Pollen Solutions - View Component - View template engine system.

v1.0.3 2021-07-09 00:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-30 01:16:31 UTC


View Component

Latest Version MIT Licensed PHP Supported Versions

Pollen Solutions View Component is a template engine system.

This is an expandable display template engine that natively integrates Plates and Twig library.


composer require pollen-solutions/view


About Plates

Plates is a native PHP template system that’s fast, easy to use. It’s inspired by the Twig template engine. Plates is designed for developers who prefer to use native PHP templates over compiled template languages.

Plates is use as default engine in the Pollen Solutions Components Suite.

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About Twig

Twig is the templating engine that included with Symfony Framework. Twig is a modern template engine for PHP. Twig compiles templates down to plain optimized PHP code.

Twig is natively included with Pollen View component.

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Third-party Engine


Blade is the templating engine that included with Laravel Framework.

Blade is not natively included with the Pollen View component, but can easily be added :

composer require pollen-solutions/view-blade

More informations :


Mustache PHP engine is currently in project and coming soon.

More informations :


An unified API interface

To respond to the particularity of each of the model display engines, Pollen View benefits from a unified interface this makes it possible to work with different engines via the same API.

Directory and override

Pollen View purposes a different logic from the libraries it inherits.

Each template file included in the template directory can be replaced by a template file with the same name in the override directory.

Extending the template engine

Pollen View also makes it possible to extend the functionalities of the template display engines through an easy interface.


To facilitate the work of application development, Pollen View allows you to disable the cache of the display template engines that it implements.

It is strongly recommended that you enable the cache when deploying to production.

Using global View

Template file

# /var/www/html/views/hello-world.plates.php
echo 'Hello World !';

View call

use Pollen\View\ViewManager;

$viewManager = new ViewManager();


echo $view->render('hello-world');

Creating a new view instance

Simple usage

Template file

# /var/www/html/views/hello-world.plates.php
echo 'Hello World' . $this->get('name') . '!';

View call

use Pollen\View\ViewManager;

$viewManager = new ViewManager();

## Creating a Plates View
$view = $viewManager->createView('plates')->setDirectory('/var/www/html/views');

echo $view->render('hello-world', ['name' => 'John Doe']);

Advanced usage

In this example we use a customized template class and the view is configured through the view engine callback.

Customized template class

namespace Acme\View;

use Pollen\View\Engines\Plates\PlatesTemplate as BasePlatesTemplate;

class PlatesTemplate extends BasePlatesTemplate
    public function helloWorldName(string $name): string
        return 'Hello World '. $name . '!';

Template file

# /var/www/html/views/hello-world.plates.php
 * @var Acme\View\PlatesTemplate $this
echo $this->helloWorldName($this->get('name'));

View call

use Pollen\View\ViewManager;
use Pollen\View\Engines\Plates\PlatesViewEngine;
use Acme\View\PlatesTemplate;

$viewManager = new ViewManager();

$directory = '/var/www/html/views';

$view = $viewManager->createView(
    (new PlatesViewEngine()),
    function (PlatesViewEngine $platesViewEngine) use ($directory) {


        return $platesViewEngine;

echo $view->render('hello-world', ['name' => 'John Doe']);

Extending a View

Simple method (with a callback)

Template file

# /var/www/html/views/hello-world.plates.php
echo $this->helloWorldName($this->get('name'));

View call

use Pollen\View\ViewManager;

$viewManager = new ViewManager();

$view = $viewManager->createView('plates')
    ->addExtension('helloWorldName', function (string $name): string {
        return sprinf('Hello World %s !', $name);

echo $view->render('hello-world', ['name' => 'John Doe']);

Advanced method with View Extension class

View Extension class

use Acme\View;

use Pollen\View\ViewExtension;
use Pollen\View\ViewEngineInterface;
use Pollen\View\Engines\Plates\PlatesViewEngine;
use Pollen\View\Engines\Twig\TwigViewEngine;
use Twig\TwigFunction;

class HelloWorldNameViewExtension extends ViewExtension
    public function register(ViewEngineInterface $viewEngine)
        if (is_a($viewEngine, PlatesViewEngine::class)) {
                    function (string $name): string {
                        return sprinf('Hello World %s !', $name);
         * Extending Twig
         * @see https://twig.symfony.com/doc/3.x/advanced.html 
        if (is_a($viewEngine, TwigViewEngine::class)) {
                new TwigFunction(
                    function (string $name): string {
                        return sprinf('Hello World %s !', $name);
        return null;

Template file

# /var/www/html/views/hello-world.plates.php
echo $this->helloWorldName($this->get('name'));

View call

use Pollen\View\ViewManager;
use Acme\View\HelloWorldNameViewExtension;

$viewManager = new ViewManager();

$view = $viewManager->createView('plates')
    ->addExtension('helloWorldName', new HelloWorldNameViewExtension());

echo $view->render('hello-world', ['name' => 'John Doe']);