quidphp / lemur
LemurCMS, a content management system built on top of the QuidPHP framework
- php: >=8.1.0
- quidphp/core: 5.31.*
- quidphp/front: 5.31.*
- quidphp/include: 5.31.*
- quidphp/navigation: 5.31.*
- tinymce/tinymce: ^6.0
QuidPHP/Lemur contains the LemurCMS, a content management system built on top of the QuidPHP framework. It is part of the QuidPHP package.
QuidPHP/Lemur is available as an open-source software under the MIT license.
QuidPHP/Lemur documentation is available at QuidPHP/Docs.
QuidPHP/Lemur can be easily installed with Composer. It is available on Packagist.
$ composer require quidphp/lemur
Once installed, the Quid\Lemur namespace will be available within your PHP application.
QuidPHP/Lemur requires the following:
- PHP 8.1
- All requirements of quidphp/core
- Any modern browser (not Internet Explorer)
QuidPHP/Lemur has the following dependencies:
- quidphp/core - Quid\Core - PHP library that provides an extendable platform to create dynamic applications
- quidphp/navigation - Javascript module for navigating a website without reloading
- quidphp/front - JavaScript and CSS assets for basic components
- quidphp/include - Contains third-party front-end scripts
- tinymce/tinymce - Tinymce - The world's best JavaScript library for rich text editing
All dependencies will be resolved by using the Composer installation process.
QuidPHP/Lemur code is commented and all methods are explained (in French).
QuidPHP/Lemur is built on the following conventions:
- Core overloading: This namespace overloads many classes from Quid\Core.
- Auto-alias: All class names that finishes by Alias will resolve to the existing class if no alias exists. Exemple: MyRole extents RoleAlias -> will resolve to Role if no alias is found.
- Traits: Traits filenames start with an underscore (_).
- Type: Files, function arguments and return types are strict typed.
- Config: A special $config static property exists in all classes. This property gets recursively merged with the parents' property on initialization.
- Coding: No curly braces are used in a IF statement if the condition can be resolved in only one statement.
QuidPHP/Lemur contains 205 classes and traits. Here is an overview:
- Boot - Extended abstract class for the object that bootstraps the cms
- Cell - Extended class to represent an existing cell within a row
- Crypt - Extended class for a cell with crypted data
- Files - Abstract class extended by the media and medias cells
- JsonArray - Class to manage a cell containing a json array
- JsonExport - Class for a cell that contains json which should be exported (similar to var_export)
- JsonRelation - Class to manage a cell containing a relation value to another cell containing a json array
- Media - Class to work with a cell containing a value which is a link to a file
- Medias - Class to manage a cell containing a value which is a link to many files
- Money - Class to manage a cell managing money (money formatted string)
- Phone - Class for a cell managing phone numbers
- Primary - Class for dealing with a cell of a column which has an auto increment primary key
- Relation - Abstract class extended by the enum and set cells
- Uri - Class to manage a cell containing an URI
- Video - Class to manage a cell containing a video from a third-party service
- Cms
- About - Class for the about popup route of the CMS
- Account - Class for the account route of the CMS, by default redirects to the user's specific route
- AccountChangePassword - Class for the change password route in the CMS
- AccountChangePasswordSubmit - Class for the submit change password route in the CMS
- ActivatePassword - Class for activating the password in the CMS
- Calendar - Class for the calendar route of the CMS
- CliClearAll - Class for a cli route to remove all cached and logged data
- CliClearCache - Class for a cli route to remove all cached data
- CliClearLog - Class for a cli route to remove all log data
- CliCompile - Class for a cli route to compile assets (js and css)
- CliPreload - Class for a cli route to generate the preload PHP script
- CliSessionGc - Class for a cli route to remove expired sessions for the CMS
- CliVersion - Class for the version route of the CMS, accessible via the cli
- Contact - Class for the contact form route of the CMS
- ContactSubmit - Class for a contact submit route for the CMS
- Download - Class for the file download route of the CMS
- Email - Class for the modal route to confirm the mailto link
- Error - Class for the error route of the CMS
- Export - Class for the export popup route of the CMS
- ExportDownload - Class for the route to generate and download the CSV export for the CMS
- General - Class for the general navigation route of the CMS
- GeneralDelete - Class for the route which allows deleting rows from the general navigation page of the CMS
- GeneralEdit - Class for the route that allows quick editing a cell from the general page
- GeneralEditSubmit - Class for the route to manage the form to quick edit a cell from the general page
- GeneralRelation - Class for the route which manages the filters for the general navigation page of the CMS
- GeneralTruncate - Class for the route which allows truncating a table from the general page of the CMS
- Home - Class for the home route of the CMS
- HomeFeed - Class for the route feed of the home page for the CMS
- HomeFeedRelation - Class for the route which manages table relation, used by some inputs in the CMS
- Login - Class for the login route of the CMS
- LoginSubmit - Class for the login submit route of the CMS
- Logout - Class for the logout route of the CMS
- PopupBoot - Class for the popup route with the boot information
- PopupSession - Class for the popup route with the session information
- Register - Class for the register route of the CMS
- RegisterSubmit - Class for the register submit route of the CMS
- ResetPassword - Class for the reset password route of the CMS
- ResetPasswordSubmit - Class for the submit reset password route of the CMS
- Robots - Class for the robots.txt route of the CMS
- Search - Class for the global search route of the CMS
- SessionRole - Class for the route with the popup to apply a fake role to the current session
- SessionRoleSubmit - Class for the route to submit and apply a fake role to the current session
- Sitemap - Class for the automated sitemap.xml route of the CMS
- Specific - Class for the specific route of the CMS, generates the update form for a row
- SpecificAdd - Class for the specific add route of the CMS, generates the insert form for a row
- SpecificAddSubmit - Class for the submit specific add route, to process the insertion of a new row in the CMS
- SpecificDelete - Class for the specific delete route, to process a row deletion in the CMS
- SpecificDispatch - Class for the specific dispatch route, directs to the proper dispatch route of the CMS
- SpecificDuplicate - Class for the specific duplicate route, to process a row duplication in the CMS
- SpecificMulti - Class for the specific multi route of the CMS, generates the update form for multiple rows
- SpecificMultiSubmit - Class for the submit multi specific route, to process the update of multiple rows in the CMS
- SpecificPosition - Class for a route that redirects to the proper specific route according to a position
- SpecificRelation - Class for the route which manages specific relation - enumSet inputs in the specific form
- SpecificSubmit - Class for the submit specific route, to process the update of a row in the CMS
- TableRelation - Class for the route which manages table relation, used by some inputs in the CMS
- UserWelcome - Class for the user welcome route which can send a welcome email to the user
- _cli - Trait that provides some initial configuration for a CMS cli route
- _colRelation - Trait that provides methods related to a column relation
- _common - Trait that provides commonly used methods for the CMS
- _export - Trait that provides commonly used methods for exporting data from the CMS
- _general - Trait that provides commonly used methods related to the general navigation route of the CMS
- _generalInput - Trait that provides some methods for generating reusable general inputs
- _generalRelation - Trait that provides methods to make a filter from a relation
- _generalSegment - Trait that provides some methods for a general navigation page
- _link - Trait that provides some initial configuration for a CMS link route
- _module - Trait that provides some initial configuration for a CMS module route
- _nobody - Trait which provides commonly used methods for routes where the user is not logged in the CMS
- _page - Trait that provides some practical methods to work with page route within the CMS
- _popup - Trait that provides some initial configuration for a CMS popup route
- _relation - Trait that provides some initial configuration for a CMS relation route
- _specific - Trait that provides commonly used methods for the specific routes of the CMS
- _specificAddMulti - Trait that provides common methods between the specificAdd and specificMulti routes
- _specificNav - Trait that provides a method for the specific navigation
- _specificRelation - Trait that provides methods to make an enumSet input
- _specificSubmit - Trait that provides commonly used methods for the specific submit routes of the CMS
- _tableRelation - Trait that provides methods for a table relation selector
- _template - Trait that grants the methods to generate the CMS HTML template
- Col - Extended class to represent an existing column within a table, adds cms config
- Auto - Class for the auto column, generate value automatically using the data from other cells
- ContextType - Class for the contextType column, a checkbox set relation with all boot types
- Crypt - Extended class for a column with crypted data
- Date - Extended class for a date column, supports many date formats
- Email - Extended class for a column managing email
- Error - Extended class for a column that manages an error object
- Excerpt - Class for a column which contains an excerpt of a longer value
- Files - Extended abstract class extended by the media and medias cols
- Fragment - Class for a column which contains URI fragments
- IntegerRange - Class for an integer column that supports range
- JsonArray - Class for a column which offers a simple input for json values
- JsonExport - Class for a column that contains json which should be exported
- JsonModel - Class for a column which offers a configurable complex input for json values
- JsonRelation - Class to manage a column containing a relation value to another column which is a jsonArray
- Media - Extended class to work with a column containing a value which is a link to a file
- Medias - Class to work with a column containing a value which is a link to many files
- Money - Class for a column managing money (money formatted string)
- Percent - Class for a column percent value
- Phone - Class for a column managing phone numbers, automatically formats the value
- Primary - Extended class for dealing with a column which has an auto increment primary key
- Range - Class for a column managing a range (minimum, maximum, increment)
- Relation - Extended abstract class extended for a relation
- Request - Extended class for a column that manages a request object
- Serialize - Extended class for a column which should serialize its value
- Set - Class for a column containing a set relation (many)
- Slug - Class for a column dealing with an URI slug
- SlugPath - Class for a column dealing with an URI slug within a URI path
- Textarea - Class for a column which is editable through a textarea input
- TinyMce - Class for a column which transforms the textarea in a simple tinymce WYSIWYG editor
- TinyMceAdvanced - Class for a column which transforms the textarea in a complex tinymce WYSIWYG editor
- UriAbsolute - Extended class for a column managing an absolute uri
- UserActive - Class for the column which manages the active field for the user row
- UserPassword - Class for the column which manages the active field for the user row
- UserRole - Class for the column which manages the role field for the user row
- Video - Extended abstract class for a column containing a video from a third-party service
- _jsonRelation - Trait with common methods for jsonRelation columns
- Db - Extended class used to query the database, adds cms logic
- Lang
- Route - Extended abstract class for a route, adds cms logic
- Account - Abstract class for an account route
- AccountChangePassword - Abstract class for an account change password route
- AccountChangePasswordSubmit - Abstract class for an account change password submit route
- AccountSubmit - Abstract class for an account submit route
- ActivatePassword - Abstract class for a route to activate a password that was previously reset
- Contact - Abstract class for a contact form route
- ContactSubmit - Abstract class for a contact submit route
- Login - Abstract class for a login route
- LoginSubmit - Abstract class for a login submit route
- Logout - Abstract class for a logout route
- Register - Abstract class for a register route
- RegisterSubmit - Abstract class for a register submit route
- ResetPassword - Abstract class for a reset password route
- ResetPasswordSubmit - Abstract class for a reset password submit route
- _browscap - Trait with a method to generate text related to browser capabilities
- _calendar - Trait that provides most methods to make a calendar route
- _download - Trait that provides most methods necessary to make a download route
- _formSubmit - Trait that provides methods and logic necessary to make a form submit route
- _modal - Trait that provides some initial configuration for modal routes
- _rowsFeed - Trait that grants methods related to a rows feed (with a load-more)
- _searchGet - Trait that grants methods for search route via GET
- _searchPost - Trait that grants methods for search route via POST
- _specificPointer - Trait that grants methods to deal with a specific resource represent by a pointer (table/id)
- _specificPrimary - Trait that provides most methods used for a specific route using a primary segment
- _specificSlug - Trait with methods to work with a specific resource represented by an URI slug
- Row - Extended class to represent a row within a table, adds cms config
- CacheRoute - Class to store rendered route caches, with cms config
- Contact - Class to work with a row of the contact table, stores contact messages
- Email - Class to deal with a row of the email table, with cms config
- Lang - Class to work with a row of the lang table, with cms config
- Log - Class to represent a row of the log table, with cms config
- LogCron - Class to represent a row of the logCron table, with cms config
- LogEmail - Class to represent a row of the logEmail table, with cms config
- LogError - Class to represent a row of the logError table, with cms config
- LogHttp - Class to represent a row of the logHttp table, with cms config
- LogSql - Class to represent a row of the logSql table, with cms config
- QueueEmail - Class to deal with a row of the queueEmail table, with cms config
- Redirection - Class to work with a row of the redirection table, with cms config
- Session - Extended class for a row of the session table, with cms config
- User - Extended class for a row of the user table, with cms logic
- _log - Trait to set permissions for a log row
- _media - Trait to work with a row of containing media, storage or video
- _meta - Trait with methods to make a row a meta-source
- Segment
- _boolean - Trait that issues a method to deal with boolean route segment (1 or 0)
- _col - Trait to manage a route segment which must contain a column name or object
- _colRelation - Trait to work with a route segment which must contain a column with a relation
- _cols - Trait to manage a route segment which must contain many columns
- _direction - Trait to deal with a route segment which must contain a sorting direction
- _filter - Trait to manage a complex route segment which contains filtering directive
- _int - Trait that issues a method to deal with a simple integer route segment
- _limit - Trait that issues a method to deal with a limit route segment (max per page)
- _numeric - Trait that issues a method to deal with a simple numeric route segment
- _order - Trait to manage a route segment which must contain an orderable column
- _orderColRelation - Trait to work with a route segment which must contain an orderable column relation
- _orderTableRelation - Trait to manage a route segment which must contain an orderable table relation
- _page - Trait that issues a method to deal with a page route segment (page number)
- _pointer - Trait to work with a pointer route segment (value which contains a table and row)
- _primaries - Trait to deal with a route segment which must contain many rows
- _primary - Trait to work with a route segment which must contain a row id or object
- _selected - Trait that provides logic to deal with a route segment which represents a selected value
- _slug - Trait that issues methods to work with a standard slug route segment
- _str - Trait that issues a method to deal with a simple string route segment
- _table - Trait to work with a route segment which must contain a table name or object
- _timestamp - Trait to deal with a route segment which contains a timestamp
- _timestampMonth - Trait to work with a route segment which contains the timestamp of a month
- _yes - Trait that issues a method to deal with yes route segment
- Service
- Navigation - Class to integrate the quidphp-navigation javascript module
- Polyfill - Class to integrate javascript polyfills
- Sortable - Class to integrate the sortable javascript library
- TinyMce - Class that provides a method to integrate the Tinymce WYSIWYG editor
- Session - Extended class for the session with methods related to the CMS
- Table - Extended class to represent an existing table within a database
QuidPHP/Lemur contains 8 test classes:
- Boot - Class for testing Quid\Lemur\Boot
- Cell - Class for testing Quid\Lemur\Cell
- Col - Class for testing Quid\Lemur\Col
- Route - Class for testing Quid\Lemur\Route
- Row - Class for testing Quid\Lemur\Row
- Session - Class for testing Quid\Lemur\Session
- Suite
- BootLemur - Class for booting the Quid\Lemur testsuite
- Table - Class for testing Quid\Lemur\Table
QuidPHP/Lemur testsuite can be run by creating a new QuidPHP/Assert project.
- ES5: All code is compatible with ES5, there is no need for any JavaScript transpiler.
- Strict: All generated files declare use strict on the first line.
- Compiling: The concatenation of the JS files is done on the PHP side.
QuidPHP/Lemur contains 17 JavaScript files. Here is an overview:
- cms
- _lemur - Script of common behaviours for all pages of the CMS
- colsSorter - Script for the col sorter component of the general page of the CMS
- com - Script of behaviours for the communication component of the CMS
- generalComponents - Component that manages the components on the general page
- homeFeed - Script for feed component with a filter on the CMS home page
- inputFiles - Script with logic for the file upload component of the CMS
- quickEdit - Script for the quickEdit component in the general page of the CMS
- rowsChecker - Script for the rows checker component in the general page of the CMS
- specificComponents - Component that manages the panel on the specific form page of the CMS
- specificMulti - Component that manages the multi modification form
- specificNav - Component that manages the navigation box on the specific form page of the CMS
- specificPanel - Component that manages the panel on the specific form page of the CMS
- textareaExtra - Script for a component to search and insert content within a textarea, with support for tinymce
- component
- SCSS: Nesting, variables and mixins are used within the stylesheets.
- Compiling: The compiling and concatenation of the SCSS files is done on the PHP side.
QuidPHP/Lemur contains 37 SCSS stylesheets. Here is an overview:
- cms
- _form - Stylesheet with various form-related mixins
- _include - Stylesheet with various global mixins
- cms - Stylesheet containing the root styling rules as well as common classes for the CMS
- general - Stylesheet for the general navigation page of the CMS
- home - Stylesheet for the home route of the CMS
- interface - Stylesheet for the main interface of the CMS
- modal - Stylesheet for the modal and the modal routes
- nobody - Stylesheet for the nobody routes of the CMS
- specific - Stylesheet for the specific form page of the CMS
- cms-component
- _include - Stylesheet for various simple components of the CMS
- addRemove - Stylesheet for the addRemove form component of the CMS
- block - Stylesheet for the block component of the CMS
- burger - Stylesheet for the burger component of the CMS
- calendar - Stylesheet for the calendar component of the cms
- clickOpen - Stylesheet related to clickOpen components for the CMS
- colsSorter - Stylesheet for the colsSorter component of the CMS
- com - Stylesheet for the communication component of the CMS
- enumSet - Stylesheet for the enumSet component of the CMS
- fakeSelect - Stylesheet for the fakeSelect component of the CMS
- filter - Stylesheet for the filter component of the CMS
- homeFeed - Stylesheet for the home feed component of the CMS
- inputCalendar - Stylesheet for the input calendar of the CMS
- inputFiles - Stylesheet for the files upload inputs component of the CMS
- inputNumericRange - Styles for the integerRange component of the CMS
- jsonArray - Mixin pour le champ jsonRelation dans le formulaire
- mainNav - Stylesheet for the main navigation component of the CMS
- modal - Stylesheet for the modal component of the CMS
- quickEdit - Stylesheet for the quickEdit component of the CMS
- rowsChecker - Stylesheet for the rowsChecker component of the CMS
- searchAutoInfo - Stylesheet for the main search component of the CMS
- searchSlide - Mixin for the searchSlide component of the CMS
- specificNav - Stylesheet for the speciic nav component of the CMS
- textareaExtra - Stylesheet for the textarea component of the CMS (with relation inserts)
- tooltip - Stylesheet for the tooltip component of the CMS
- cms-icon
- cms-tinymce
- tinymce - Stylesheet providing default styling for the Tinymce wysiwyg editor