
PSR-11 Container implementation

v0.1.1 2021-09-27 18:49 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-06 01:31:58 UTC


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It's my own implementation PSR-11 Container Interface.


composer require scruwi/container


$container = new Container([
    new ClassResolver(['App\\Namespace1', 'App\\Namespace2']),
    new ParameterResolver(['param1' => true, 'param2' => 'string']),
    new DefinitionResolver([Definition1:class, Definition2:class]),


You can implement your resolvers in a project if you need them. Look at the Interfaces namespace.


Only classes from defined namespaces can be autowired.


Typical usage:

$rootParameters = ['param1' => true, 'param2' => 'string'];
$classSpecificParameters = [SpecificClass::class => ['param1' => false]];
$resolver = ParameterResolver($rootParameters, $classSpecificParameters);

Expected behaviour:

class SomeClass
    public function __construct(bool $param1) { /* $param1 === true */ }
class SpecificClass
    public function __construct(bool $param1) { /* $param1 === false */ }

Parameter with default value does not have to be resolved by the config:

class SpecificClass
    public function __construct(bool $param0 = 'default') { /* $param0 === 'default' */ }

You can create a specific resolver in your way and use it in your project. Just implement ParameterResolverInterface and specify it during container construct.


Attach definitions to container.

Definition, there is no more than a factory that creates an object in a specific way. There is one specific ReflectionClassDefinition that constructs classes by their reflections. All autowired classes use that factory to create their object.

You should create as many definitions in your project as you need and specify them during container construct or attach them later by $container->addDefinition() method. Any definition must implement DefinitionInterface.

Typical definition class looks like this:

class ExampleDefinition implements DefinitionInterface
    public static function getId(): string
        return ExampleClass::class;

    public function __invoke(Container $container, ParameterResolver $resolver, BuildContext $context): object
        return new ExampleClass();

You can fetch some default parameters from the ParameterResolver:

    public function __invoke(Container $container, ParameterResolver $resolver, BuildContext $context): object
        $param1 = $resolver->resolve('param1', ExampleClass::class);
        return new ExampleClass($param1);

Also, you can find out from which context it was called. It may be useful for autowire interfaces:

class InterfaceDefinition implements DefinitionInterface
    public function getId(): string
        return SomeInterface::class;

    public function __invoke(Container $container, ParameterResolver $resolver, BuildContext $context): object
        if ($context->getTargetClass() === ClassWithInterfaceDependency::class) {
            return new SomeClassImplementsInterface2();

        return new SomeClassImplementsInterface1();


  • NotFoundExceptionInterface - for an unknown entry
  • ContainerExceptionInterface - for all common exceptions in the container
  • CircularReferencesException - there is a special exception for circular references in the container