
Rezzza workflow

dev-master / 1.0.x-dev 2014-09-17 08:25 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-11 05:26:52 UTC


Build Status

Define workflow of an object easily.


Through Composer :

$ composer require --dev "rezzza/workflow:1.0.*@dev"

Warning, this library uses binary system, it assigns a binary mask to each state. By this way, you'll be limited in number of states.


use \Rezzza\Workflow\Graph;
use \Rezzza\Workflow\State;
use \Rezzza\Workflow\Workflow;
use \Rezzza\Workflow\Exception;

$graph = new Graph();
    ->addState('empty', new State\NextOne())                                     // can go to filled
    ->addState('filled', new State\StateCollection(array('empty', 'confirmed'))) // can go to empty or confirmed
    ->addState('confirmed', new State\NextOne())                                 // can go to pending transaction
    ->addState('pending_transaction', new State\NextAll())                       // can go to failing_transaction or success_transaction
    ->addState('failing_transaction', new State\End())
    ->addState('success_transaction', new State\End())

$cart     = new Acme\ECommerce\Path\To\Cart();
$workflow = new Workflow($graph, $cart, 'status');
$states   = $workflow->getAuthorizedStates();

try {
} catch (Exception\ConflictException e) {
    // it seems you want to add a state already setted.
} catch (Exception\WorkflowException $e) {
    // you try to set a state not authorized.


You can add a specification to each states

use Rezzza\Workflow\Specification\SpecificationInterface;

class ConfirmableSpecification implements SpecificationInterface
    public function isSatisfiedBy($object)
        return $object->hasUserAuthenticated();

$graph = new Graph();
    ->addState('confirmed', new State\NextOne(new ConfirmableSpecification()))


You can use each one of theses states: