directory yoy must create two other files: index.php (see Bootstrap section) and .htaccess (see Webserver configuration section). Please note: two otger directories will be created there when you will build assets.

composer.json is a PHP depencency configuration. You need a composer tool to install it. package.json is a frontend dependency configuration. Tou need a npm tool to install it. See Assets section.

PHP depeldencies

To install all required depenednecies for your web application you must to create a file composer.json:

  "name": "my_application",
  "require": {
    "serwisant/serwisant-cp": "1.*"
  "autoload": {
    "psr-0": {
      "Serwisant": "src"

Once file is created run composer install. It will produce a vendor directory with many sub-directorues and files inside.

Assets (JS, CSS, images)

Application contains complex assets to provide a frontend layout via CSS and functionality via JS. Also, those assets have some dependencies from other JS libraries.

To get frontend working you must to create package.json:

  "name": "My Application",
  "private": true,
  "scripts": {
    "postinstall": "node vendor/serwisant/serwisant-cp/npm-package/build.js"
  "dependencies": {
    "serwisant-cp": "file:vendor/serwisant/serwisant-cp/npm-package"

and run npm install. Once all JS dependencies are installed additional script will run, and will generate a files in public/assets-serwisant-cp and public/webfonts.

Please note: JS dependencies must be insaled after PHP dependencies.

Please note: once you'll install all JS dependencies, you can remove whole node_modules directory before you start upload files to webserver.

Server configuration

All dependencies can be installed locally, on your terminal, and then FTP/SFTP/SCP can be used tu send all files to your webserver. If you have access to shell on webserver and composer/npm tools are installed there you can send a basic files and run instalaction directly on webserver.

Most important thing is to set your webserver to public sub-directory, not to root directory. It's for security reasons.

Don't forget to override apache/nginx config to point every single request to your index.php. It can be done with a .htaccess file:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]


Typical, minimal bootstrap looks like below.

$oauth_key = 'YOUR_OAUTH_KEY';
$oauth_secret = 'YOUR_OAUTH_SECRET';


use Serwisant\SerwisantCp;
use Serwisant\SerwisantApi;

$application = new SerwisantCp\Application();

$application->set('access_token_public', new SerwisantApi\AccessTokenOauth(
  new SerwisantApi\AccessTokenContainerEncryptedFile(sha1($oauth_key))

$application->set('access_token_customer', new SerwisantApi\AccessTokenOauthUserCredentials(
  new SerwisantApi\AccessTokenContainerSession()

$application->setRouter(new SerwisantCp\ApplicationRouter());



Public access token is stored in encrypted local file via AccessTokenContainerEncryptedFile. By default system /tmp is used for that purpose. You can change TMP dir for whole module by setting a TMPDIR env variable, i.e.:

putenv('TMPDIR=' . realpath('/path/to/tmp/dir'));

If you running application in distributed, multi-server environment, or you want tio increase performance use SQL database container:

new SerwisantApi\AccessTokenContainerPDO(['mysql:dbname=db;host=', 'user', 'password'])

Public access token is common for all users - it's generated in first request, cached and re-used by other users.


Customer access token is kept in session. You can keep it into other storage but you must remember that a customer access token is user specific, each logged in customer has its own token related to username/password.

Session store by default will use files in global, system temporary folder. You can configure own session store, ie. database in bootstrap file. See section with advanced topics.


This is default path/routes set. If you want to create own pages or change prefix paths create a new router by extending Router. By default you need to mount

Advanced topics, modyfying application

First of all. Don't modyfy/edit any part of code from module directly. If version will change, and you'll be forced tu update - all your edits will disapear and you'll need to re-implement it.

Application have some features, that allow apply modifications without touching internnal code.

Custom views and translations

By default all views are stored inside of views/ folder and translations in translations/ inside of module. You can overwrite views and translations, also you can add your own language translations. When initializing appliation in bootstrap file, pass additional paths to directories from your application.

For views: put in configured folder files with the same names as original view. Your custom files will take priority over oryginal views. It's strongly reccomended to do not create custom views from a scratch. Copy oryginal view to your custom folder and tune it.

For translations: prepare additional translation in your language - you should use translations/pl.yml as base. Then put new file in application directory and add to argument. Application will detect all available translations, and will serve it using customer browser language settings. If no translation is available, default can be used.

$application = new SerwisantCp\Application('production', ["./views"], [], ["./translations/en.yml", "./translations/de.yml"], 'en_GB');


  • environment, use production
  • array of directories (full paths) with alternate views
  • (not a scope of this documentation)
  • array of translation files
  • default translation, if none match

Custom modifiers

Overwrite logic related to location/translation detection, including translations, timezones, etc. Extend oryginal class to use static language and use it with set method.

class LocaleDetector extends \Serwisant\SerwisantCp\LocaleDetector
    public function __construct()
    $this->default_locale = 'pl_PL';
    $this->locale = 'pl_PL';
    $this->country = (new \PragmaRX\Countries\Package\Countries())->where('cca2', explode('PL')->first();
$application->set('locale_detector', new LocaleDetector());

You can use database session-store - pass new instance of PdoSessionHandler suplied with proper arguments with database credentials.

$application->set('session_handler', new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler\PdoSessionHandler(...))

Major changes

  • 1.0 - initial release
  • 1.1.0 - changed way how assets are built, new approach is not compatibile with previous one