
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the phphd/exceptional-validation package instead.

Capture domain exceptions and map them to the corresponding properties that caused them

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1.5.0 2024-09-07 12:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-28 13:50:12 UTC


🧰 Provides exception-to-property mapper bundled as Symfony Messenger middleware. It captures thrown exceptions, matches them with the respective properties, formats violations in Symfony Validator format, and throws ExceptionalValidationFailedException.

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Installation 📥

  1. Install via composer

    composer require phphd/exceptional-validation
  2. Enable the bundles in the bundles.php

    PhPhD\ExceptionalValidation\Bundle\PhdExceptionalValidationBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    PhPhD\ExceptionToolkit\Bundle\PhdExceptionToolkitBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Configuration ⚒️

The recommended way to use this package is via Symfony Messenger middleware.

To start off, you should add phd_exceptional_validation middleware to the list:

                    - validation
+                   - phd_exceptional_validation
                    - doctrine_transaction

Once you have done this, middleware will take care of capturing exceptions and processing them.

If you are not using Messenger component, you can still leverage features of this package, by writing your own implementation of the middleware for the specific command bus you are using. Concerning symfony/messenger component, this dependency is optional, so it won't be installed automatically if you don't need it.

Usage 🚀

The first thing necessary is to mark your message with #[ExceptionalValidation] attribute. It is used to include the message for processing by the middleware.

Then you define #[Capture] attributes on the properties of the message. These are used to map thrown exceptions to the corresponding properties of the class:

use PhPhD\ExceptionalValidation;
use PhPhD\ExceptionalValidation\Capture;

final class RegisterUserCommand
    #[Capture(LoginAlreadyTakenException::class, 'auth.login.already_taken')]
    private string $login;

    #[Capture(WeakPasswordException::class, 'auth.password.weak')]
    private string $password;

In this example, whenever LoginAlreadyTakenException or WeakPasswordException is thrown, it will be captured and mapped to the login or password property with the respective error message translation.

Eventually when phd_exceptional_validation middleware has processed the exception, it will throw ExceptionalValidationFailedException so that it can be caught and processed as needed:

$command = new RegisterUserCommand($login, $password);

try {
} catch (ExceptionalValidationFailedException $exception) {
    $violationList = $exception->getViolationList();

    return $this->render('registrationForm.html.twig', ['errors' => $violationList]);

The $exception object enfolds constraint violations with the respectively mapped constraint violations. This violation list can be used for example to render errors into html-form or to serialize them into a json-response.

Advanced usage ⚙️

#[ExceptionalValidation] and #[Capture] attributes allow you to implement very flexible mappings. Here are just few examples of how you can use them.

Capturing exceptions on nested objects

#[ExceptionalValidation] attribute works side-by-side with Symfony Validator #[Valid] attribute. Once you have defined these, #[Capture] attribute can be specified on the nested objects.

use PhPhD\ExceptionalValidation;
use PhPhD\ExceptionalValidation\Capture;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;

final class OrderProductCommand
    private ProductDetails $product;

final class ProductDetails
    private int $id;

    #[Capture(InsufficientStockException::class, 'order.insufficient_stock')]
    private string $quantity;

    // ...

In this example, whenever InsufficientStockException is thrown, it will be captured and mapped to the product.quantity property with the corresponding message translation.

Capture When-Conditions

#[Capture] attribute accepts the callback function to determine whether particular exception instance should be captured for a given property or not.

use PhPhD\ExceptionalValidation;
use PhPhD\ExceptionalValidation\Capture;

final class TransferMoneyCommand
        when: [self::class, 'isWithdrawalCardBlocked'],
    private int $withdrawalCardId;

        when: [self::class, 'isDepositCardBlocked'],
    private int $depositCardId;

    public function isWithdrawalCardBlocked(BlockedCardException $exception): bool
        return $exception->getCardId() === $this->withdrawalCardId;

    public function isDepositCardBlocked(BlockedCardException $exception): bool
        return $exception->getCardId() === $this->depositCardId;

In this example, when: option of the #[Capture] attribute is used to specify the callback functions that are called when exception is processed. If isWithdrawalCardBlocked callback returns true, then exception is captured for withdrawalCardId property; otherwise if isDepositCardBlocked callback returns true, then exception is captured for depositCardId property. If neither of them return true, then exception is re-thrown upper in the stack.

Capture Value-Conditions

Since in most cases capture conditions come down to the simple value comparison, it's easier to make your exception implement ValueException interface and specify condition: ValueExceptionMatchCondition::class rather than implementing when: closure every time.

This way, it's possible to avoid much of boilerplate code, keeping it clean:

use PhPhD\ExceptionalValidation\Model\Condition\ValueExceptionMatchCondition;

final class TransferMoneyCommand
    #[Capture(BlockedCardException::class, 'wallet.blocked_card', condition: ValueExceptionMatchCondition::class)]
    private int $withdrawalCardId;

    #[Capture(BlockedCardException::class, 'wallet.blocked_card', condition: ValueExceptionMatchCondition::class)]
    private int $depositCardId;

Following this BlockedCardException should implement ValueException interface:

use DomainException;
use PhPhD\ExceptionalValidation\Model\Condition\Exception\ValueException;

final class BlockedCardException extends DomainException implements ValueException
    public function __construct(
        private Card $card,
    ) {

    public function getValue(): int
        return $this->card->getId();    

In this example BlockedCardException could be captured either for withdrawalCardId or depositCardId properties depending on the cardId value from the exception.

Capturing exceptions on nested array items

It is perfectly allowed to map the violations for the nested array items given that you have defined #[Valid] attribute on the iterable property. For example:

use PhPhD\ExceptionalValidation;
use PhPhD\ExceptionalValidation\Capture;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;

final class CreateOrderCommand
    /** @var ProductDetails[] */
    private array $products;

final class ProductDetails
    private int $id;

        when: [self::class, 'isStockExceptionForThisProduct'],
    private string $quantity;

    public function isStockExceptionForThisProduct(InsufficientStockException $exception): bool
        return $exception->getProductId() === $this->id;

In this example, when InsufficientStockException is captured, it will be mapped to the products[*].quantity property, where * stands for the index of the particular ProductDetails instance from the products array on which the exception was captured.

Capturing multiple exceptions

Typically, during the validation process, it is expected that all validation errors will be shown to the user and not just the first one.

Yet, due to the limitations of the sequential computing model, only one exception could be thrown at a time. This leads to the situation where only the first exception is thrown, while the rest are not even reached.

This limitation could still be overcome by implementing some of the concepts of interaction combinators model in sequential PHP environment. The key concept is to use semi-parallel execution flow instead of sequential.

Let's consider the example of user registration and RegisterUserCommand with login and password properties shown above, where we want to capture both LoginAlreadyTakenException and WeakPasswordException at the same time.

In the main code we must collect these exceptions into some kind of "composite exception" that will eventually be thrown. While one could've implemented this manually, it's much easier to use amphp/amp library, where it has been implemented in a lot better way using async Futures:

 * @var Login $login 
 * @var Password $password 
[$login, $password] = awaitAnyN([
    // validate and create Login instance
    async(fn (): Login => $this->createLogin($command->getLogin())),
    // validate and create Password instance
    async(fn (): Password => $this->createPassword($command->getPassword())),

In this example, createLogin() method could throw LoginAlreadyTakenException and createPassword() method could throw WeakPasswordException. By using async and awaitAnyN functions, we are able to leverage semi-parallel execution flow instead of sequential. Therefore, both createLogin() and createPassword() methods will get executed regardless of thrown exceptions.

If there were no exceptions, then $login and $password variables will be populated from the return values of the Futures. But if there indeed were some exceptions, then Amp\CompositeException will be thrown with all our exceptions wrapped inside.

If you would like to use custom composite exception, read about ExceptionUnwrapper

Since current library is capable of processing composite exceptions (actually there are un-wrappers for Amp and Messenger exceptions), all our thrown exceptions will be processed and user will have the full stack of validation errors at hand.

Violation formatters

There are two built-in violation formatters that you can use - DefaultViolationFormatter and ViolationListExceptionFormatter. If needed, you can create your own custom violation formatter as described below.


DefaultViolationFormatter is used by default if other formatter is not specified.

It provides a very basic way to format violations, building ConstraintViolation with such parameters as: $message, $root, $propertyPath, $value.

Constraint Violation List Formatter

ViolationListExceptionFormatter is used to format violations for the exceptions that implement ViolationListException interface. It allows to easily capture the exception that has ConstraintViolationList obtained from the validator.

The typical exception class implementing ViolationListException interface would look like this:

use DomainException;
use PhPhD\ExceptionalValidation\Formatter\ViolationListException;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolationListInterface;

final class CardNumberValidationFailedException extends DomainException implements ViolationListException
    public function __construct(
        private readonly string $cardNumber,
        private readonly ConstraintViolationListInterface $violationList,
    ) {

    public function getViolationList(): ConstraintViolationListInterface
        return $this->violationList;

Then you can use ViolationListExceptionFormatter on the #[Capture] attribute of the property:

use PhPhD\ExceptionalValidation;
use PhPhD\ExceptionalValidation\Capture;
use PhPhD\ExceptionalValidation\Formatter\ViolationListExceptionFormatter;

final class IssueCreditCardCommand
        exception: CardNumberValidationFailedException::class, 
        formatter: ViolationListExceptionFormatter::class,
    private string $cardNumber;

In this example, CardNumberValidationFailedException is captured on the cardNumber property and all the constraint violations from this exception are mapped to this property. If there's message specified on the #[Capture] attribute, it is ignored in favor of the messages from ConstraintViolationList.

Custom violation formatters

In some cases, you might need to customize the way violations are formatted such as passing additional parameters to the message translation. You can achieve this by creating your own violation formatter service that implements ExceptionViolationFormatter interface:

use PhPhD\ExceptionalValidation\Formatter\ExceptionViolationFormatter;
use PhPhD\ExceptionalValidation\Model\Exception\CapturedException;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolationInterface;

final class RegistrationViolationsFormatter implements ExceptionViolationFormatter
    public function __construct(
        private ExceptionViolationFormatter $defaultFormatter,
    ) {

    /** @return array{ConstraintViolationInterface} */
    public function format(CapturedException $capturedException): ConstraintViolationInterface
        // you can format violations with the default formatter
        // and then slightly adjust only necessary parts
        [$violation] = $this->defaultFormatter->format($capturedException);

        $exception = $capturedException->getException();

        if ($exception instanceof LoginAlreadyTakenException) {
            $violation = new ConstraintViolation(
                ['loginHolder' => $exception->getLoginHolder()],
                // ...

        if ($exception instanceof WeakPasswordException) {
            // ...

        return [$violation];

Then you should register your custom formatter as a service:

        tags: [ 'exceptional_validation.violation_formatter' ]

In order for your custom violation formatter to be recognized by this bundle, its service must be tagged with exceptional_validation.violation_formatter tag. If you use autoconfiguration, this is done automatically by the service container owing to the fact that ExceptionViolationFormatter interface is implemented.

Finally, your custom formatter should be specified in the #[Capture] attribute:

use PhPhD\ExceptionalValidation;
use PhPhD\ExceptionalValidation\Capture;

final class RegisterUserCommand
        formatter: RegistrationViolationsFormatter::class,
    private string $login;

        formatter: RegistrationViolationsFormatter::class,
    private string $password;

In this example, RegistrationViolationsFormatter is used to format constraint violations for both LoginAlreadyTakenException and WeakPasswordException (though you are perfectly fine to use separate formatters), enriching them with additional context.