
These classes provide a simple factory for creating preconfigured monolog logger objects.

2.0.1 2023-01-20 14:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-08-30 01:34:23 UTC


These classes provide a simple factory for creating pre-configured monolog logger objects.

Monolog-Creator supports only a few handlers, formatters and processors of monolog at the moment. So feel free to extend the library.

See the changelog for the updates in between the major versions.


composer require segaja/monolog-creator



You have to configure at least the _default logger and one handler.


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$config = [
    "handler" => [
        "stream" => [
            "path" => "php://stdout",
    "logger" => [
        "_default" => [
            "handler" => ["stream"],
            "level"   => "WARNING",

$loggerFactory = new \MonologCreator\Factory($config);

$logger = $loggerFactory->createLogger('name');
$logger->addWarning('I am a warning');

different logger

Also you can create different pre-configured loggers. For example with another log level or handler.


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$config = [
    "handler" => [
        "stream" => [
            "path" => "php://stdout",
    "logger" => [
        "_default" => [
            "handler" => ["stream"],
            "level"   => "WARNING",
        "test" => [
            "handler" => ["stream"],
            "level"   => "DEBUG",

$loggerFactory = new \MonologCreator\Factory($config);

$logger = $loggerFactory->createLogger('test');
$logger->addDebug('I am a debug message');

different formatter

You can configure log output with a formatter. Be aware that a formatter has a general config under the formatter key and it has to be assigned to specific handler in the handlersection.

$config = [
    "handler" => [
        "stream" => [
            "path"      => "php://stdout",
            "formatter" => "json",
    'formatter' => [
        'json'     => [],
    "logger" => [
        "_default" => [
            "handler" => ["stream"],
            "level"   => "WARNING",
        "test" => [
            "handler" => ["stream"],
            "level"   => "DEBUG",

optional processors

You can optionally add processors to your logger

$config = [
    "logger" => [
        "test" => [
            "handler" => ["stream"],
            "processors" : ["web"],
            "level"   => "DEBUG",

supported handler:


$config = [
    "handler" => [
        "stream" => [
            "path"      => "php://stdout",

UdpHandler (custom handler)

$config = [
    "handler" => [
        'udp' => [
            'host'      => 'localhost',
            'port'      => '9999',

RedisHandler (with predis/predis)

To use the Redis handler, you have to create the Predis client object yourself and set it to the Factory, before creating any logger.

$config = [
    "handler" => [
        'redis' => [
            "key" => "php_logs",

$predisClient = new \Predis\Client('tcp://');

supported formatter:


Currently no options are supported here.

$config = [
    'formatter' => [
        'json'     => [],


All values are optional. The boolean values includeStacktraces, allowInlineLineBreaks and ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra can be "true" or "false".

$config = [
    'formatter' => [
        'line' => [
            "format"                     => "[%datetime%] %channel%.%level_name%: %message% %context% %extra%\n",
            "dateFormat"                 => "Y-m-d H:i:s",
            "includeStacktraces"         => "true",
            "allowInlineLineBreaks"      => "true",
            "ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra" => "true",


$config = [
    'formatter' => [
        'logstash'     => [
            "type" => "test-app"

supported processors:


$config = [
    'logger' => [
        '_default' => [
            'handler'   => [
            "processors"  => ["web"],
            'level' => 'DEBUG',

RequestID Processor

Injects a random UUID for each request to make multiple log messages from the same request easier to follow.

$config = [
    'logger' => [
        '_default' => [
            'handler'   => [
            "processors"  => ["requestId"],
            'level' => 'DEBUG',


Allows you to add high-level or specific fields to the logging data apart from the context list. These additional fields will be present in the extra list in the output.

$config = [
    'logger' => [
        '_default' => [
            'handler'   => [
            "processors"  => ["extraFields"],
            "extraFields" : [
                "extra_key1" : "extra_value1",
                "extra_key2" : "extra_value2"
            'level' => 'DEBUG',