
Javascript module for navigating a website without reloading

Installs: 29

Dependents: 1

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


5.31.9 2022-07-02 22:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-30 00:58:50 UTC



Release License Code Size


QuidPHP/Navigation contains a Javascript module for navigating a website without reloading.


QuidPHP/Navigation is available as an open-source package under the MIT license.


QuidPHP/Navigation documentation is available at QuidPHP/Docs.

NPM Installation

QuidPHP/Navigation can be easily installed with NPM.

$ npm install quidphp-navigation

Once installed, the package will be available within your node_modules folder.

Composer Installation

QuidPHP/Core can also be installed with Composer. It is available on Packagist.

$ composer require quidphp/navigation

Once installed, the package will be available within your vendor folder.


QuidPHP/Navigation has the following dependency:

  • quidphp-browser - JavaScript module with helpers for use within the browser

All dependencies will be resolved by using the NPM installation process.


QuidPHP/Navigation requires any modern browser (not Internet Explorer).


QuidPHP/Navigation code is commented and all methods are explained (in French).


QuidPHP/Navigation contains one entry file.

  • index - Entry file for the module


QuidPHP/Navigation contains 3 JavaScript files. Here is an overview:

  • doc - Root component for a document node
  • history - Component managing site navigation with the HistoryAPI
  • windowUnload - Component to manage the unload notification with the window object


QuidPHP/Navigation also contains 2 SCSS files. Here is an overview:

  • document - Stylesheet for the document component, includes many style reset
  • init - Stylesheet containing default variables and a set of helpers mixins


QuidPHP/Navigation contains 2 scripts that can be used in the browser.

  • navigation - Minified and transpiled script ready for production
  • navigation-test - Same as navigation.js but also contains the module tests


QuidPHP/Navigation contains 2 test scripts:

  • navigation - Script to test the navigation module
  • run - File to run the testsuite in navigation

QuidPHP/Navigation testsuite can be run in the browser by creating a new QuidPHP/Assert project. Some tests can also be run in Node with the command:

$ npm run test