seld/jsonlint dependents (88) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • PHP


    Adds a Module to list all external links

  • PHP


    Lists all psr 14 events

  • PHP


    A php `frontmatter` parser

  • PHP


    A tool to automatically fix Coding Style Standards issues by The Dragon Code.

  • eappointment/zmsdldb

    Client for DLDB

  • PHP


    A library to extract, serialize and store data scraped on Search Engine result pages.

  • PHP


    This extension provides way to output content from TYPO3 in JSON format.

  • PHP


    Headless dev tools - helpful code for local development

  • PHP


    REST and CLI API for adding, updating, and deleting records in TYPO3. Tracks relations so records can be inserted in any order. Uses remote ID mapping so you don't have to keep track of what UID a record has gotten after import. Data is inserted using backend APIs as if a real human did it, so you can can inspect the record history and undo actions.

  • PHP


    Managing crontab

  • PHP


    Easy-to-use, but feature-rich client library for i-doit's JSON-RPC API

  • PHP


    Easy-to-use, but feature-rich client library for Checkmk's Web API

  • itzbund/a11y-backend

    A11y Backend

  • itzbund/gsb-clustered-caching

    GSB Clustered Caching

  • itzbund/gsb-consent

    Consent managing for websites. This is part of the Goverment Site Builder (GSB) 11. Der GSB 11 ist eine Maßnahme der Dienstekonsolidierung Bund (DKB) des Bundesministeriums des Innern und für Heimat (BMI) und wird im Auftrag des Informationstechnikzentrums Bund (ITZBund) durchgeführt.