Pollen Solutions - Form Component - Generator and processor tools for PHP web application forms.

v1.0.2 2021-08-18 00:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:35:52 UTC


Latest Stable Version MIT Licensed PHP Supported Versions

Pollen Solutions Form Component provides generator and processor tools for PHP web application forms.


composer require pollen-solutions/form

Basic Usage

Parameters definition

use Laminas\HttpHandlerRunner\Emitter\SapiEmitter;
use Pollen\Form\FormManager;

$forms = new FormManager();

$form = $forms->buildForm(
         * Alias (Recommended)
         * {@internal Alias is used for generate default HTML tag class, title. 
         * By default an SHA-1 string is generated, it is not human readable.} 
         * @var string
        'alias'  => 'auth',
         * Form fields
         * @see Configuration/Field] below for more details
         * @var array<string, array> 
        'fields' => [
            'login' => [
                'type' => 'text',
            'pass'  => [
                'type' => 'password',

if ($response = $form->handle()->proceed()) {
    (new SapiEmitter())->emit($response->psr());

echo $form; 

Form instance definition

use Laminas\HttpHandlerRunner\Emitter\SapiEmitter;
use Pollen\Form\Form;
use Pollen\Form\FormManager;

$forms = new FormManager();

$form = $forms->buildForm(new class extends Form {
    protected ?string $alias = 'auth';

    public function defaultParams(): array
        return array_merge(parent::defaultParams(), [
            'fields' => [
                'login' => [
                    'type' => 'text',
                'pass'  => [
                    'type' => 'password',

if ($response = $form->handle()->proceed()) {
    (new SapiEmitter())->emit($response->psr());

echo $form;

Dependency injection service definition

use Laminas\HttpHandlerRunner\Emitter\SapiEmitter;
use Pollen\Container\Container;
use Pollen\Form\Form;
use Pollen\Form\FormManager;

$container = new Container();

$forms = new FormManager([], $container);

class AuthForm extends Form
     * Alias identifier.
     * @var string|null
    protected ?string $alias = null;
     * @inheritDoc
    public function defaultParams(): array
        return array_merge(parent::defaultParams(), [
            'fields' => [
                'login' => [
                    'type' => 'text',
                'pass'  => [
                    'type' => 'password',


$form = $forms->buildForm(AuthForm::class)->get();

if ($response = $form->handle()->proceed()) {
    (new SapiEmitter())->emit($response->psr());

echo $form;



     * Action attribute in the form HTML tag.
     * @var string $action
    'action'   => '',
     * List of enabled add-ons|List of enabled add-ons and their parameters.
     * @var string[]|array<string, array> $addons
    'addons'   => [],
     * HTML content displayed after the form close tag.
     * @var string $after
    'after'    => '',
     * List of the HTML attributes for the form tag.
     * @var array $attrs.
    'attrs'    => [],
     * HTML content displayed before the form open tag.
     * @var string $before
    'before'   => '',
     * List of enabled buttons|List of enabled buttons and their parameters.
     * @var array $buttons Liste des attributs des boutons actifs.
    'buttons'  => [],
     * Enctype attribute in the form HTML tag.
     * @var string $enctype
    'enctype'  => '',
     * List of observed and dispatched events.
     * @var array $events
    'events'   => [],
     * List of field parameters.
     * @var array<string, array> $fields
    'fields'   => [],
     * HTTP request method of form submission.
     * @var string $method
    'method'   => 'post',
     * List of option parameters.
     * @var array $options
    'options'  => [],
     * List of supported features.
     * @var string[] $supports
    'supports' => ['session'],
     * Form title.
     * @var string $title
    'title'    => $this->getAlias(),
     * CSRF token activation (recommended).
     * @var bool
    'token'    => true,
     * List of parameters of the template view|View instance.
     * @var array|ViewInterface $view
    'view'   => [],
     * List of HTML form wrapper parameters.
     * @var array $wrapper
    'wrapper'  => []


     * List of addon parameters.
     * @var array<string, array>|array $addons
    'addons'      => [],
     * HTML content displayed after the field.
     * @var string $after
    'after'       => '',
     * List of the HTML tag attributes.
     * @var array $attrs
    'attrs'       => [],
     * HTML content displayed before the field.
     * @var string $before
    'before'      => '',
     * List of choices for field with multiple value.
     * @var array $choices
    'choices'     => [],
     * List of extra parameters.
     * @var array $extras
    'extras'      => [],
     * Alias of the related group.
     * @var string|null $group
    'group'       => null,
     * Field label.
     * {@internal true for default|false to hide|array of custom parameters}.
     * @var bool|string|array $label
    'label'       => true,
     * Name HTML tag attribute in the handle HTTP request.
     * @var string $name Indice de qualification de la variable de requĂȘte.
    'name'        => $this->getSlug(),
     * Display position.
     * @var int $position
    'position'    => 0,
     * Required field parameters.
     * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * {@internal true for default parameters|false to disabling|array of custom parameters.
     * @var bool|string|array $required {
     * HTML tag.
     * {@internal true for default parameters|false to hide|array of custom parameters based.}
     * @see \Pollen\Field\Drivers\RequiredDriver
     * @var bool|string|array $tagged
     * Enable required validation.
     * @var bool $check
     * Value of none value. empty string by default.
     * @var mixed $value_none
     * Validation function name|validation callable.
     * @var string|callable $call
     * List of arguments passed in the validation handle.
     * @var array $args
     * Notification message if validation failed.
     * @type string $message
     * }
    'required'    => false,
     * List of supported features.
     * @var array $supports label|wrapper|request|tabindex|transport.
    'supports'    => [],
     * Title.
     * @var string|null $title
    'title'       => null,
     * Disable the persistent value in the submission HTTP response.
     * {@internal if null, use the support feature value.}
     * @var bool|null $transport
    'transport'   => null,
     * Field type.
     * @var string $type
    'type'        => 'html',
     * List of validation tests.
     * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * @var string[]|array[][] $validations {
     * Validation function name|validation callable.
     * @var string|callable $call
     * List of arguments passed in the validation handle.
     * @var  array $args
     * Notification message if validation failed.
     * @type string $message
     * }
    'validations' => [],
     * Current value.
     * @var mixed $value
    'value'       => null,
     * Field HTML Wrapper.
     * {@internal true for default parameters|false for hide|array of custom parameters.}
     * @var bool|string|array $wrapper
    'wrapper'     => null

Stepwise process decomposition

use Laminas\HttpHandlerRunner\Emitter\SapiEmitter;
use Pollen\Form\FormManager;
use Pollen\Form\Exception\FieldMissingException;
use Pollen\Form\Exception\FieldValidateException;
use Pollen\Http\Request;

// Step 1 : Instantiate the Form Manager.
$forms = new FormManager();

// Step 2 : Register a Form.
        'fields' => [
            'login' => [
                'type'     => 'text',
                'required' => true,
            'pass'  => [
                'type'        => 'password',
                'required'    => true,
                'validations' => 'password',

// Step 3 : Get and Boot the Form. After booting the form becomes immutable.
$form = $forms->get('auth')->boot();

// Step 4 : Form validation.
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
$handle = $form->handle();

if ($form->isSubmitted()) {
    try {
        $field = $form->formField('login');
    } catch (FieldMissingException $e) {
    } catch (FieldValidateException $e) {
        $form->error('Please enter a username.', ['field' => 'login']);

    try {
        $field = $form->formField('pass');
    } catch (FieldMissingException $e) {
    } catch (FieldValidateException $e) {
        if ($e->isRequired()) {
            $form->error('Please enter a password.', ['field' => 'pass']);
        } elseif ($e->hasFlag('password')) {
            $form->error('Password format is invalid.', ['field' => 'pass']);

    if (!$form->handle()->isValidated()) {
    } else {
     * Redirect response (optionnal but best pratice).
     * {@internal Send form handle redirect response ensure that the form is always display through a GET HTTP method.
     * All request data is then catched and dispatched by the session processor.}
    $response = $form->handle()->redirectResponse();

    if ($form->isSuccessful()) {
        (new SapiEmitter())->emit($response->psr());
    } else {
        (new SapiEmitter())->emit($response->psr());
    /** End of redirect response */

// Step 5 : Form render
echo $form;