
Abstract User space middleware for your Roadiz theme.

1.5.0 2021-09-22 16:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 19:16:52 UTC


Build Status

Middleware theme for creating public User accounts and user actions.


  • Sign-up (configurable with user_theme.allow_sign_up boolean service)
  • Sign-in
  • Sign-in with OpenID (since Roadiz v1.5)
  • Account validation by email
  • Account validation by SMS (requires MessageBird API access-token)
  • Password change
  • Forgot my password (password change with a token sent to user email)
  • GDPR compliance
    • User deletion
    • User data download (JSON serialization)


  • Register AbstractUserTheme services
# app/AppKernel.php

 * {@inheritdoc}
public function register(\Pimple\Container $container)

     * Add your own service providers.
    $container->register(new \Themes\AbstractUserTheme\Services\AbstractUserThemeProvider());
  • Extends your own theme with AbstractUserTheme
# themes/MyAwesomeTheme/MyAwesomeThemeApp.php
namespace Themes\MyAwesomeTheme;

use Themes\AbstractUserTheme\AbstractUserThemeApp;

 * MyAwesomeThemeApp class
class MyAwesomeThemeApp extends AbstractUserThemeApp {

  • Do not directly register AbstractUserTheme in your app/conf/config.yml file, all services will be wired up using inheritance.
  • Add a additional_scripts Twig block in your main theme template to be able to inject some JS dependencies.
  • Import AbstractUserTheme routes into your theme’s (if you do not want to override them all)
# Resources/routes.yml
    resource: abstract_routes.yml


Override controller and their methods

All controllers are just empty classes using Traits so you can easily override them by recreating you route and controller inside your own theme.


namespace Themes\MyAwesomeTheme\Controllers;

use Themes\AbstractUserTheme\Controllers\DeleteAccountControllerTrait;
use Themes\MyAwesomeTheme\MyAwesomeThemeApp;

class DeleteAccountController extends MyAwesomeThemeApp
    use DeleteAccountControllerTrait;

Then you’ll have to override routing configuration in order to tell Roadiz to use your custom controller for each route instead of AbstractUserTheme ones.

# themes/MyAwesomeTheme/Resources/routes.yml
    resource: user_routes.yml
# themes/MyAwesomeTheme/Resources/routing/user_routes.yml
    path: /{_locale}/account
        _controller: Themes\MyAwesomeTheme\Controllers\AccountController::accountAction
        _locale: en
        _locale: "[a-z]{2}"

Override templates

You can override Twig templates too, just create the template file at the same location but inside your own theme. You even can override templates without overriding controller or routes.

If you want to override account/email/token.html.twig template, just copy this file as themes/MyAwesomeTheme/Resources/views/account/email/token.html.twig. Twig file resolver will use this file as first choice when rendering your pages and emails.

User events

  • user.signed_up: After user has been created and EntityManager flushed
  • user.reset_password: After user has reset its password (in forgot my password) and EntityManager flushed
  • user.validated: After user has confirmed its account and EntityManager flushed
  • user.before_delete: When user has deleted its account before entity is removed and EntityManager flushed (useful to remove references and related entities).
  • user.after_delete: When user has deleted its account and after EntityManager flushed

Mandatory routes

These routes must be declared in order to make Firewall entry work:

  • themeAccount
  • themeSignInUser
  • themeLogout
  • themeLoginCheck

These are already defined if you are using AbstractUserTheme as is.