
A way to easily get phploc stats into your program.

v1.1.1 2020-11-01 10:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:24:37 UTC


TravisCI Test Coverage

I made a timelapse of the creation of this project up to v1.0.0. You can watch it at

PHPLOCAnalyzer is a PHP Experts, Inc., Project meant to automate the reporting from sebastianbergmann/phploc.

It turns this

  Lines of Code (LOC)                              687
  Comment Lines of Code (CLOC)                     143 (20.82%)
  Non-Comment Lines of Code (NCLOC)                544 (79.18%)
  Logical Lines of Code (LLOC)                     188 (27.37%)
    Classes                                        168 (89.36%)
      Average Class Length                          42
        Minimum Class Length                        10
        Maximum Class Length                        94
      Average Method Length                          3
        Minimum Method Length                        0
        Maximum Method Length                       11
    Functions                                        0 (0.00%)
      Average Function Length                        0
    Not in classes or functions                     20 (10.64%)

Cyclomatic Complexity
  Average Complexity per LLOC                     0.42
  Average Complexity per Class                   20.75
    Minimum Class Complexity                      1.00
    Maximum Class Complexity                     44.00
  Average Complexity per Method                   3.06
    Minimum Method Complexity                     1.00
    Maximum Method Complexity                    15.00

  Global Accesses                                    0
    Global Constants                                 0 (0.00%)
    Global Variables                                 0 (0.00%)
    Super-Global Variables                           0 (0.00%)
  Attribute Accesses                                55
    Non-Static                                      55 (100.00%)
    Static                                           0 (0.00%)
  Method Calls                                      47
    Non-Static                                      41 (87.23%)
    Static                                           6 (12.77%)

  Namespaces                                         1
  Interfaces                                         1
  Traits                                             1
  Classes                                            2
    Abstract Classes                                 2 (100.00%)
    Concrete Classes                                 0 (0.00%)
  Methods                                           46
      Non-Static Methods                            46 (100.00%)
      Static Methods                                 0 (0.00%)
      Public Methods                                30 (65.22%)
      Non-Public Methods                            16 (34.78%)
  Functions                                          2
    Named Functions                                  0 (0.00%)
    Anonymous Functions                              2 (100.00%)
  Constants                                          3
    Global Constants                                 0 (0.00%)
    Class Constants                                  3 (100.00%)

into this:

    "directories": 2,
    "files": 12,
    "size": {
        "loc": 1870,
        "loc_comments": 383,
        "loc_noncomment": 1487,
        "loc_logical": 454,
        "loc_global_scope": 67,
        "classes": 385,
        "class_length_avg": 32,
        "class_length_min": 1,
        "class_length_max": 94,
        "method_length_avg": 4,
        "method_length_min": 0,
        "method_length_max": 17,
        "functions": 2,
        "function_length_avg": 0
    "cyclomatic": {
        "lloc": 0.22,
        "class_avg": 9.33,
        "class_min": 1,
        "class_max": 44,
        "method_avg": 2.1,
        "method_min": 1,
        "method_max": 15
    "dependencies": {
        "global_constants": 0,
        "global_variables": 0,
        "super_globals": 0,
        "attributes_nonstatic": 85,
        "attributes_static": 0,
        "methodcalls_nonstatic": 128,
        "methodcalls_static": 73
    "structure": {
        "namespaces": 3,
        "interfaces": 1,
        "traits": 1,
        "classes_abstract": 2,
        "classes_concrete": 8,
        "methods_scope_nonstatic": 95,
        "methods_scope_static": 0,
        "visibility_public": 72,
        "visibility_nonpublic": 23,
        "functions_named": 0,
        "functions_anonymous": 3,
        "constants_global": 0,
        "constants_class": 3


Via Composer

composer require phpexperts/phploc-analyzer


use \PHPExperts\PHPLOCAnalyzer\PHPLOCAnalyzer;
$phplocDTO = PHPLOCAnalyzer::analyze('/code/path');
echo json_encode($phplocDTO, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);


phpunit --testdox


Theodore R. Smith
GPG Fingerprint: 4BF8 2613 1C34 87AC D28F 2AD8 EB24 A91D D612 5690
CEO: PHP Experts, Inc.


MIT license. Please see the license file for more information.