renegare / depipe
deployment pipeline (currently only for aws)
- php: >=5.4.0
- aws/aws-sdk-php: 2.6.0
- monolog/monolog: >=v1
- phpseclib/phpseclib: 0.3.6
- psr/log: 1.0.0
- symfony/console: >=v2.4
- symfony/http-foundation: v2.4.5
- symfony/yaml: >=v2.4.4
Requires (Dev)
- antecedent/patchwork: 1.2.7
- phpunit/phpunit: 4.1.0
- satooshi/php-coveralls: dev-master
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-11 03:28:54 UTC
What is DePipe?
A cli tool that allows you to build, test and deploy an application server (and an experimental project to familiarise my self with aws-php-sdk v2+).
Well thats the goal ...
Basic Usage Examples:
Build Executable (depipe.phar)
[prompt]$ ./
Run Commands
# shows options
[prompt]$ ./depipe.phar
# run deployment pipeline
[prompt]$ ./depipe.phar pipeline --config depipe-config.yml --log depipe.log
Example configuration (YAML)
# depipe-config.yml
class: App\Platform\Aws\Client
key: {{env AWS_KEY}}
secret: {{env AWS_SECRET}}
region: us-east-1
sleep.interval: 20 # how long to wait before retrying *something* e.g instances to be ready
image: ami-XXXXX
instance.config: # for options see
InstanceType: m3.large
UserData: [...] # prefixes "#cloud-config\n" and base64 encodes
NetworkInterfaces: #if you launching into a VPC
DeviceIndex: 0
Groups: [sg-XXXXX]
SubnetId: subnet-XXXXX
DeleteOnTermination: true
AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
instance.access: # will delete and recreate a key to be used
class: App\Platform\Aws\InstanceAccess
user: root
connect.attempts: 10
connect.sleep: 20
pipeline: # runs each step (pipe) sequentially
build base web app image:{{time Ym}}
- yum clean all
- yum update -y
- yum install httpd php -y
- echo '{{file resource/}}' > /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
- echo 'Base Web App Instance Configured'
build release candidate image:{{time YmdH}}
instance.access: # from here on we launch instances with our own private key
class: App\Util\InstanceAccess\SSHAccess
user: root
key: '{{file resource/key.pem}}'
connect.attempts: 10
connect.sleep: 20
- echo '{{file resource/app-vhost.conf}}' > /etc/httpd/conf.d/app.conf
- git clone /app
- echo 'Candidate Web App Installed'
launch test instance:
- yum install php-xdebug mysql-server php-mysqli php-imagick php-gd -y
- service mysqld start
- service memcached start
- service elasticsearch start
- echo 'CREATE DATABASE app_db;' | mysql -u root
- cd /app && composer update --prefer-dist # should install dev deps
- cd /app && php -d memory_limit=512M vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text
- echo 'Finished Testing Application'
launch production ready instance(s):
instance.count: 2
- echo '{{file resource/app-production-config.json}}' > /app/config/production.json
- service elasticsearch restart
- service iptables restart
- service httpd restart
- cat /dev/null > /root/.ssh/authorized_keys # no more access to this instance! #youDecide
- echo 'Configured Production Web App'
connect instances to loadbalancer:
scripts: ~ # without this it will run the previous value for 'scripts' #bug
load.balancer: web-elb
CLI Structure
So ... still playing about with this idea ... but ... the project can be broken down to the following class types:
- Command (Task Master): Symfony based Command class, that relies on classes of type Task to do the work
- Task: The actual classes that do the work ... work here must be super concise and minimal. Working with AWS can be a pain and testing it all works is a pain!
Note: Everything is reasonably Psr\Log aware, makes it easier to know when something has gone wrong!
Currently uses box-project to convert source into a single file executable (PHAR).
Given you have box and composer installed on your machine, you should be able to run ./
which will
compile (really zip up!) a phar ready for use :)
Check out the repo and from the top level directory run the following command:
$ composer update && vendor/bin/phpunit
NOTE: You need composer installed on your machine
Help Needed
- Shell script to build the cli tool into a phar and optionally install it somewhere in a PATH
- Better arch idea around managing various cloud providers e.g rackspace (currently targeting aws)
- Better arch idea around testing + deploying to a shared host (not everyone needs to launch an instance per app release! #possiblyOutsideOfScope)
Road Map to v0.1.0 (prototype-release)
Cloud Platform Interfaces
- App\Platform\ClientInterface
- App\Platform\ImageInterface
- App\Platform\InstanceInterface
- App\Platform\LoadBalancerInterface
Aws Platform Concrete Classes
- App\Platform\Aws\Client
- App\Platform\Aws\Image
- App\Platform\Aws\Instance
- App\Platform\Aws\LoadBalancer
- tag v0.1.0
Road Map to v0.2.0 (useful-release)
- Review goals below (make it more feasible)
Configuration (depipe.yml.dist)
- pipes need to clean up after themselves
- Review current pipe configuration (but retain simplicity)
- Review configuration options (instance.access needs to be mutable and not crash)
- pipes that create/modify (not including search or destructive pipes) should be able to reverse/undo what they have done?
- file upload component ... remove string regex madness!
- pipelines: multi pipe line configuration (run one or all at the same damn time #Future)
- Run pipelines in isolated processes (however they all start from the root config)
- Allow special @wait param in pipe config (wait for an event in a parallel pipeline - #maybeToAmbitious)
- Documentation of usage (better examples)
- Replace references to internal classes within depipe to shorthand key names / enum
- get rid of "symfony/http-foundation" dep
- update all deps to latest (if beneficial)
- kill - terminate instances
- delete - delete an image
- find:instances - find instances
- find:image - find instances (half done ... but needs a rethink)
- tag v0.2.0
Road Map to v0.3.0 (security-release)
- Hmmm ...
Road Map to v0.4.0 (vendor-independant-release)
- Review vendor specific classes, normalize and simplify
- Create another vender set of classes (rackspace? digital ocean?)
- Documentation of classes