
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Saxulum Accessor

2.0.3 2015-09-12 13:44 UTC


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  • Contains a accessor trait which allows to register accessors
  • Contains a add accessor, which means you don't have to write simple adders anymore
  • Contains a get accessor, which means you don't have to write simple getters anymore
  • Contains a is accessor, which means you don't have to write simple is anymore
  • Contains a remove accessor, which means you don't have to write simple removers anymore
  • Contains a set accessor, which means you don't have to write simple setters anymore


  • PHP 5.4+


Through Composer as saxulum/saxulum-accessor.


AccessorRegistry::registerAccessor(new Add());
AccessorRegistry::registerAccessor(new Get());
AccessorRegistry::registerAccessor(new Is());
AccessorRegistry::registerAccessor(new Remove());
AccessorRegistry::registerAccessor(new Set());


 * @method string getName()
 * @method $this setName(string $name)
 * @method bool isActive()
 * @method $this setActive(bool $active)
 * @method $this addManies(Many $manies)
 * @method Many[] getManies()
 * @method $this removeManies(Many $manies)
class One
    use AccessorTrait;

     * @var string
    protected $name;

     * @var bool
    protected $active;

     * @var Many[]
    protected $manies = array();

    protected function _initProps()
            ->_prop((new Prop('name', Hint::STRING))
            ->_prop((new Prop('active', Hint::BOOL))
            ->_prop((new Prop('manies', 'Many[]', true, 'one', Prop::REMOTE_ONE))

 * @method string getName()
 * @method $this setName(string $name)
 * @method One getOne()
 * @method $this setOne(One $name)
class Many
    use AccessorTrait;

     * @var string
    protected $name;

     * @var One
    protected $one;

    protected function _initProps()
            ->_prop((new Prop('name', Hint::STRING))
            ->_prop((new Prop('one', 'One', true, 'manies', Prop::REMOTE_MANY))

$one = new One();

$many = new Many();

$one->getName(); // return: string 'one'
$one->isActive(); // return: bool true
$one->getManies(); // return: an array with one instance of 'Many'

PhpDoc generation

Call the method _generatePhpDoc on the object using it

$one = new One();



  • less own code to write
  • less owm code to debug
  • scalar type hints
  • handles bidirection relations


  • @method phpdoc, needs manually call _generatePhpDoc()
  • slower (no benchmark)
  • more complex to debug
  • method_exists does not work


Does it work with doctrine orm/odm (proxy)

Yes it does, thx to __call

Does ist work with symfony/property-access (symfony/form)

Yes it does, thx to __get, __set

Does it work with twig

Yes it does, thx to the plain property method call wrapper



  • Dominik Zogg
  • Patrick Landolt