
Laravel Simple Sitemap

1.0.1 2024-03-07 17:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-08 05:33:51 UTC


A very simple package: Create sitemaps "on the fly"


You can install the package via composer:

composer require sebacarrasco93/laravel-simple-sitemap

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="simple-sitemap-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [    

    'default_frequency' => 'monthly',
    'default_priority' => '0.50',


Create a sitemap for Eloquent Collections

Let's assume that you want to make a sitemap of all the categories, you can do that in only 3 steps!

// app/Models/Category

use SebaCarrasco93\SimpleSitemap\Traits\SimpleSitemapCollection; // 👈 1: Import Trait

class Category extends Model
    use HasFactory;
    // ...
    use SimpleSitemapCollection; // 👈 2: Use the trait

    // ...

    // 👇 Step 3: Create getSitemapUrlAttribute() method and specify the full url
    public function getSitemapUrlAttribute(): string 
        return route('', $this);

Now, you can use it

// web.php, controller or equivalent

$categories = Category::get();

return SimpleSitemap::fromEloquentCollection($categories);

Can I short the syntax? Of course!

return Category::sitemap(); // Equivalent to SimpleSitemap::fromEloquentCollection(Category::get());

Advanced usage

A sitemap for only active categories? Sure!

return Category::where('active', true)

A sitemap for active, and only 10 last categories? It's Eloquent and Laravel!

$active_categories = Category::where('active', true)
    ->orderBy('desc', 'id')->take(10)->get();

return SimpleSitemap::fromCollection($active_categories);

Easy Peasy!

Optionally, you can create a index sitemap with your sitemap collections

$routes = [
    route('sitemaps/index-1'), // You can pass it as a route
    '', // or, as full path
    '/sitemaps/index-3', // as a relative path, too

return SimpleSitemap::index($routes);


composer test


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Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.