
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

CakePHP based backed dashboard template.

v1.1.1 2019-08-02 10:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-06-22 20:58:07 UTC


Build Status

A skeleton for creating backend applications with CakePHP 3.x. with basic user module for 3 different roles.

The framework source code can be found here: samgan-khan/cristeena.


check out the demo here


  1. Download Composer or update composer self-update.
  2. Run php composer.phar create-project --prefer-dist samgan-khan/cristeena [app_name].

If Composer is installed globally, run

composer create-project --prefer-dist samgan-khan/cristeena

In case you want to use a custom app dir name (e.g. /myapp/):

composer create-project --prefer-dist samgan-khan/cristeena myapp

You can now either use your machine's webserver to view the default home page, or start up the built-in webserver with:

bin/cake server -p 8765

Then visit http://localhost:8765 to see the welcome page.


Since this skeleton is a starting point for your application and various files would have been modified as per your needs, there isn't a way to provide automated upgrades, so you have to do any updates manually.


Read and edit config/app.php and setup the 'Datasources' and any other configuration relevant for your application.


The app skeleton uses a CakePHP 3.x. framework by default.


For detailed documentation visit here