
The Hyperf adapter for Inertia.js.

v1.0.9 2024-07-11 09:59 UTC


Visit inertiajs.com to learn more.


  • Programmatically initialize node_modules.


  • composer require onix-systems-php/hyperf-inertia require package.
  • php ./bin/hyperf.php vendor:publish onix-systems-php/hyperf-inertia publish config and middleware from package.
  • npm init init package.json if not exist
  • php ./bin/hyperf.php inertia:init Initialize inertia.
  • Add commands to the package.json
    "scripts": {
      "dev": "vite",
      "build": "vite build",
      "build-ssr": "vite build && vite build --ssr" (optional)
  • npm i install node_modules packages
  • Run inertia:
    • npm run dev for development
    • npm run build for production

Note If you use Svelte, package.json type must be module. "type": "module"


Next we need to setup the Inertia middleware, in file ./config/middlewares.php . You can accomplish this by publishing the HandleInertiaMiddleware middleware to your application.

Note This middleware must be placed before the validation middleware.

'http' => [

Creating responses

    #[GetMapping(path: '/test-feedback')]
    public function test(RequestInterface $request)
        return inertia('Test', [
            'title' => 'Feedback form',
            'formTitle' => "What's on your mind?"
    public function testFeedback(RequestInterface $request)
        $rules = [
            'fullname' => 'required|string|min:3|max:255',
            'email' => 'required|email',
            'message' => 'required|string|min:10|max:255',

        $validator = $this->validationFactory->make($request->all(), $rules);

        return redirect_with('test-feedback', [
            'alert' => [
                'message' => 'Feedback was successfully sent',
                'type' => 'success',

Frontend Part

After executing php ./bin/hyperf.php inertia:init you will get the folder structure.

├── storage
│   ├── inertia
│   │    ├── css
│   │    │  └── app.css
│   │    └── js
│   │       ├── Components  
│   │       ├── Layouts  
│   │       ├── Pages
│   │       ├── app.js
│   │       ├── sst.js (optional)
│   │       └── bootstrap.js
│   ├── view
│   │    └── layouts 
│   │       └── app.blade.php
│   └── ...
├── vite.config.json
└── ... 

In folders Components, Layouts, Pages you can create your own components, layouts and pages.


In the ./bin/hyperf.php inertia:init process, you can select ssr. If you have set ssr separately, you can copy this file from hyperf-inertia/src/Commands/Stubs/{your_framework}/ssr.{ext} Or read the inertia documentation .

How to run ssr

  • npm run build-ssr
  • php ./bin/hyperf.php inertia:start-ssr into container run command to start ssr server.

Environment variables

  • INERTIA_SSR_ENABLED - If you are using ssr, set to true. By default false.
  • INERTIA_SSR_URL - URL of the ssr server. By default
  • INERTIA_IS_SECURE - If you are using http, set to false. By default true.
  • INERTIA_SKIP_URL_PREFIX - If you need to skip url, set to prefix. Prefixes should be specified as a string using the separator ,. By default empty string. Example v1,api. All requests starting with this prefix will be skipped in inertia.
  • INERTIA_NO_SKIP_EXTRA_PATH When prefix exist in to INERTIA_SKIP_URL_PREFIX, but an exception must be made for a separate path. The extra path should be specified as a string using the separator ,. By default empty string. Example admin/login,admin/forgot.

Examples of frontend files

In the package you can find example files for the frontend. vendor/onix-systems-php/hyperf-inertia/example There is also an example controller here.

  • It is necessary to connect styles in inertia.blade.php <link href="https://unpkg.com/tailwindcss@^2/dist/tailwind.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

Note If you are using arm64, you need to add @rollup/rollup-darwin-arm64, this is only for svelte