
A WHATWG URL spec compliant URL parser for working with URLs and their query strings.

4.0.0 2024-06-21 01:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 22:03:08 UTC


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A WHATWG URL spec compliant URL parser for working with URLs and their query strings.

This API offers 2 objects that you can use to help you work with URLs; URL and URLSearchParams.


Checkout an interactive demo here.


  • PHP >= 8.1
  • ext-mbstring
  • brick/math
  • rowbot/idna


composer require rowbot/url


The URL object is the primary object for working with a URL.

The URL constructor

URL(string|\Stringable $url[, null|string|\Stringable $base = null, array $options = []])

The $options argument accepts an array with a key logger whose value is an object implementing \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface. See Logging for more information.

URL constructor throws

  • \Rowbot\URL\Exception\TypeError
    • When the URL parser determines that the given input is not a valid URL.
use Rowbot\URL\URL;

// Construct a new URL object.
$url = new URL('');

// Construct a new URL object using a relative URL, by also providing the constructor with the base URL.
$url = new URL('path/to/file.php?query=string', '');
echo $url->href; // Outputs: ""

// You can also pass an existing URL object to either the $url or $base arguments.
$url = new URL('');
$url1 = new URL('foo/bar/', $url);
echo $url1->href; // Outputs: ""

// Catch the error when URL parsing fails.
try {
    $url = new URL('http://2001::1]');
} catch (\Rowbot\URL\Exception\TypeError $e) {
    echo 'Invalid URL';

URL Members

Note: As a convience, both the __get() and __set() methods will throw an \InvalidArgumentException if you try to get or set an invalid property.

string URL::href

The href getter returns the serialization of the URL. The href setter will parse the entire string updating all the components of the URL with the new values. Providing an invalid URL will cause the setter to throw a \Rowbot\URL\TypeError.

readonly string URL::origin

The origin member is readonly. Its output is in the form of scheme://host:port. If a URL does not have a port, then that will be excluded from the output.

string URL::protocol

The protocol getter, also known as a scheme, returns the protocol of the URL, such as http, ftp, or ssh. The protocol setter is used to change the URLs protocol.

string URL::username

The username getter returns the username portion of the URL, or an empty string if the URL does not contain a username. The username setter changes the URLs username.

string URL::password

The password getter returns the password portion of the URL, or an empty string if the URL does not contain a password. The password setter changes the URLs password.

string URL::host

The host getter returns the combination of hostname and port. The output would look like hostname:port. If the URL does not have a port, then the port is not present in the output. The host setter allows you to change both the hostname and port at the same time.

string URL::hostname

The hostname getter returns the hostname of the URL. For example, the hostname of would be The hostname setter will change the hostname portion of the URL.

string URL::port

The port getter returns an integer as a string representing the URLs port. If the URL does not have a port, the empty string will be returned instead. The port setter updates the URLs port.

string URL::pathname

The pathname getter returns the URLs path. The pathname setter updates the URLs path.

string URL::search

The search getter returns the URLs query string. The search setter updates the URLs URLSearchParams list.

readonly URLSearchParams URL::searchParams

Returns the URLSearchParams object associated with this URL allowing you to modify the query parameters without having to clobber the entire query string. This will always return the same object.

string URL::hash

The hash getter, also known as a URLs fragment, returns the portion of the URL that follows the "#" character. The hash setter updates the portion of the URL that follows the "#".

bool URL::canParse(string|\Stringable $url[, null|string|\Stringable $base = null])

A static method that allows the user to quickly check if a URL is parsable, without needing to construct a new URL object and wrapping it with a try/catch statement.

string URL::toJSON()

Returns a JSON encoded string of the URL. Note that this method escapes forward slashes, which is not the default for PHPs json_encode(), but matches the default behavior of JavaScripts JSON.stringify(). If you wish to control the serialization, then pass the URL obect to the json_encode() function.

string URL::jsonSerialize()

The URL object implements the JsonSerializable interface allowing you to pass the object as a whole to the json_encode() function.

string URL::toString()

Returns the serialization of the URL.

string URL::__toString()

See URL::toString()


The URLSearchParams object allows you to work with query strings when you don't need a full URL. The URLSearchParams object implements the Iterator interface so that you may iterate over the list of search parameters. The iterator will return an array containing exactly 2 items. The first item is the parameter name and the second item is the parameter value.

The URLSearchParams constructor

URLSearchParams([iterable<int|string, array<int|string, scalar|\Stringable>|(\Traversable<int|string, scalar|\Stringable>&\Countable)>|object|string|\Stringable $init])

URLSearchParams constructor throws

  • \Rowbot\URL\Exception\TypeError
    • When an iterable is passed and one if its values is not iterable.
    • When an iterable is passed and one of its values is not countable, such as an object that implements \Iterator, but not \Countable.
    • When an iterable is passed and one of its sequences does not contain exactly 2 items, such as an array that contains only 1 string.
use Rowbot\URL\URLSearchParams;

// Construct an empty list of search params.
$params = new URLSearchParams();

// Construct a new list from a query string. Remember that a leading "?" will be stripped.
$params = new URLSearchParams('?foo=bar');

// Construct a new list using an array of arrays containing strings. Alternatively, you could pass an
// object that implements the Traversable interface and whose iterator returns an array of arrays,
// with each array containing exactly 2 items.
$params = new URLSearchParams([
    ['foo', 'bar'],
    ['foo', 'bar'] // Duplicates are allowed!
    ['one', 'two']

// Iterate over a URLSearchParams object.
foreach ($params as $index => $param) {
    if ($index > 0) {
        echo '&';

    echo $param[0] . '=' . $param[1];

// Above loop prints "foo=bar&foo=bar&one=two".

// Construct a new list using an object
$obj = new \stdClass();
$obj->foo = 'bar';
$params = new URLSearchParams($obj);

// Copy an existing URLSearchParams object into a new one.
$params1 = new URLSearchParams($params);

URLSearchParams Members

void URLSearchParams::append(string $name, string $value)

Appends a new name-value pair to the list.

void URLSearchParams::delete(string $name[, string $value])

Deletes all name-value pairs whose name is $name from the list. If the optional $value is provided, then only pairs with the same name and value are removed.

string|null URLSearchParams::get(string $name)

Returns the value of the first name-value pair whose name is $name in the list or null if there are no name-value pairs whose name is $name in the list.

string[] URLSearchParams::getAll(string $name)

Returns a list of values of all name-value pairs whose name is $name, in list order, or the empty list if there are no name-value pairs whose name is $name in the list.

bool URLSearchParams::has(string $name[, string $value])

Returns true if there is a name-value pair in the list, and false otherwise.

void URLSearchParams::set(string $name, string $value)

If the list contains name-value pairs whose name is $name, the first name-value pair in the list whose name is $name will have its value changed to $value and all others following it in the list will be removed. If the list does not contain a name-value pair whose name is $name then the new name-value pair will be appended to the list.

void URLSearchParams::sort()

Sorts the list of search params by comparing code units. The relative order of name-value pairs with the same name are preserved.

string URLSearchParams::toString()

Returns the serialization of the list of name-value pairs.

int URLSearchParams::$size

Returns the number of query parameters in the list.

string URLSearchParams::__toString()

See URLSearchParams::toString()


The given logger logs validation errors. Entries with a level of warning are fatal errors that cause the parser to fail. Entries with a level of notice are not fatal. All validation errors have an input key and either a column or column_range offset key. Column offsets start at 1.

Logging context

Key Type Description
input string The input string that the parser is operating on at the time of error.
column positive-int The column offset of the error.
column_range array{0: positive-int, 1: positive-int} Index 0 is the starting column offset, and index 1 is the end column offset. The range is inclusive.
idn_errors list<string> A list of strings that represent IDN error constant names.
unicode_domain string The domain name as a Unicode string.