
v1.1 2020-06-06 17:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 19:13:04 UTC


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Official API to create modules for m'Manager | Invoices Management System

If you're using m'Manager | Invoices Management System for your buisiness and as a Web Developer, you want to extend it with your own free or Premium Modules, this package is designed to help you achieve the task with less effort.



In the composer.json file of your m'Manager installation, add this line:

"require-dev": {
	"onericcomputing/mmanager-module-builder": "dev-master"

Then run a composer update .


In a CodeIgniter controller file, add these lines

<?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

use Mmanager\Domain\Repository\Customer\CustomerRepository;
use Mmanager\Persistence\Adapter\CodeIgniter\QueryBuilder;

In your class, define a test function

public function test()
	// Create a new instance of CI Query Builder
	$driver = new QueryBuilder();

	// Pass CI Query Builder to Customer Repository
	$customerRepo = new CustomerRepository($driver);

	$results = $customerRepo->findAll(1);
	echo var_dump($results->result_array());


MIT License