
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

This bundle provides a set of Twig functions to display flags in different ways

v2.0.0 2013-07-23 15:21 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-12-18 04:34:38 UTC


This bundle provides a set of Twig functions to display browser culture codes.

Build Status


You need to follow the steps according to your Symfony version.

Specifics to Symfony 2.0


First you need to add the bundle to your deps file


and then, run the vendors script to download the bundle source

$ php ./bin/vendors install


The app must know where to look for our bundle classes. Adding the following line to the autoload file will do it.

// app/autoload.php

    // ...
    'ServerGrove' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',

Specifics to Symfony 2.1

    "require": {
        "servergrove/ServerGroveLocaleBundle": "dev-master"

Enable the bundle

Now, we need to tell our application kernel to enable the bundle. For this we need to add a bundle instance to the kernel bundles.

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new ServerGrove\LocaleBundle\ServerGroveLocaleBundle(),


Use the default settings:

server_grove_locale: ~

Or configure it according to your requirements:

    # The path where to look for flag images
    flags_path: "/path/to/flags" # Default: /path/to/ServerGroveLocaleBundle/Resources/public/images

    # Whether should or shouldn't be displayed the active flag
    hide_current_locale: true # Default: true

    # Cache warmer options
        enabled: true # Default: true
        patterns: [ "/^(?P<locale>[a-z]{2}).png$/" ] # Default: [ "/^(?P<locale>[a-z]{2}).png$/", "/^(?P<locale>[a-z]{2})\-(?P<country>[A-Z]{2}).png$/" ]
        defaults: # Default: []
            en: "en-UK.png"

    # Twig template with functions
    template: "AcmeDemoBundle::template.html.twig" # Default: ServerGroveLocaleBundle::flags.html.twig

    # Flags loader
        class: "My\Loader\Class" # Default: ServerGrove\LocaleBundle\Flag\CacheLoader
        arguments: [] # Default: [ "%kernel.cache_dir%" ]

    # Use different domains for different locales
        - { locale: "en", domain: "", default: true }
        - { locale: "es", domain: "" }

    # Set which flags should be displayed
    enabled_locales: [ "en", "es*" ]

Displaying one flag

There are three helpful functions for displaying a single flag.

The flag function

The flag function displays only the flag image:

{{ flag(locale) }}
{{ flag(locale, country) }}

The result would be:

<img src="/images/locale/flags-en.png"/>

You can also use a third param with options.


One of the available options is attrs, which allows to add attributes to the image.

{{ flag(locale, country, {
    attrs: {
        alt: "My locale flag",
        title: "The title of my flag"
}) }}

If you set an array for a specific attribute, you would have to specify for which locale the attribute is.

{{ flag(locale, country, {
    attrs: {
        alt: {
            en: "My locale flag in English",
        title: "The title of my flag"
}) }}

The path_flag function

This bundle provides a function to display the flags with a link to a specific route.

{{ path_flag(route, locale) }}
{{ path_flag(route, locale, route_params, country, options) }}

The result would be:

<a href="/page/en"><img src="/images/locale/flags-en.png"/></a>

The domain_flag function

It also provides a function to link the flag to a configured domain

{{ domain_flag(locale) }}
{{ domain_flag(locale, country, options) }}

The result would be:

<a href=""><img src="/images/locale/flags-en.png"/></a>

Displaying multiple configured flags

With this section, you will be able to display multiple flags with just one function.

The flags function

The flags function is the equivalent for the flag function for multiple images.

{{ flags() }}
{{ flags(options) }}

The result would be:

<img src="/images/locale/flags-en.png"/>
<img src="/images/locale/flags-es.png"/>

The path_flags function

The path_flags function is the equivalent for the path_flag function for multiple images. The _locale param for the route is set automatically.

{{ path_flags(route) }}
{{ path_flags(route, route_params, options) }}

The result would be:

<a href="/page/en"><img src="/images/locale/flags-en.png"/></a>
<a href="/page/es"><img src="/images/locale/flags-es.png"/></a>

The domains_flags function

The domains_flags function is the equivalent for the domains_flags function for multiple images.

{{ domains_flags() }}
{{ domains_flags(options) }}

The result would be:

<a href=""><img src="/images/locale/flags-en.png"/></a>
<a href=""><img src="/images/locale/flags-es.png"/></a>