
Blade for frontend

v0.5.4 2024-03-25 15:26 UTC



(Don't use this in production, this is just a personal project.)

PHP frontend for Laravel.

Writing reactive front-end with 100% PHP+Blade? Yes, take a look:


The code above produces:



  • Run to install the package with:
composer require pineblade/pineblade
  • Publish the scripts:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=pineblade-scripts
  • Add the @pinebladeScripts at the end of the body tag in your html file.

How it works?

The PHP code is transpiled to javascript. The reactivity is achieved with the lightweight Alpine.js. Under the hood, it is just Alpine.js.

Wait, did you say the PHP code is compiled into javascript code?

Yes. I used the nikic/php-parser to parse the code inside the block, and then i wrote a simple translator that outputs javascript from whatever php code is given.

The #[Async] attribute, and the @ operator:

In PHP, this operator is used to suppress errors. Here, it means await. It is used to wait asynchronous function calls.


The #[Inject] attribute:

Used to inject blade variables with the same name as @data property values.


The #[Server] attribute:

You can use this Attribute to annotate your class methods. With this Attribute, it instructs pineblade to execute the method body on the server side. Every time you call the method with this attribute, the server will process the content and return the result as a Promise. Inside the method, you can't call other methods, or access the class properties.


Keep in mind that the client-side php code is just a translation. We can't use array_* functions or whatever any other php classes or functions we have in the server-side. Instead, you must use the client-side Objects/functions/methods/etc...

To map through an array, you should use the javascript ->map() method:

// valid client-side code:
$array = [1, 2, 3];

$result = $array->map(fn ($val) => $val * 2);


Custom blade directives

  • @text()
    • It's a shorthand for the alpine x-text directive. It will just place a <span> tag with the x-text.
  • @xforeach() / @xendforeach
    • Shorthand for x-for directive.
  • @xif() / @xendif
    • Shorthand for x-if directive.

Alpine directives

All Alpine directives needs to be written in php. The contents of any x-* or @*, will be transpiled to php. Example:

<button @click="increment(...)">Increment</button>

In the @click attribute, we used the php first-class callable syntax.