quidphp / core
PHP library that provides an extendable platform to create dynamic applications
- php: >=8.1.0
- phpmailer/phpmailer: ^6.6
- quidphp/orm: 5.31.*
- quidphp/routing: 5.31.*
- scssphp/scssphp: ^1.10
- tedivm/jshrink: ^1.4
- verot/class.upload.php: ^2.0
QuidPHP/Core is a PHP library that provides an extendable platform to create dynamic applications. It is part of the QuidPHP package.
QuidPHP/Core is available as an open-source software under the MIT license.
QuidPHP/Core documentation is available at QuidPHP/Docs.
QuidPHP/Core can be easily installed with Composer. It is available on Packagist.
$ composer require quidphp/core
Once installed, the Quid\Core namespace will be available within your PHP application.
QuidPHP/Core requires the following:
- PHP 8.1
- Mysql (>= 8.0) or MariaDB (>= 10.4) database
- All requirements of quidphp/orm
- All requirements of quidphp/routing
QuidPHP/Core has the following dependencies:
- quidphp/orm - Quid\Orm - PHP library that provides database access and a comprehensive ORM
- quidphp/routing - Quid\Routing - PHP library that provides a route matching and triggering procedure
- phpmailer/phpmailer - PHPMailer\PHPMailer - The classic email sending library for PHP
- scssphp/scssphp - ScssPhp\ScssPhp - SCSS compiler written in PHP
- tedivm/jshrink - JShrink - Javascript Minifier written in PHP
- verot/class.upload.php - Verot\Upload - A popular PHP class used for resizing images
All dependencies will be resolved by using the Composer installation process.
QuidPHP/Core code is commented and all methods are explained (in French).
QuidPHP/Core is built on the following conventions:
- Auto-alias: All class names that finishes by Alias will resolve to the existing class if no alias exists. Exemple: MyRole extents RoleAlias -> will resolve to Role if no alias is found.
- Class overloading: It is possible to retrieve an overloaded class with the same name but higher in the namespace hierarchy. We do this by using the static method $class::getOverloadClass(). Exemple Quid\Orm\Col::getOverloadClass() will return Quid\Core\Col.
- Coding: No curly braces are used in a IF statement if the condition can be resolved in only one statement.
- Config: A special $config static property exists in all classes. This property gets recursively merged with the parents' property on initialization.
- Core overloading: Using auto-alias and class overloading, it is possible to effectively replace all classes within Quid\Core by classes within an application directory.
- Traits: Traits filenames start with an underscore (_).
- Type: Files, function arguments and return types are strict typed.
QuidPHP/Core contains 115 classes and traits. Here is an overview:
- Boot - Abstract class for boot which is the object that bootstraps the application
- Cell - Extended class to represent an existing cell within a row
- Date - Class to work with a cell containing a date value
- Enum - Class to manage a cell containing a single relation (enum)
- Files - Abstract class extended by the media and medias cells
- Integer - Class to manage a cell containing an integer value
- Media - Class to work with a cell containing a value which is a link to a file
- Medias - Class to manage a cell containing a value which is a link to many files
- Num - Class to manage a cell containing a numeric value
- Primary - Class for dealing with a cell of a column which has an auto increment primary key
- Relation - Abstract class extended by the enum and set cells
- Set - Class to manage a cell containing many relations separated by comma (set)
- UserPasswordReset - Class to work with a password reset cell within a user table
- UserRole - Class to work with the user role cell within a user table
- Cells - Extended class for a collection of many cells within a same row
- Col - Extended class to represent an existing column within a table
- Active - Class for the active column - extends the Yes column class
- Boolean - Class for the boolean column - a simple yes/no enum relation
- Context - Class for the context column, updates itself automatically on commit
- ContextType - Class for the contextType column, a checkbox set relation with all boot types
- CountCommit - Class for the countCommit column, increments itself automatically on commit
- Date - Class for a date column, supports many date formats
- DateAdd - Class for a column which stores the current timestamp when the row is inserted
- DateLogin - Class for a column which stores the current timestamp when the user logs in
- DateModify - Class for a column which stores the current timestamp when the row is updated
- Email - Class for a column managing email
- Enum - Class for a column containing an enum relation (one)
- EnvType - Class for the envType column, updates itself automatically on commit
- Error - Class for a column that manages an error object
- Files - Abstract class extended by the media and medias cols
- Floating - Class for a column which deals with floating values
- Integer - Class for a column which deals with integer values
- Json - Class for a column which manages json values
- Media - Class to work with a column containing a value which is a link to a file
- Medias - Class to work with a column containing a value which is a link to many files
- Num - Class for a column which deals with numeric values (string, float or int)
- Pointer - Class for a column which the value is a pointer to another row in the database
- Primary - Class for dealing with a column which has an auto increment primary key
- Relation - Abstract class extended by the enum and set columns
- Request - Class for a column that manages a request object
- RequestIp - Class for a column which applies the current request ip as value on commit
- Serialize - Class for a column which should serialize its value
- Session - Class for a column which should store current session id
- Set - Class for a column containing a set relation (many)
- Timezone - Class for a column which is an enum relation to the PHP timezone list
- Uri - Class for a column managing an uri (relative or absolute)
- UriAbsolute - Class for a column managing an absolute uri
- UriRelative - Class for a column managing a relative uri
- UserActive - Class for the column which manages the active field for the user row
- UserAdd - Class for a column which stores the current user id on insert
- UserCommit - Class for a column which stores the current user id on commit
- UserModify - Class for a column which stores the current user id on update
- UserPassword - Class for the column which manages the password field for the user row
- UserPasswordReset - Class for the userPasswordReset column of a user row
- UserRole - Class for the column which manages the role field for the user row
- Username - Class for the username column of a user row
- Yes - Class for the yes column - a simple yes checkbox
- Cols - Extended class for a collection of many columns within a same table
- Com - Extended class that provides the logic to store communication messages
- Db - Extended class used to query the database
- Error - Extended class used as an error handler
- File
- Css - Class for a css or scss file
- ImageRaster - Class for a pixelated image file
- Js - Class for a js file
- Php - Class for a php file
- Flash - Extended class for a collection containing flash-like data (delete on read)
- Lang - Extended class for a collection object containing language texts and translations
- Request - Extended class with methods to manage an HTTP request
- Role - Extended abstract class that provides more advanced logic for a role
- Route - Extended abstract class for a route that acts as both a View and a Controller
- CliCompile - Class for a cli route to compile assets (js and css)
- CliPreload - Abstract class for a cli route to generate a preload version of the PHP application
- CliSessionGc - Abstract class for a cli route to remove expired sessions
- CliVersion - Abstract class for the version route, accessible via the cli
- Error - Abstract class for an error route
- Home - Abstract class for a home route
- Robots - Abstract class for a robots.txt route
- Sitemap - Abstract class for automated sitemap.xml route
- _cli - Trait that provides some initial configuration for a cli route
- _cliClear - Trait for a cli route to remove log files and truncate tables
- _cliLive - Trait that provides some methods for a cli script which loops
- _cliOpt - Trait that provides some methods to manage opt in a cli application
- Row - Extended class to represent an existing row within a table
- CacheRoute - Class to store rendered route caches
- Email - Class to deal with a row of the email table, contains the emailModels
- Lang - Class to work with a row of the lang table, contains the text and translations
- Log - Class to represent a row of the log table, stores user activities
- LogCron - Class to represent a row of the logCron table, stores cron jobs results
- LogEmail - Class to represent a row of the logEmail table, stores emails sent
- LogError - Class to represent a row of the logError table, stores error objects
- LogHttp - Class to represent a row of the logHttp table, stores bad HTTP requests
- LogSql - Class to represent a row of the logSql table, stores sql queries
- QueueEmail - Class to deal with a row of the queueEmail table, stores the email to send
- Redirection - Class to work with a row of the redirection table
- Session - Class to work with a row of the session table
- User - Class for a row of the user table
- _emailModel - Trait with methods relative to sending emails from models
- _log - Trait that adds log-related methods to a row
- _queue - Trait that adds queuing-related methods to a row
- Rows - Extended class for a collection of many rows within a same table
- Service
- ClassUpload - Class that provides methods to use verot/class.upload.php for resizing images
- Composer - Class that grants some methods related to the composer autoloader
- JShrink - Class that provides methods to use tedivm/jshrink for minifying JavaScript
- PhpMailer - Class that provides methods to use phpmailer/phpmailer in order to send emails
- PhpPreload - Class used for concatenating a bunch of php files within a single one, for use as preloading
- ScssPhp - Class that grants methods to use scssphp/scssphp for compiling scss files
- ServiceMailer - Extended abstract class with basic methods that needs to be extended by a mailing service
- Session - Extended class that adds session support for user
- Table - Extended class to represent an existing table within a database
- _access - Trait that provides methods to useful objects related to the Boot
- _bootAccess - Trait that provides methods to access the Boot object
- _dbAccess - Trait that provides a method to access the current database
- _fullAccess - Trait that provides all access methods related to the Boot
QuidPHP/Core contains 18 test classes:
- Boot - Class for testing Quid\Core\Boot
- Cell - Class for testing Quid\Core\Cell
- Cells - Class for testing Quid\Core\Cells
- Col - Class for testing Quid\Core\Col
- Cols - Class for testing Quid\Core\Cols
- Com - Class for testing Quid\Core\Com
- Db - Class for testing Quid\Core\Db
- Error - Class for testing Quid\Core\Error
- Lang - Class for testing Quid\Core\Lang
- Request - Class for testing Quid\Core\Request
- Role - Class for testing Quid\Core\Role
- Route - Class for testing Quid\Core\Route
- Row - Class for testing Quid\Core\Row
- Rows - Class for testing Quid\Core\Rows
- ServiceMailer - Class for testing Quid\Core\ServiceMailer
- Session - Class for testing Quid\Core\Session
- Suite
- BootCore - Class for booting the Quid\Core testsuite
- Table - Class for testing Quid\Core\Table
QuidPHP/Core testsuite can be run by creating a new QuidPHP/Assert project.