
Toolkit for creating Laravel packages

v1.3.0 2023-08-13 12:21 UTC


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This package contains a PackageServiceProvider that you can use in your packages to easily register config files, commands, migrations and more.


In your package you should let your service provider extend Porifa\LaravelPackageKit\PackageServiceProvider.

use Porifa\LaravelPackageKit\PackageServiceProvider;
use Porifa\LaravelPackageKit\Package;

class YourPackageServiceProvider extends PackageServiceProvider
    public function configurePackage(Package $package): void

Passing the package name to name is mandatory.

Working with a config file

To register a config file, you should create a php file with your package name in the config directory of your package. In this example it should be at <package root>/config/your-package-name.php.

To register that config file, call hasConfigFiles() on $package in the configurePackage method.


If no parameter is passed in hasConfigFiles method then we use a convension, if your package name starts with laravel-, we expect that your config file does not contain that prefix. So if your package name is laravel-cool-package, the config file should be named cool-package.php.

The hasConfigFiles method will also make the config file publishable. Users of your package will be able to publish the config file with this command.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=your-package-name-config

If your package have multiple config files then you can pass their names as an array to hasConfigFiles

    ->hasConfigFiles(['config-file1', 'config-file2']);

Working with commands

You can register any command you package provides with the hasCommands method.


If your package provides multiple commands, you can pass an array to hasCommands method.


Working with migrations

To register your migration(s), you should create php OR php.stub file(s) in the database/migrations directory of your package. In this example it should be at <package root>/database/migrations.

To register migrations, call hasMigrations() on $package in the configurePackage method and you should pass its name without the extension to the hasMigrations method.

If your migration file is called create_my_package_tables.php.stub you can register them like this:


If your package provides multiple migration files, you can pass an array to hasMigrations method.

    ->hasMigrations(['my_package_tables', 'some_other_migration']);

Calling hasMigrations will also make migrations publishable. Users of your package will be able to publish the migrations with this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=your-package-name-migrations

Like you might expect, published migration files will be prefixed with the current datetime.

You can also enable the migrations to be registered without needing the users of your package to publish them:

    ->hasMigrations(['my_package_tables', 'some_other_migration'])

Working with views

To register your views, you should create .blade.php file(s) in the resources/views directory of your package. In this example it should be at <package root>/resources/views.

To register views, call hasViews() on $package in the configurePackage method.


Calling hasViews will also make views publishable. Users of your package will be able to publish the views with this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=your-package-name-views

If you have a view <package root>/resources/views/myView.blade.php, you can use it like this: view('your-package-name::myView'). Of course, you can also use subdirectories to organise your views. A view located at <package root>/resources/views/subdirectory/myOtherView.blade.php can be used with view('your-package-name::subdirectory.myOtherView').

If you want to use custom namespace then pass it to the hasViews method. If your custom namespace is cool-namespace you can use like this:


Now you can use it like this


Like you might expect, views are also registered without needing the users of your package to publish them.

Sharing global data with views

You can share data with all views using the sharesDataWithAllViews method. This will make the shared variable available to all views.

    ->sharesDataWithAllViews('companyName', 'Porifa');

Working with Blade view components

Any Blade view components that your package provides should be placed in the <package root>/src/Components directory.

You can register these views with the hasViewComponents command.

    ->hasViewComponents('foobar', Cool::class);

This will register your view components with Laravel. In the case of Cool::class, it can be referenced in views as <x-foobar-cool />, where foobar is the prefix you provided during registration.

Calling hasViewComponents will also make view components publishable, and will be published to app/Views/Components/vendor/<package name>.

Users of your package will be able to publish the view components with this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=your-package-name-components

Working with view composers

You can register any view composers that your project uses with the hasViewComposers method. You may also register a callback that receives a $view argument instead of a classname.

To register a view composer with all views, use an asterisk as the view name '*'.

    ->hasViewComposer('viewName', MyViewComposer::class)
    ->hasViewComposer('*', function($view) { 
        $view->with('sharedVariable', 123); 

Using lifecycle hooks

According to your package needs, You can put any custom logic in these methods:

  • packageRegistering: will be called at the start of the register method of PackageServiceProvider
  • packageRegistered: will be called at the end of the register method of PackageServiceProvider
  • packageBooting: will be called at the start of the boot method of PackageServiceProvider
  • packageBooted: will be called at the end of the boot method of PackageServiceProvider


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Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.