
SDK for Backend PHP SDK for resolving idToken and more.

1.21.0 2024-06-04 12:15 UTC


A. OTPLessAuth Dependency

install Below dependency in your project's

composer require otpless/otpless-auth-sdk

you can also get latest version of dependency at https://packagist.org/packages/otpless/otpless-auth-sdk

B. OTPLessAuth class

The OtplessAuth class provides methods to integrate OTPLess authentication into your PHP backend application. This documentation explains the usage of the class and its methods.


1. decodeIdToken

This method help to resolve idToken(JWT token) which is issued by OTPLess which return user detail from that token also this method verify that token is valid, token should not expired and issued by only otpless.com

Method Signature:
decodeIdToken(id_token, client_id, client_secret, audience=None)

Method Params:


Return: Object Name: UserDetail

{'success': True, 'auth_time': 1697649943, 'phone_number': '+9193******', 'email': 'dev***@gmail.com', 'name': 'Devloper From OTP-less', 'country_code': '+91', 'national_phone_number': '9313******'}

2. verify code

This method help to resolve code which is return from OTPLess which will return user detail from that code also this method verify that code is valid, code should not expired and issued by only otpless.com

Method Signature:
verifyCode(code, client_id, client_secret)

Method Params:


Return: Object Name: UserDetail

{'success': True, 'auth_time': 1697649943, 'phone_number': '+9193******', 'email': 'dev***@gmail.com', 'name': 'Devloper From OTP-less', 'country_code': '+91', 'national_phone_number': '9313******'}

3. Verify Auth Token

This method help to resolve token which is issued by OTPLess which return user detail from that token also this method verify that token is valid, token should not expired and issued by only otpless.com

Method Signature:
verifyToken(token, client_id, client_secret)

Method Params:


Return: Object Name: UserDetail

{'success': True, 'auth_time': 1697649943, 'phone_number': '+9193******', 'email': 'dev***@gmail.com', 'name': 'Devloper From OTP-less', 'country_code': '+91', 'national_phone_number': '9313******'}

4. Generate Magic link

The Authorization Endpoint initiates the authentication process by sending a magic link to the user's WhatsApp or email, based on the provided contact information. This link is used to verify the identity of the user. Upon the user's action on this link, they are redirected to the specified URI with an authorization code included in the redirection.

Method Signature:
generateMagicLink(mobile_number, email, client_id, client_secret,redirect_uri,channel)

Method Params:


Return: Object Name: RquestIds


Example of usage

require '../vendor/autoload.php';

use Otpless\OTPLessAuth; 

// Your ID token to decode
$token = 'your token here';

$clientId = 'your client id here';
$clientSecret = 'your client secret here';
// Initialize the library class
$auth = new OtplessAuth(); 


5. Send OTP

This method help to send OTP to your users and OTP issued by only otpless.com

sendOtp(phoneNumber, email, orderId, expiry, hash, clientId, clientSecret, otpLength, channel)

Method Params:



6. ReSend OTP

This method help to resend OTP to your users and OTP issued by only otpless.com

resendOtp(orderId, clientId, clientSecret)

Method Params:



7. Verify OTP

This method help to Verify OTP to your users and OTP issued by only otpless.com

Method Signature:
verifyOtp(phoneNumber,email, orderId, otp, clientId, clientSecret)

Method Params:


8. Send OTP V2

This method help to send OTP to your users and OTP issued by only otpless.com

sendOtp(clientId, clientSecret, phoneNumber, email, expiry, hash, otpLength, channels, metadata)

Method Params:


200 OK

  "requestId": "82b2891ce5394eeb837cc9d7850fef68"


  "message": "Invalid Request",
  "description": "Request error: OTP Length is invalid. 4 and 6 only allowed"

9. verify otp V2

verifyOtp(clientId, clientSecret, requestId, otp)

Method Params:


200 OK

  "requestId": "bb85a5e777004c0fa1d4a5dc6f053cce",
  "isOTPVerified": true,
  "message": "OTP verified successfully"


  "message": "Invalid Request",
  "description": "Request error: Invalid token/request Id"

9. send magic link

generateMagicLink(clientId, clientSecret, phoneNumber, email, expiry, redirectURI, channels, metadata)

Method Params:


200 OK

  "requestId": "c4db2da14be94f44b2de64753ab8c30b"


  "message": "Invalid Request",
  "description": "Request error: Invalid redirect URI"

10. send otp link

generateOTPLink(clientId, clientSecret, phoneNumber, email, expiry, hash, otpLength, redirectURI, channels, metadata)

Method Params:


200 OK

  "requestId": "df0228c84de845d2ab1f377d0f407c68"


  "message": "Invalid Request",
  "description": "Request error: Invalid phone number's channel"

9. verify code

verifyCode(clientId, clientSecret, code)

Method Params:


200 OK

  "requestId": "7bb4738eXXXXXXXXXX",
  "message": "Code verified successfully",
  "userDetails": {
    "token": "7bXX4738eXXXXXXXXXX",
    "timestamp": "2024-05-29T14:09:42Z",
    "identities": [
        "identityType": "MOBILE",
        "identityValue": "9195XXXXXXXX",
        "channel": "WHATSAPP",
        "methods": ["WHATSAPP"],
        "name": "XXX",
        "verified": true,
        "verifiedAt": "2024-05-29T14:09:01Z"
    "network": {
      "ip": "35.154.XX.XXX",
      "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
      "ipLocation": {
        "city": {
          "name": "Mumbai"
        "subdivisions": {
          "code": "MH",
          "name": "Maharashtra"
        "country": {
          "code": "IN",
          "name": "India"
        "continent": {
          "code": "AS"
        "latitude": 11.0748,
        "longitude": 22.8856,
        "postalCode": "123456"
    "deviceInfo": {
      "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.5 Safari/605.1.15"


  "message": "Expired",
  "description": "Request error: Token is expired"

11. initiateOAuth

initiateOAuth(clientId, clientSecret, channels, redirectURI, expiry, metadata)

Method Params:


200 OK

  "requestId": "7bb4738e978XXXXXXX",
  "link": "whatsapp://send?phone=919XXXXXX&text=%E2%80%8E%E2%80%8C%E2%80%8E%E2%80%8E%E2%80%8E%E2%80%8C%E2%80%8D%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8D%E2%80%8C%E2%80%8E%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8ESend%20message%20to%20sign%20in"


  "message": "Invalid Request",
  "description": "Request error: Invalid redirect URI"

12. check status

checkStatus($clientId, $clientSecret, $requestId)

Method Params:


200 OK

  "token": "5b59fd875e6848d6bd1c97aefe83d8b5",
  "timestamp": "2024-05-30T08:12:18Z",
  "identities": [
      "identityType": "MOBILE",
      "identityValue": "9195XXXX3993",
      "channel": "WHATSAPP",
      "methods": ["WHATSAPP"],
      "name": "viKi!",
      "verified": true,
      "verifiedAt": "2024-05-30T08:11:24Z"
  "network": {
    "ip": "13.235.XX.XXX",
    "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
    "ipLocation": {
      "city": {
        "name": "Mumbai"
      "subdivisions": {
        "code": "MH",
        "name": "Maharashtra"
      "country": {
        "code": "IN",
        "name": "India"
      "continent": {
        "code": "AS"
      "latitude": 11.0748,
      "longitude": 22.8856,
      "postalCode": "123456"
  "deviceInfo": {
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.5 Safari/605.1.15"


  "message": "Invalid Request",
  "description": "Request error: Invalid token/request Id"