
Prints PHP Errors that have been logged to DynamoDB

0.2 2013-11-15 10:11 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 04:27:24 UTC


Watch and search Logs entries stored in a DynamoDB table

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DTail is available on Packagist.

To install with composer, add: "otternq/dtail": "dev-master" to composer.json in the require section:

"require": {
    "php": ">=5.3.3",
    "otternq/dtail": "dev-master"

then run php composer.phar update (or php composer.phar install depending on the situation) and let composer do the rest.


If you want to incoorperate this into another system, see Usage 1. If you just want to see the log entries, see Usage 2

###Usage 1

include "vendor/autoload.php";

use Colors\Color;

use Aws\Common\Aws;
use Aws\DynamoDb\DynamoDbClient;

use DTail\DTail;

$config = array(
    'dyn-table' => 'PHPErrors',
    'dyn-key'    => YOUR_AWS_KEY,
    'dyn-secret' => YOUR_AWS_SECRET,
    'dyn-region' => 'us-east-1'

$dynamodbClient = DynamoDbClient::factory(array(
    'key'    => $config['dyn-key'],
    'secret' => $config['dyn-secret'],
    'region' => $config['dyn-region'],

$dtail = new DTail($dynamodbClient);

$iterator = $dtail->get(

foreach($iterator as $item) {

###Usage 2

If you just want to watch/search log files then use the bin/dtail command:

bin/dtail -f /path/to/config/file.php

the config file will look like:

return array(
    'dyn-table' => 'PHPErrors',
    'dyn-key'    => YOUR_AWS_KEY,
    'dyn-secret' => YOUR_AWS_SECRET,
    'dyn-region' => 'us-east-1'

and the output will look like:

Channel           Date Time   Level      Message                                                      Context
PHPErrorReporter  2013-11-14  WARNING    Test                                                         []
PHPErrorReporter  2013-11-14  WARNING    E_WARNING: Division by zero                                  {"file":"/path/to/DTail/app.php","line":26}
PHPErrorReporter  2013-11-14  NOTICE     E_NOTICE: Undefined variable: foo                            {"file":"/path/to/DTail/error.php","line":27}
PHPErrorReporter  2013-11-14  WARNING    E_WARNING: Division by zero                                  {"file":"/path/to/DTail/error.php","line":28}
PHPErrorReporter  2013-11-14  NOTICE     E_NOTICE: Use of undefined constant T - assumed 'T'          {"file":"/path/to/DTail/error.php","line":29}
PHPErrorReporter  2013-11-14  ERROR      Uncaught exception                                           {"exception":{"class":"Exception","message":"$arr has no element with index: dyn->key","file":"/path/to/DTail/Utils/Arr.php:26","trace":["/path/to/DTail/bin/app.php:36"]}}


This tool was written to read log messages stored by monolog using the DynamoDB handler and the DynamoDB structure is displayed on Issue 259.